OT: Update on TINK!

nicotine has been a primary ingredient in insectacides and rodentacides for many years. nicotine affects the same receptors in the brain that react to cocaine. the antidepressant Bupropion in low dosages blocks the same receptors and helps some people to quit.

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Armand Vine
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Do you let your sister smoke in your house, or your car, Amber? She will get the idea that your mouth says no but your mind says yes.

Pestering someone to stop them from smoking for 8 years, and ready to give up already. That doesn't sound like very much time. Go ahead and show her the mastectomy scar. *Threatening* to show a scar sounds very much to me like no one's trying very hard. But I'm not there, am I? I'd be showing her photos of

40-year-smoker's lung tissue. That's what my mom showed me, and I've never smoked as a result. ~~ Sooz To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~~Joseph Chilton Pearce
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Dr. Sooz

i'm changing the subject line - don't want to label Tink in any way!

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Christina Peterson" :

]Makes sense. Those are uppers, and uppers help ADD.

you know . . . until about eight or nine years ago, i was 'handling life' fairly well, i thought.

then i had an almost complete breakdown.

reading "Women with Attention Deficit Disorder" was like shining a light on all the corners. and it explains a LOT. getting a handle on it is something else again!

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Armand Vine" :

]nicotine affects the same receptors in the brain that react to cocaine. ]the antidepressant Bupropion in low dosages blocks the same receptors and ]helps some people to quit.

i'll keep it in mind, Armand.

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My college sweetie was The One who got me diagnosed, bless him. I had a cocaine "hobby" (loved it when I could get it, but never chased it down, if that makes sense), and he noticed that I got very quiet and calm when I used it. VERY different from most people on coke. He had a younger sister who had ADD, and he did the math, got me seen by her doc, and in many ways totally turned my life around.

I was on Ritalin for 6 months, then switched over to Dexedrine. God that stuff is wonderful! I could actually get something DONE, and even sleep like a normal person. There are days, off and on lately, when I really want to go begging to my current doc and find a way to get more Dexxies, because I know

85% of the time I'm barely holding on by my fingernails. Having Mike around 24/7 lately is NOT helping matters one little bit. It's fun in lots of ways, but my carefully crafted routine has been blown to bits. I've told him already that once my Mom has come and gone (next week and the week after) that I NEED to get put back together again one way or another. It's gonna be a long couple of weeks.


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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Karen_AZ" :

]he noticed that I got very quiet and calm when I used ]it. VERY different from most people on coke. He had a younger sister who had ]ADD, and he did the math, got me seen by her doc, and in many ways totally ]turned my life around.

i wish i had known decades ago! maybe that's why i have such WEIRD reactions to pot and some drugs!

]There are days, off and on lately, when I really want to go ]begging to my current doc and find a way to get more Dexxies, because I know ]85% of the time I'm barely holding on by my fingernails.

oooooooh - EXACTLY!!!!!!!!

]my carefully crafted routine has been blown to bits.

yep - that's what happened to me years ago. and i can't seem to get it back quite yet. at least now i have some idea what i'm dealing with, but it's SLOW. probably trying to earn a living is getting in the way!

]I NEED to get put back together again one way or another. It's gonna be ]a long couple of weeks.

and one of the reasons i KNEW david had to leave was because i couldn't get him to LISTEN to me. i kept trying to tell people something was wrong, but because i'd managed for so long, no one was listening . . . except Jamie and Bookwyrm. i thank all the gods for the two of them!

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couldn't get him to LISTEN to me. i kept trying to tell people something was wrong, but because i'd managed for so long, no one was listening . . . except Jamie and Bookwyrm. i thank all the gods for the two of them!<


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one of the books i'm reading says i've been 'self-medicating' my ADD with caffeine and nicotine all these years>

what book is that -- ???? it describes my son... caffeine and cigarettes... won't take the Strattera.... wish he would - and quit smoking....

Cheryl DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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the antidepressant Bupropion in low dosages blocks the same receptors and helps some people to quit.

yep - also known as "Welbutrin"

I know a guy who had a 2 pack a day habit - and quit using it....

Cheryl DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Karen_AZ" :

] ]{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Vicki}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} ]

thanks, dear. it's not quite as bad now . . . . but getting a 'handle' on it and finding what works is a major PITA. on one hand, because i see so many possibilities, my fingers can't keep up with my brain. on the other hand, seeing so many possibilities means i can't set up a filing system to save my life!

