OT What I'm up to inc beady stuff

The house is now networked and once again I can get on to the net on a regular basis. Interestingly, on the Imac I can see that people have responded to my last post, but not on the windows machine. So If I fail to answer a question or respond, it means I'm using the laptop and DH is programming on the Imac!

I'm back at my sewing, got to make some family clothing - warm jackets and robes. It's getting cold here although the local wood merchant was a bit surprised that we already burned through 3 cubic metres of firewood when the weather has been so warm (Warm? Beg pardon but 15C during the day is not warm!). Then he remembered we're Australians.

I bought my tulle and have decided to couch cording on to it to outline the design then in-fill with beads.

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Marisa Cappetta
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Oh Honey! Are you in for a big surprise... LOL You is in the wrong city sister! Just wait till it is -6 in the morning and only 4 in the day... I was there in June last yr and OMG are you up for a shocker!! Winter hasn't even started yet LOL


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Um, you're scaring me Mavis! Not really LOL; remember I grew up in New Jersey and have some experience with severe winter weather. I know how to layer! As well as the wood fire, we've bought electric heaters, winter weight duvets and electric blankets. I've still got the coat I made to wear when I visited NJ in 2000. It's toasty warm. We'll see. If you stop hearing from me, you can assume we've turned into frozen Aussie-pops. Send huskies.

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Marisa Cappetta

Merc wants to go now! Is begging for a plane ticket. Sheesh. ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

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