Re: Anyone hate working with specific colors?

Absolutely exquisite!! You did a marvellous job on all of it. I, of course, am partial to the greens and just love the mother of the bride set. But the bride's jewellery is so unique!! I see what you mean re the is lovely too, but as I am also not a red person, I would prefer working with the greens or turquoises.

I end up working with a lot of shades of blue, and sterling silver. But as I was (operative word here) a redhead and have green eyes, I prefer gold and greens. But my pocketbook prefers sterling, lol. did a SMASHING job on all of is beautiful.


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I really had a blast doing the bride and mother's jewelry. Those two would make a great example of the type of jewelry that I like to make. I could never get into weaving or using seedbeads cause those things are so damn small... *squinting* very very hard to see and time consuming to use I bet.


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Hey twin.......that is the kind that I like to make, but I am not in your league yet. I am also not into weaving or seedbeads either......just not my thing. I prefer something like you do that makes "an elegant statement".......a bigger piece or two, but not gaudy.

I am working on one with Vintaj brass at the moment that was featured in BeadStyle.....I fell in love with that one and had to order the Vintaj from the US.....but it's here and I am playing with the pearl colour combinations at the moment. I will be making two. One in coppers and golds, and one in blues and greens.

I have only been into this for 2.5 years......and with no LBS anymore and no one I have found that is into this other than making *pop-it bead necklaces* with Michaels stuff, I learn from magazines and things on the Internet. Also from Dwyn, who does the most beautiful lampwork....but I won't tell her that, grin. And I will get out to BeadFX one of these days for a class in bead crochet.

My daughter does a smashing job as well, but then she is an artist and one up on me there. When she gets home for Xmas, we will be glued to the joolz table, lol. We work really well together......lots of giggles as well. But unfortunately she lives out in Vancouver BC, so only gets here once a year.


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If I had been more aggressive with the reduction (for the bronzey highlights) or just plain expecting this colour - I might be liking it better. I also am really unhappy with the hands - that doesn't help. If I thought of her as the "Sage Goddess" - it would probably be ok - but instead - I think of her as "the Green Army Guys Goddess."

To put my money where my mouth is, so to speak, I offer these pictures as proof of my point.

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GN?vhost=entertainment Goddess beads in green - not so much. :-P

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If I had been more aggressive with the reduction (for the bronzey highlights) or just plain expecting this colour - I might be liking it better. I also am really unhappy with the hands - that doesn't help. If I thought of her as the "Sage Goddess" - it would probably be ok - but instead - I think of her as "the Green Army Guys Goddess."

To put my money where my mouth is, so to speak, I offer these pictures as proof of my point.

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Goddess beads in green - not so much. :-P

***Well, I have to admit that the colour is not really sage or khaki.....too much yellow to my thinking. You have a bronze bead on that mandrel.....were you going for one in that colour too??

Why do people like goddesses?? Why are goddesses always majorly obese?? I think I will be a skinny goddess in my own mind.......LOL.

I think I will quit while I am ahead...snicker.

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They are all so very lovely. I like them very much. Hugs Shirley

In message , Sterling writes

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Shirley Shone

I rather like her - reminds (as now doubt she's supposed) those Venus figures from Neolithic times. The color looks like the patina you can get on copper in the garden.


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Cheryl Isaak

Hey, I really like that color. Not that I would wear it (unless I had the perfect outfit) - but I don't mind working with it.

I made a bracelet with some of those colors:

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The photo is kinda washed out cause I couldn't get the lighting right, but you get the idea. The stone that I used in the bracelet is called many names, but the one that stands out in my mind is Tera Aqua Jasper. Its the blending of the Khaki green with the cooler aqua colored green that reminds me of earth & water. But, I think Heather is right - the color of your goddess is not what I consider sage green. It is still a nice color though, and if you have just the right outfit, any jewelry you made with it could look great.



If I had been more aggressive with the reduction (for the bronzey highlights) or just plain expecting this colour - I might be liking it better. I also am really unhappy with the hands - that doesn't help. If I thought of her as the "Sage Goddess" - it would probably be ok - but instead - I think of her as "the Green Army Guys Goddess."

To put my money where my mouth is, so to speak, I offer these pictures as proof of my point.

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Goddess beads in green - not so much. :-P

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the perfect outfit) - but I

onsider sage green.  It is

elry you made with it could

Actually - a copper green patina is about right. OK - I can live w that - and, in fact - copper is one of the colourants in the glass. Sometimes it is all about the description and the mindset.

I know that stone - can't think of the name right now - but I like the way the translucent parts sort of seem to sink into the matrix part. As you say - very earth and water. Sort of "a river runs through it."

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They are a fertility symbol from days when being able to get more than enough to eat was a major accomplishment.

But some folks do make 'em skinny.

It's the person that makes 'em with little tiny fetuses floating inside a clear glass belly that gross me out - no disrespect intended but that is just waaaay too much information for me. JMHO ;-)

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