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hee ~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz
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Dr. Sooz

WOW! That is hard to do, and takes a gob of time. :-O

I had to find homes for almost was Things, not Papers (though I have two new bags of those, too, to trash). I gathered up all my Martha Stewart Weddings mags and put them out on the curb in IKEA organizers, then ran a Free ad on craigslist for any pre-brides who want to come pick 'em up.

I added stuff to this weekend's Free box for the curb. I found homes all over the house for a ton of things. Threw out several million hoarded jelly jars. Vacummed the NEWLY-FOUND FLOOR in the studio. And many other things I do not, cannot remember, because I have blanked out the hideous trauma of it.

But man, walking through that room....Kevin can go in there now with his wheelchair, even turn around. Some of you here will appreciate this visual, having seen the room before. ~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 12:27:05 -0400, Kalera Stratton wrote (in message ):

Hey! Just because I was there doesn't mean I put sugar in the gas tank. And it was only once, anyway.

There are easier ways to disable a car, and they don't cause permanent damage. Fewer chances of getting arrested if the car isn't damaged at all. And I'm a totally law abiding citizen. I've never even had a ticket.

You guys can stop rolling on the floor this instant. I do lots of good things, I just have to balance them out with an equal amount of idiot manuevers.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

Yanno, you'd think that with only 5 years worth of stuff, my apartment wouldn't need mucking out, but I occasionally look at all my stuff and dread the thought of moving (next year, for sure). Life would be simpler, and a lot more tidy, if I weren't such a craft-a-holic.

It's also surprising how much used, and unusable, computer euqipment one can accumulate in 5 years.


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Since a major part of Depression is over-stimulation, that deer in the headlights feeling, getting rid a clutter is a very effective tactic to lighten Depression.


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Christina Peterson

I am so proud of you!


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Im glad you brought this up again. Im working on the clutter too. Its a good feeling to travel lighter. I wonder if you happen to know how to create a living space that doesnt feel cluttered.. one that feels calm and serene? It isnt an option to get rid of much more stuff, so Im learning to store them better, but the storage area is open to view and thus a bit cluttered. That I can cover with curtains, but I wonder about room colors, textures, visual textures, and other tactics to promote a centered feeling. Diana

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Diana Curtis

Oh, thank you! I am so proud of myself, actually -- it's so amazing to have some of it gone. Wow. ~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz

With some of it gone... :-) I found that actually got me in the mood to let go of even more. I keep looking around the house wonder what else I can live without. Then, there are days when I look around and think..gads... we have so much

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Diana Curtis

Thank you. They are my favorite so far.

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Deborah Barilleaux


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Deborah Barilleaux

Boy I'll say. I feel tired but a lot better

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Deborah Barilleaux

I'm using cool colors. And Plastic tub containers. Similar to rubbermaid. Next is painting the room.

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Deborah Barilleaux

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!


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I'm moving bookcases. I'm afraid, the books seem to be getting organized more than culled. Lots of art books and books 75 years old or more. At least this gets me ready to organize and clear the living room.

Of course, our step son is coming up to visit tomorrow. The house seems so small when he's here!


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Christina Peterson

It does, doesn't it? You find you aren't suffering because you gave it away. You survived, even felt you give more away.

Me too. ~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz

I know what you mean about the vacumming. I did it three times. I can roll on my chair from puter to bead table to polyclay table. I love it. Now I have room for my sewing machine.

Although I talked to a guy about an embroidery machine today at Joann's. They offer layaway and package deals. I drooled over those. I want one so bad, but it will have to wait til I win the lottery. He had one package for a beginner, $1500 includes the machine, software, box (for converting) and no finance charges. So I'm dreaming tonite. I'm hoping by putting it out to the universe that it will come to me.

I wanted a carpet shampooer but couldn't justify buying one. Put it out there to the universe and got one from It's all cleaned up and ready to use next week. I found a pet rescue to take the 3 huge bags of blankets that weren't good enough for people use but not ratty enough to throw away. She also took the huge bag of dog food for big dogs. I was so excited.

Anyway, I can appreciate your visual totally.


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Deborah Barilleaux

And the creativity starts up again. I managed to finish a bracelet, and a pair of earrings, and start a new bracelet.

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Deborah Barilleaux

It's bliss.

Ho HO! You devil.

See? Your karma is so good for all this giving, and so you may be receiving soon. :-D ~~ Sooz

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Dr. Sooz

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