OT Having a simple day

My eyes and head are protesting loudly and painfully at the amount of strain and noise I've been putting them thru lately, and using the computer isn't helping one bit. I've been working on crocheted amulet bags as a way to set my macrame aside, since I'm feeling burnt out on it. Unfortunately, Mr. Migraine decided he didn't like Mr. Detailed Work or Mr. Level of Noise Produced by Children, so my head has been one big massive explosion for two days.

I've been able to slowly work my way thru most of the posts, but I can't seem to look at the screen for more than 5 minutes before I start getting streaks in my vision, like the screen is dirty. I actually thought ~that~ was the problem, and cleaned my screen, twice, before realising the problem.

So, I'm sending out all my healing and helping vibeys, all my congratulations, and all my oohss and aahhhs from here, because I don't think I'll be responding to many posts today.

I'm especially sending some vibeys to Starlia, to Harry, to Kathy, and to Helen's friend's father over in the UK. Feel better and better!

~Candace~ your local hemp goddess :)

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Here's a beaded crochet bag I made last year, about 3 x 5.

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Hope you get feeling better. Tina


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Christina Peterson

Aw Candace hope you feel better soon. I can't imagine having a migraine and having kids around. Good thing I only have cats and they are fairly quiet - headaches suck.


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Thank you Kathy...the kids don't seem to know how to have aquiet day, so I just sent them off to Burger King with Dh to get 99cent whoppers for dinner. Fianlly! Nothing more than the sound of my own cat! Ha!

~Candace~ your local hemp goddess :)

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*hugs* Candace, glad you finally got some peace!
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Helen Page


yes! I did! so what did I do? lol the dishes....oh well..it needed doing.

~Candace~ your local hemp goddess :)

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thank you Starlia, I could really use a hug right now!

~Candace~ your local hemp goddess :)

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me too, Dh, three, ds, four, and other ds five! I bookmarked that page so I can look at how much better you are at this than I am, lol. thank you for showing it to me.

~Candace~ your local hemp goddess :)

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Oh, I know that feeling... blessed silence...

So rare and precious.


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Candace wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

That silence is one of the great blessings I have. I have a fairly busy road going past, but I'm 5 miles from town. When I'm in a city, I am aware of a constant general roar in the background -- and middle ground too. Here it's quiet enough to hear cars go by, and the occasional aircraft. Occasionally I hear children, and I often hear dogs. More often it's the squirrels I hear.


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Christina Peterson

I know what you mean. Our current location has some interesting background noises... we have what I call "God Trailers" behind us, which is a revival church housed in two big blue trailers. There is gospel music and loud preaching going on constantly. We live half a block from a park, so we also hear the crowds at softball and soccer games. It's acually pretty cool. :) Very little traffic noise, yay! Our old house was on a busy street and I'm so glad to be away from that.


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Christ> That silence is one of the great blessings I have. I have a fairly busy

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Kalera Stratton

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