OT: Vibes are working! Update on Mom

Dear all,

Yesterday I brought my mom some bright helium balloons for her to focus on when awake. She was mostly non-responsive throughout the day although she did look at the balloons and see them for a few seconds before falling asleep. She slept a true sleep for most of the day yesterday, even sleeping through the lumbar tap they did to rule out meningitis. Her white blood cell count was still high, 21000, so they started her on a drip of antibiotics.

This morning my brother, whom she has not yet recognized or acknowledged, got there early. She asked him what the balloons were for and then laughed at him when he started crying.

Fingers crossed, it seems she has turned the corner for the better. The power of love from you all and the positive thoughts and vibes have worked another miracle. I'm crying now because I so love you all and I love my mom and it appears she will be around for a while longer.

Just to give you an idea of what a firecracker my mom is, she kept trying to pull the nasogastric tube from her nose. The nurse held her hand down and told her she couldn't touch her nose, even if it was itching. So she bent her head down to her hand, as if to say, "Fine! I can't touch my nose with my hand, I'll touch my hand with my nose!"

Keep those vibes coming, they're definitely working!



-- When love is your greatest weakness, you will be the strongest person in the world. --Garman Wold

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Linda, I'm very glad.

I've read several studies lately that show that far more can be re-routed in the brain than was previously thought possible AND its been proven that new neural pathways CAN be grown. It takes work, but damage can be lessened. Encourage her to do all the physical therapy stuff, and talk to her, get her listening to music, get her books on tape later, get kids to talk/read/sing to her andkeep the langualge flood happening. Later on when she's not intubated get as much bodily movements happening as possible. Gently give her hand/arm massage, feet massage--focus awareness on the body parts again and work them gently. Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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Thank you for taking the time to update us. Your mom sounds like a pistol! Sending vibes that her progress continues! Diana

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Diana Curtis

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Carol in SLC

One of the most admired teachers from the retreat worked on neural pathways. Recovered from a car accident to not only walk and talk again, but to return to her beloved Calligraphy both in it's dance-like "form", and in it's painterly form. Two things she used were visualization, and also a sort of physically massaging of her brain by intentional, but invisible motions within her brain. Same as one would intensionally move stomache muscles.

An astounding woman.


talk/read/sing to

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Christina Peterson

Thats great your mom is doing better. I've had one of those nasogastric tubes so I can understand her wanting to pull it out.

Jo Jo

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Jo Jo

Linda I hope your mom makes a full recovery. I know how scary it is to see your mother in that condition. It's very much like what we have been dealing with for the last 5 months with my own mother. I'm sending healing vibes her way.

This group is great. I know it helps to talk about it and get advice, and everyone here has been very understanding. Thanks to all you for listening to me. Karen

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Karen Officer

I slept at the hospital last night in mom's room in a recliner. There was a code blue that woke me up and the night nurse was in and out, checking her sugar levels, moving her, talking to her, so I didn't get much sleep, but after the Bitch Nurse From Hell tried her best to put my mom into a diabetic coma, I wasn't about to leave. She's much much better this morning but still in critical condition.

Save some of that petting for my mom. Her poor swollen arms could use it.


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That is such good news about your mother.

However, I suggest that you speak with the nurs>

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I'm so happy to hear it!!!!!!! Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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Always glad to hear 'anecdotal evidence' that this stuff works. Most mainstream scientific types still dismiss it, and it would be a bear to do a study, given how many unmeasurables are at work.

Your teacher sounds like the kind of imaginative, determined person most likely to be able to design their own recovery methodology.


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Deirdre S.

Ye, gods! Is your mom on a glucose drip? If so, her meds have to compensate, or what you describe is an inevitability.

And I'm glad you got that incompetent nurse barred from future contact with your mother...


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Deirdre S.

his morning the nurse asked her if she could squeeze her hand, and my mom replied, "I can squeeze anything you want."

Thanks for all the love and concern.

Linda -- keep sticking with her -- seems like there is almost always at least one "bitch nurse from hell" per hospital.... been there!

Glad mom is coming round - stick with her... it sounds like she will recover. My grandmother had lots of little strokes -- it's amazing how much and how fast they can recover - but you really do have to watch that sugar problem.... Sounds like she is "brittle" diabetic... make sure she has a good specialist for that to follow up on keeping her stable...

More good vibes headed your way....

Cheryl of DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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Thanks, Cheryl.

The second cat scan of the brain showed no change from the one taken last week. So until the MRI can be done (which we are pushing for daily) they're not saying it was a stroke.

When she was brought in her sugar was at 330 and she was confused and lethargic. She was getting better until the sugar was allowed to go to 537 and she became unresponsive.

She's very good about taking her Avandia and keeping her sugar in check. She tells everyone she's diabetic. She is not insulin dependent. But since 90% of what they run through your veins in a hospital is full of sugar (dextrose) and she's being tube-fed Glucerna (glucose) they really do have to monitor her sugar more than once every four hours.

I'm thankful her day nurse and night nurse over the weekend have been great. Knowledgable and attentive.

Thanks again for your concern.



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Linda There are IV solutions specially formulated for diabetics, and also liquid food supplement for diabetics. That is what they use with my mom. Karen O

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Karen Officer

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