[OT] The Bachelorette

So who do you think it'll be, Matthew or Ian?

I am worried that Ian rocks her world too much. Matthew is such a better long-term prospect, I think. But how can anyone resist a guy like Ian who very obviously has the moves, not that Matthew doesn't, but he just doesn't have the whiff of "Bad Boy" that Ian has. But then again Ian tempers his "Bad Boy"-ishness with vulnerability and being so damned enigmatic.

I don't know what I'd do.

Well, okay, I do know. I'd have picked Lanny and found a way to find a spot for his mother in the back forty. I'm a horse person and that stud farm would be way too hard to resist. Well, other than the mother part of it. I mean I can understand her concerns and her love for her son but I don't think I could handle her for the rest of my married life.

Okay, so maybe I wouldn't have picked Lanny. But how brutal is the choice between Matthew and Ian? I'd pick rural over city life though but that's just me.

I don't envy Meredith her decision.

- Sandy

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This is the first Bachelorette/Bachelor that I haven't watched. I don't care for Meredith at all.

Now Bob was in Albq this past Tuesday and I forgot til today. Bummer.

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Debbie B

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