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When I got a lampworking kit, there was a metal band that fit around the small MAPP gas cylinder and a C-clamp. I attach it to my kitchen table and it securely holds the can still. Although I wonder if that would burn *too* hot? Might turn your whole length of wire into a ball?

If you try it, be sure to hold the wire in pliers. It gets hot fast. I also keep a bowl of water on the table, and after the ball is formed, drop the wire into the water.

Cheers, Carla

Christ> We have a torch that's not very adjustable that we use to light the

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I found (because I thought the same would happen to me if I tried hammering wire) that you can flatten ends of wire with a C-clamp. I have one lying around for cracking macadamia nuts, it's a bit bigger than the one that comes with the hothead kit, but I could see that one working too.

Meant to reply earlier, but I only had Seamonkey running at work and it doesn't show the captchas (at Google).

Maren HiloBeads: Beads - Beading Supplies - Hand-made Jewelry

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Maren at google

Oh, I like that idea. I'm more likely to be consistent at how much I tighten a screw, than at how hard I hammer something.


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Christina Peterson

Uh, Just what does that mean?


"Maren at google" wrote >

Reply to
Christina Peterson

I post from Google these days as our local news server has fallen into disrepair. Google has these "graphical thingies" that have letters/ words in them that you have to type in to verify that you're a human rather than a bot (they're called captcha or something rather close to that). I can see them when I use Firefox, but when I use Seamonkey (which is an older version of the same thing but has integrated email) it doesn't show them so I can't know what to type in there, so I can only read but not post.

Hope this clears it up some?


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Maren at google

LOL. My mental imagine was quite different and more entertaining!

I thought maybe you had some sort of plant or animal giving birth, or that "Seamonkey" was the name of your cat and it was running around catching and caching some kind of critter for later meals.


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Christina Peterson

One of the cats has been out catching rodents lately - but their names are Tsume, 'Alani and Mikiaoluku III

- And I almost continuously have plants giving birth :-) -


Reply to
Maren at google

Also, hammering makes noise. Small town as Hilo is, the neighbors are still fairly close. I think I may try to make long paddles and rolling them up and see how that comes out. - There's a purpose behind this: I'm trying to make earrings with something like cooling coils. The wire cages on the hoop earrings don't work that well. -


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Maren at google

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