Re: OT - back from surgery!

Thinking of you and hoping you will feel a lot better soon. Cheers, Jan

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Jan G
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Ouch! Still, I'm glad they found out what was making you feel dragged out. Once you're recovered ... watch out world! Sending wishes for a rapid recovery.

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Susan B.

Kalera -- I still have my tonsils so no idea on that one (why do they take them out in the first place?) But real glad you had the sinus surgery done. Very good move.


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Thanks, Jan! :)

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Kalera Stratton

Thanks Susan! I'm eager to see what the world looks like after I'm all better. :)

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Kalera Stratton

Thanks, Becki! Have you had a sinus surgery? If yes, how did it go?

The tonsil thing they only do nowadays if you have chronic tonsil infections, or severe recurring acute ones. I guess once your tonsils get really gross a few times, they get pitted and start to harbor bacteria, and there's no way to fix it besides taking them out.

I won't go into detail about what chronic tonsil grossness is like, because it's worse than anything else I've posted about. Ick. Thank god they're gone.

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Kalera Stratton

They waited until DD was in 5th grade to take 'em out, and then it was only cuz I jumped up and down and was extremely annoying about it. DD was rarely sick (proof that the buggers were working, I guess) but they were HUGE and caused her to have sleep apnea (the 3rd ENT I went to called them "kissing tonsils" because apparently they're usually far enough apart to see between, but DD's were...snug). She snored terribly and would basically suffocate herself awake several times at night. The night after surgery she slept through the night with NO problems at all.

I'm just mad that it took them (the docs) so freaking long to give this kid relief. Sheesh!


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Karen Sherwood

haven't posted from google for a while, and it refuses to quote ... (got to make 2 google windows to see what you wrote - my local newsserver long expired your post, if it ever got it.)

Makes me wonder. I had my tonsils out in 1965, but I still have these sinus problems (aggravated by that I was on only one Zyrtec per day for a few weeks - now I'm back to two and feel like a different person. Having made some headway at work most certainly helps too, I'll admit :-) ) - Before I had my tonsils out I had a cold (or what seemed like a cold) for months on end. I had that again later, but got it under control with some decongestant that these days would probably give me never ending heart palpitations (which Zyrtec doesn't).

My Dr. says that if you have some sort of sinus allergies and don't take care of them any bug that comes along will get you (quoting her: "here's a nice home, I'll stay" - the pseudo- ephedrine based stuffs don't work for me, they may not work for you either). If it comes back in any way, shape or form (I hope not!) try generic OTC loratadine, works for me as long as it's dry - fat chance here this time of year -, if you think it could be allergies (actually, it seems to help with head colds too, at least for me. Got to email the kid, she mentioned she has one).

I hope you'll get better soon, and stay better!


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