Corinabeads and challenges

Real Estate in my area would send a die hard Cali resident to their knees--lemme grab my local paper and share an ad or two with you guys.

"Three bedroom home on two acres.....Washer /dryer hookup, stove and refri, two outbuildings. $22,000" "Recently Remodeled...Brick and Vinyl, one bath, lg backyard w/chain link fence, carport w/storage, utility room, hardwood floors. Great Starter Home. $65,000" "New House for sale, 2400 sq ft, 3/4 bdrms, lg bonus room,3 baths, hardwood flooring, custom cabiners, jacuzzi tub. $169,000" "2600 sq ft with partial finished basement, 4 bdrm, 4 bath, vaulted ceilings, tile and wood floors, screended porch, 7yrs old with nice shady lot. $189,000"

See what I mean? And these are higher than what we normally see around here.

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Yeah, but...they are "there". Pack one up and move it out here, and I'd consider it! Price ain't everything!

The Blessed Fiddy, Patroness Saint of the Disorganized LC in Sunny So Cal Personality Development Specialist (Full-Time Mom!)

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LC aka Fiddy
*sigh* If I could pack one up and move it out there, do you really think I'd let anyone else have it? lol!
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My point exactly!


The Blessed Fiddy, Patroness Saint of the Disorganized LC in Sunny So Cal Personality Development Specialist (Full-Time Mom!)

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LC aka Fiddy

Well said, and exactly what I was thinking.

I remember a time when I *swore* I would never spend more than ten bucks for a pair of jeans. At the time, my take-home pay, for 40 hours a week, was 66 bucks. Now, although I try not to do it very often , it doesn't seem weird to me to pay 30-40 dollars for jeans.

Hobby money for me might be fifty bucks a month (heh), but for someone else, maybe it's ten times that.

Cheers, Carla

Dr. Sooz wrote:

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Where is that? India?

$20K won't even add a room to an existing house, here. And may not even be enough to remodel the kitchen. Kaytee "Simplexities" on

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Sikeston, Missouri--or as DH calls it, Sucks-a-ton, Misery.

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On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 16:14:55 -0400, Candace~ wrote (in message ):

Oh. My. God.

I would need almost forty times that amount to buy my house (and it's not a great house). The average house in the Boston area is right around $750,000. A four bedroom in one of the nicer communities would be well over a million. In a top-tier suburb, it would be double or triple that, depending on the amount of land and how nice the house is.

Are you serious - you can buy a four bedroom home for less than the cost of a car? That's astonishing.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

In my home town you can purchase a three bedroom house with land for $30K.

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I can't even have my garage remodeled for that!


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~Candace~ wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

They've been saying that here for about ten years. Still going up... so far.


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LC aka Fiddy wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

My friend Michael is looking at a 4-bedroom brick home in Baltimore that's up for sale for $18,000.


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Kaytee wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

Many serious art collectors have no intention of ever selling their collection.

I have the start of a decent lampwork collection and it will never be sold while I'm alive, barring unforeseen financial hardship. Some of my collection has little resale value... I bought the beads for their value to me, as art. So, to me, they were art worthy of adding to my collection... collectible art.

Semantics are interesting. What a word or phrase means to one person may be radically different for another.


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Christ> You know, I really hate that word, "collectible", as well as the concept.

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Kalera Stratton

Wow! Where do you *live*?? That would barely be a down payment for a 4 bedroom here in Washington.

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Kandice Seeber

:) I agree. I don't like all of Corina's sets, but that's a subjective thing. There are sets of hers that I like way more than the one we're talking about, but that's a personal preference thing. When someone falls in love with something and has to have it no matter what, that's good for everyone. :) I just hope everyone can remember that Corina is a person and she sees all of this and has feelings about it. People should read the chats on her website, because there are some people really trash talking her, and it's really uncalled-for. (Not here, of course, we're pretty good about respecting people for the most part) Here's her page, the chat is Wednesday:

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Kandice Seeber

It's a shame that folks bash her. I'm not saying I don't think some of the same things about some folks being better than Corina. I think it's hurtful to say those things in a very public forum. I'm actually happy she received such a high bid. Yes there is a cult around Corina that I'm hard pressed to understand but don't we all kinda want the same thing?

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Hee hee. A Corina cult. I'm sure she'd get a kick out of that.

I think it's called charisma.

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Lori Greenberg

I bet she would get a kick out of a Corina cult. However cult is the word I wanted. I know one follower that thinks Corina hung the moon and can do no wrong. She doesn't see Corina as another person. Instead the person sees Corina more like a goddess, an untouchable. I know others like her and it just befuddles me. I think Corina does have a lot of charisma and talent. If it wasn't for Corina's books and videos I would never have some of the skills I posses today. I don't however idolize her and can and do see her as a normal everyday person.

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That's interesting. I do really like her but she's anything but untouchable. I know what you mean by that though...I used to get that feeling from some of the better known polymer clay artists that I came into contact with when that was my medium. They were very unapproachable and it was kind of weird. It's even more weird now that I look back.

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Lori Greenberg

On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 23:50:58 -0400, Kandice Seeber wrote (in message ):

These are some people who should thank God that they don't have my mother around to teach them manners. You don't go into someone's home and criticize them (web site, home, same concept). Unbelievable. I don't know Corina, but I respect her ability, and am glad that she's gotten some more people to think of lampwork as art. I still think that the price she got for those beads will prove to be irretreivable by the buyer, but hey, more power to her.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

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