OT:Bunny Day Pictures

*Sigh* where to start...

We get to my aunt's around 2:00, only to find out that my uncle had called and said he was going to wait awhile because it was trying to rain. So my mom and I go back to her house. She calls my aunt (bunny uncle's wife) and she says, "he just called and said he's picking them up now." (By then it had stopped raining) So back over we go.

Now I had thought they were going to put up a little corral of sorts to keep the rabbits somewhat together. Wrong. They figured it would be more fun for Bekah to be able to chase them around the yard.

And it was supposed to be set up so she could go out back and play with the bunnies by herself for awhile. Wrong again. There was a itty bitty white rabbit that kept getting through the fence. So some people had to be stationed around the yard to keep that one from escaping.

So she comes out...instead of being interested in the rabbits, she's more concerned with the bugs flying around. There were a couple of bees here and there, but she was flipping out about little gnats too. Oh well. We did manage to get her to pet a few of them. *After* convincing her there were no bugs to be seen. LOL.

So 11 rabbits flying around the yard, a bunch of adults trying to keep track of them, storm clouds and thunder getting closer, same adults trying to wrangle those suckers up. Interesting day!

And yeah, only 11. The pet store couldn't get anymore. Probably a good thing, my uncle originally wanted 50! LMAO!

Here's the link to the few pictures I managed to get. As soon as the rabbits were out of the cages, they took off.

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Rachel T.
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ROFL...yep!..she's a kid for sure! Nice to see a kid acting like a kid, illness aside!

Sorry the bunnies were so cantankerous!

The Blessed Fiddy, Patroness Saint of the Disorganized LC in Sunny So Cal Personality Development Specialist (Full-Time Mom!)

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LC aka Fiddy

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Rachel T." :


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aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww. i love the lop-eared ones!

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Awwwwwwwwww. I'm sorry things didn't go as planned! They're some cute bunnies though!

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Cute bunnies! I hope you were able to round them all up again ok.

Tink Check here for available work:

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Poor little bunny4 looks like he's trying to do number 2. They are so cute.

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Deborah Barilleaux

"Tinkster" wrote

Yep. There were plenty of people around to scoop 'em up. The little suckers had some sharp nails though!


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Rachel T.

LOL! I realized that when I was resizing the pictures! I managed to snao the pic just as it was bouncing off. And THAT little brat was the one that kept escaping through the fence!


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Rachel T.

Ah well. They were indeed cute. There was one they called a "Mane" rabbit. It had fur around it's face like a lion's mane. He cost $75! We were sure not to lose him!


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Rachel T.

Well, this just goes to show it was a good thing that Make a Wish Foundation didn't go with her original wish, and that she was persuaded to make a wish for something she can enjoy for a while which won't require constant adult supervision :)


Rachel T. wrote:

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