Caryn is going HOME!!!!

They are FINALLY finishing the house this week, the movers will bring back all our stuff from storage next Tuesday!

It's a shame it won't be before Easter, especially as the fire was also over a holiday weekend, but we'll take what we can get at this point.

I'm gonna spend evenings unpacking boxes for a bit, but hopefully I'll be able to rescue some of my old WIPs and get some quality stitching in again.

I know I still have to sort thru a box of WIPs that was in the room the fire was in. I know some are ok, as they were in heavyduty ziplock bags and will just need some airing out. Others I know are definitely gone for good, I just didn't have the heart to actually pitch them before I stored them in my basement for the duration. The 1/2 finished Angel of Cross Stitch is definitely toast, TW's Millenium and Woodland Faerie are as well. :-(

On a positive note, I'm going to start Long Dog's "Mouline Rouge" in burgundy on cream once we get settled in, it will go beautifully in my "new" bedroom!

The new job is going well. It's totally going to my head all the compliments I get over the work I do. It is definitely a welcome change over working retail where the only compliment I ever got was to be told I had the patience of a saint, because I kept smiling thru the Xmas rush!


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Oh Yahoo! I'm sure you and everyone else will be happy to get back to 'normal'.

I'm so glad you found a job that you like and is working out for you. I do, however, miss you being a SAHM! Hugs, Tegan

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Great News, Caryn! Glad everything`s going so well - it`s been a long, uphill struggle, I know!

I had to chuckle about the "Patience of a Saint" bit, though - that wouldn`t really be my FIRST impression of you! LOLOL!!!

By the way - what`s a SAHM, Tegan - or shouldn`t I ask?

Pat P

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Pat P

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Brenda Lewis

Such a lot of good news - I am thrilled for you!


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Cheryl Isaak

Yeah, what Cheryl said.. Stay At Home Mom. I'd gotten used to Caryn being home, online and available every day. I miss that! Quite a bit, truth be told. Tegan

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I'm not Caryn, but I can usually be reached for a quick chat unless I'm subbing.


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Cheryl Isaak

Anyone on MSN and got a microphone? It usually works well, I find - and cheaper than phonecalls! LOL!

Pat P

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Pat P

I must admit that I thought the whole "patience of a saint" thing was very funny as well. But when the woman said it I was working alone in the store, on a Saturday in December. The line almost to our backwall (register was in front of store) and I kept smiling and being pleasant to customers, even running and getting the items they were too lazy to look for themselves! Woman said she didn't know how I did it, and to be honest I'm not all that sure myself. Paula H. and Ellice (whereever she's gotten to) can testify that I'm actually a nice person in person! LOL

Course, in person it's a lot more obvious when I'm being sarcastic or trying to be witty, while online those subtle nuances are lost and those who choose to read the worst into others tend to see the worst in me. Ah well, such is life and all that. I'm in too good a mood today to care about those folks!


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That's wonderful news, Caryn! Have fun decorating your "new" home!


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Joan E.

Congratulations Caryn, I bet you will be very happy to be back home again!

May I ask what job you changed to? I work retail and am thinking it might be time something different.

take care, Linda

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Linda D.

I'm working as a receptionist/admin asst at a direct mail advertising agency. I've done the office thing before, was a secretary for 8 people in a NYC ad agency.

This job is a bit beneath me, educationally speaking. I have a degree in advertising, but I figured this was a good foot in the door. And God knows it's WAY better than working retail! I literally couldn't force myself to go into that store another day!


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Are they actually fire damaged? Or water and smoke? If the latter, I'd try giving them a good washing in Orvus before completely giving up on them. Also, you're not that far from the Smithsonian, and even clear across the country, as I am, I'd consult their textile crew before giving up completely.

But I'm stubborn.

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Paula H. and Ellice (whereever she's gotten to) can testify that I'm actually a nice person in person!

Hey, you forgot to add me to that list! I still lurk here...Caryn really is very nice. LOL

And you forgot to mention the best part of going home again - being reunited with the pets! Those are going to be some happy animals.

Happy for you, Donna

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major moxie


Here's what happened. I had these projects in tote bags on the floor of my walk-in closet. At first we thought that the closet was fine, the door was closed, so we figured no real smoke damage occurred, and we'd just need to air out the contents to remove the smell.

10 days after the fire I finally got to tackling the closet (everything in the entire house had to be sorted into: storing; cleaning & storing; or straight into a dumpster). Discovered at that point that water had gotten around the frame of the door, or seeped across the carpet and under the door and everything on the floor of the closet was soaking wet. Wet I could have dealt with, but the growing mildew spots I decided made the projects not worth rescuing.

Luckily I hadn't gotten very far on the two TW's, and I don't know that I'd have ever finished the Angel of Xst anyway.

I have rescued a bunch of linen from the area closest to the fire, and plan to clean that with orvus. Future projects seem more important than WIP at this point. I guess it's the whole feeling of a fresh start in my life. "New" house, new job, and new projects awaiting!


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