Cool Whip

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Jeez now you are attacking my families favourite foods. My kids have grown up on macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes with brown gravy and don't forget all the various forms of frozen potatoes. As too powdered soup mixes I don't know which you use but the ones we use have a lot a flavour and texture. I especially like the chicken tortilla soup and the potatoe soups. I also use a lot of Fr.Onion packs when cooking veggies. I really like convenience and I find this stuff to have lots of flavour. Try the Mac and Cheese mixed with a can of Tuna...great.

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I hesitate to comment because again, I can't tell exactly what you are referring to due to your top posting. However, I also add sugar to cream before I whip it. If your cream tastes sour, it is spoiled.

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Vox Humana

I'm not attacking anything. I'm just stating my opinion. People tend to like what they are familiar with. Few people bake from scratch and it seems that few people cook from basic ingredients. Therefore, they acquire food preferences for things like Twinkies and shun whole wheat bread made from scratch. You stated that real whipped cream was not acceptable to most people. I question this as a survey can be skewed by the polling technique and the way the questions are stated. If you prefer instant potatoes to home made mashed potatoes then in some ways you have the advantage. There are times that I wish that when confronted with choices that I would gravitate towards the inexpensive, easy, and quick alternative. Unfortunately I always gravitate towards high-end goods and more labor intensive foods made from basic ingredients. I have nieces that won't touch anything but McNuggets and fries. They only drink chocolate milk and soda. I'm sure they are quite likely to choose Cool Whip over real whipped cream too.

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Vox Humana

You can get real whipped cream out of a can. It is ultra-pasturized and has a long shelf life. The only work involved is removing the cap and pressing the nozzle.

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Vox Humana

Using your logic, latex paint would be an acceptable food.

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Vox Humana

Fat free doens't equal healthy. Just as I pointed out earlier, Cool Whip has saturated fat which isn't healthy. It has 60% of its calories from fat, and that is twice the recommended level for healthy eating. You mentioned that your kids ate popsicles and cookies dipped into Cool Whip. That is far from healthy eating.

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Vox Humana

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Matt, it's been great taking with you, but all things considered, your posts seem a bit trollish.

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Vox Humana

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Or another variation: Do it without the crust in a square 8-inch cake pan, cut down by almost half the Cool whip, let cool, cut into squares. Noce cheesecake bars -- still kinda soft, so refrig or semi-freeze before cutting and serving.

I'm sure there are recipes out there for similar things done more accurately.

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Why all the basshing of Cool Whip? Some things that are imitations, or substitutions, may not taste the same to the purists, but they have their place, convenienece of use, and in some cases may actually be better.

I can take one spoonful of Cool Whip out of the freezer whene I would not consider making "purist" whipped cream. I can put a dessert topped with Cool Whip back in the fridge or freexer and have it retain its shape, whereas cream will dissolve and run all over the place. etc., etc.

Sometimes it's better, sometimes close to the same, sometimes not. All in our choices.

Similarly, yesterday I made beans and rice from (heaven forbid!) canned red beans. No, I didn't soak the dried bag of beans overnight and cook for hours. So shoot me. I can do the other. But these tasted just fine for my porpoises.

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I agree about all of those, but some of them have a place in my cupboard for occasional use. Cool Whip isn't one, though, or Tang. Now and then I'll want the speed of a boxed mac&cheese mix, or instant potatoes.

Not often. But once in a while when I'm tired.. . . . .

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Alan Moorman

Right you are! Reddi-Whip to the rescue!

MUCH better than Cool Whip!

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Alan Moorman

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