[luckily, someone ELSE is working on that bit!]
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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.combeads (Cheryl) :

] ]what book is that -- ???? ]it describes my son... ]caffeine and cigarettes... ]won't take the Strattera.... ]wish he would - and quit smoking....

Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embracing Disorganization at Home and in the Workplace by Sari Solden This one, the two women who wrote the next one recommend.

YOU MEAN I'M NOT LAZY, STUPID OR CRAZY?!: A Self-help Book for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder by Kate Kelly, Peggy Ramundo

Driven To Distraction : Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder from Childhood Through Adulthood by Edward M. Hallowell and this one is very popular, too.

the first two are basically by women for women . . . . but there's some generic stuff in there, too. good luck!

actually, i can understand [partly] why he won't take the Strattera. i don't take meds like that because i can't afford them. but i'd hesitate to take them if i could get a handle on it any other way - because there ARE creative benefits i don't want to lose. i just want to slow things down a little bit.

OTOH, when david [in trying to help me be able to sleep at night] stocked up on decaf, and i ran out of regular high-octane coffee, i started on the decaf to avoid having to go buy more coffee. **sigh** within two weeks, i was bouncing off the walls and falling completely apart. it wasn't until i saw a reference to caffeine and ADD that the light came on and i headed for the grocery store!

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I hate Strattera for myself. It made me sick as a dog. I hate the feeling you get from adderal but at least I could take it when I wanted.

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Women With Attention Deficit Disorder: Embracing Disorganization at Home and in the Workplace >

I've always suspected I have a form of ADD myself...

Becki can tell you what my house looks like -- I'm always finding "something else to do" instead of housework. A friend came and helped clean my kitchen and dining room last month....

you can't tell now... sigh

I will have to find that book (and by the way - it is possible to have ADD and be academically successful - it' just takes heroic efforts .... I know I have a very difficult time sitting still to study - I get up and down and up and down all the time... a drink, a break, pick up papers... etc. my mom says "no way" - but I truly do believe I have borderline ADD)

Mike (my ADD diagnosed son) is neater than I am these days... LOL Cheryl DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.combeads (Cheryl) :

]I'm always finding "something ]else to do" instead of housework.

oh, honey - trust me. THAT'S EASY!!!!!!!!!!

]I will have to find that book ](and by the way - it is possible to have ADD and be academically successful - ]it' just takes heroic efforts .... I know I have a very difficult time sitting ]still to study - I get up and down and up and down all the time... a drink, a ]break, pick up papers... etc.

if your son has been diagnosed, it's entirely probable he inherited it from you. when you and i were in school, it wasn't yet a highly visible diagnosis. when i was in school [mumblety mumble] years ago, i plugged my transistor radio into my ears to do my homework. drove my mother nuts because i didn't hear her, but it filtered out all the noise from my brothers and sisters and helped me focus. how was i to know i was developing a set of 'coping skills'!

now, i just have to tell everyone my "coper is broke' and hope they can understand.

i wish i had learned more when the kids were little. but all anyone ever said was that they were 'hyperactive' and the MD said "no, they're NOT hyperactive. they're bored."

it's a fine line. but they really AREN'T hyperactive -- they both probably ARE ADD. but Jamie has a better set of coping skills than i do right now. as does Johnny. they are so sweet. and now that i've gotten their attention, they're trying to help. as well as a couple of other online friends.

NEW QUESTION: what happens if both people in a relationship [not mother/child] are AADD????????

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NEW QUESTION: what happens if both people in a relationship [not mother/child] are AADD????????>

well - my ex was probably ADD - and the answer would be DIVORCE...

LOL Cheryl DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from snipped-for-privacy@aol.combeads (Cheryl) :

]well - my ex was probably ADD ] - and the answer would be ]DIVORCE...


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It helps my Depression.


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Christina Peterson

I think once we have determined that we have a problem (once it has progressed that far), we never really "get back". But I think we get to a place where we can hang on by our fingernails more comfortably. We understand our situation better, and we also develop stronger fingernails.

We learn to love ourselves even with our faults. So I guess we are ahead in the game.


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Christina Peterson

Driven to Distraction (and its sequel) are excellent!

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- and the answer would be DIVORCE...<


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