So do you think I'll manage to stitch tonight.?



Should I try for a tally folks? I was going to garden, but family stuff got in the way. I'm totally exhausted now, dinner is in the distant future and I might fall asleep before it...

And Ellice - I never did find pink peppercorns. Pink Salt, but not pink peppercorns...


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Cheryl Isaak
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LOL - I'll put some in the package that I've got to send you, anyhow. Peppercorns and stitchy stuff - c'est parfait.

Anything else????

At least I finally stitched some - got some basketweaving with Waterlillies done - and was able to pull out a couple of stitches that were done earlier and weren't exactly right. I sometimes hate when I know a piece is going in for judging. I decided that doing basketweave under the magnifier was too obsessive. So, I just stitched (with laying tool) and it looks good. But, the magnifier was very handy with trying to pull out a few stitches - darn, that silk does shred. Hoping for a marathon of stitching tonight, as I'm hoping to get to the framer tomorrow or at latest Thursday morning. And I do have to work, but only from 6-10 tomorrow.

Woohoo - now off to WW.


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When I have a day like that....I usually only stitch if I've got a "simple" section to work on. Otherwise I end up frogging.

After taking DM to Nordstrom's Cafe for lunch I did get a little stitching in....after I read some more of that book. Next on the agenda is to figure out the stitches on an UFO of my mom's that just needs a little work. Of course she left the "hardest" part. Who knows how long this has been sitting around. The bag had a sales slip from the mid-80s!!!! That's after I spray for the carpenter ants. Sigh. I wish they would just go away!


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We-ell, if we're gonna brag........................ I haven't picked up a needle in a month. That little cold I got turned into a major cold, which then morphed into bronchitis and, inevitably, on into yet another bout of pneumonia. Damned inconvenient, when I have so much I want to get on with. However, being unable to do much except lie there, and read - although I am about out of reading matter and gone back to the classics again - I have at least planned some new patterns to make on my PMB software when I get to the point where I can sit at this 'ere machine for longer than ten minutes at a time.

Oh, this week I am re-reading Galsworthy's "Forsyte Saga."

Olwyn Mary in New Orleans.

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Well, I did stitch for a little bit - 30-40 stitches in a nice enclosed area in one color.

I think we may have carpenter ants too. After the dog goes back tomorrow, I think I have find some heavier duty ant killer.

Which book?

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak


That's the kind I would have worked on.

They are the hardest to get rid of with the wild cherry tree nearby that is infested. Wish the neighbor would get rid of it.

"The Forgotten Garden." I highly recommend it.


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Thank you to whoever recommended "Shadow of the Wind." I finished it this morning, and really enjoyed it. Wonderfully crafted. Now the question is - whether to try to get the prequel, now on the NYT bestseller list - right away, or let the first story "settle" for awhile?

sue (decisions, decisions....)

Reply to
Susan Hartman

LOL - I'm feeling the same way. But, DH is reffing a double of summer HS/College hockey tonight, so I'm solo. Which means really light "salad for dinner" and stitch-a-thon.

I'm sorry. I'm glad that at least this house with the tubes in the walls, which get charged with pesticide every 3 months, seems to work. We had ants aboaut 2.5 moonths ago, the guy came out, recharged the tubes, (we were overdue), and did some stuff in the yard. Ants gone. The dog feed station is near the sliders to the deck from the breakfast room - and that's where we had them. But, all cleaned up. Our close friends have been battling the ant thing for 2 years - it's a mess, they're on the 2nd service, put down traps, all kinds of things.

Ah, that's a conundrum. If you haven't read the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency series, start at the beginning and go for it. It's quite uplifting, IMHO, in the way it just kind of looks at life.


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I've thought about picking up that series, but a good friend, with similar reading taste, did not like it at all.

I'm quite entranced by "The Thirteenth Tale" - enough to consider adding to my permanent library if I get the chance.


Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

Remind me to find it and bring it the next we get together. So you can read it whienever you want. I have book one. I found it to be ok, but not engrossing enough to pick up book 2. I have had the Thirteen Tale on my wish list for a while, maybe I pick that one up next. I have some Borders certificates I need to spend.

-Margaret in MA

Reply to
Margaret St. John

Yeah - but who do you trust??? Seriously, it's not overwhelmingly romantic or mysterious. But, the puzzles aren't predictable. And they're nicely written. What I liked really is the presentation of modern day Botswana. I've kept reading them, even after watching the HBO series which covers the first few books. The HBO series is really good, and IMHO, a bit enlightening for those of us who haven't been to modern Africa. There is a lot of nice thoughtfulness, I think, WRT how the heroine approaches life, it's issues, values, and sticks to her guns. But, not either a fantasy or bodice ripper. Just charming.

OK - I'm due for a library run soon as I have a ton of art books to return - only one of which was really worth much.

But, my stitching marathon needs are dire enough that I think I'm going to skip the Thursday group as my big piece is on the floor stand, and I think I stitch slower when I'm with the crew.


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I'll give it a try. But seriously, if M doesn't like, I usually won't like it. We've always been amazed by how similar our reactions to books can be. The only place we part company is over sci-fi and fantasy and "horror". I love sci-fi/fantasy, she hates it. The inverse is true for horror. I can't read the stuff; she can sleep after reading the equivalent of Saw

Go stitch

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

So when are we going to Borders dear! LOL


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Cheryl Isaak

I'm going tonight to get reading material for the plane and lay over. We should definitely plan doing a get together sometime soon, its been to long. I should also finish my book database sometime, so you can browse it.

-Margaret in MA

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Margaret St. John

On 7/20/09 5:46 PM, in article, "Margaret St. John" wrote: SNIP

Saturday? In the rain?

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

I'll be melting at my sister's outdoor wedding. We leave tomorrow.

-Margaret in MA

Reply to
Margaret St. John

Hope it's dry there!


Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

It be Saturday! So where is the Rain you all were talking about? Wanted workmen to do some outside work on the house, but they want it cooler since it outside first. And too dry for cross stitch without getting water stains on

P.S. Suppose to be 34 C (93 F) today and same Sunday then cools later in week. Guess not bad when past years got to 40 C (104 F) as a cool day and the new electronic thermostats says "HI" when it gets over 42 C. lol

Reply to
J. H. T./B.D.P.

Lovely day here as well, no rain and a cool breeze. Not quite as warm as yours - 16C/61F - but quite warm enough when working in the garden.

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Bruce Fletcher (remove denture

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