I had a phone call with my stitching friend in the hurricane zone. She's fine, her house is fine (damp, but drying out). She says she doesn't need anything herself.

She works for United Way. The office was completely underwater, so they've lost their computers and paper files, and are operating with cell phones to distribute funds for hurricane relief. Since she wants/needs nothing herself, please send your checks to:

United Way for Jackson & George Counties

3510 Magnolia St Pascagoula, MS 39567-3113
Reply to
Karen C - California
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Good! I'm glad she's ok - now you can spend your energy cleaning your house!

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Thank you for your concern about the condition of my house.

Having finally realized that my friend would rather *itch constantly about being poor than earn money cleaning to lift herself out of poverty, I have hired someone who was incredibly grateful for the offer of increased income, and hopefully will be more reliable than the flakes who have previously accepted the job and repeatedly spaced showing up, or spent four hours accomplishing almost nothing.

The quality of my new cleaner's work is such that I'm sure my house will henceforth be cleaner than yours. Can I then make snide remarks about other stitchers admitting that they don't spend all their free time cleaning?

Reply to
Karen C - California

But as far as I'm aware JV has never said she doesn't clean her house so that she can stitch.

I also know she works more than one job outside her house, and that she still manages to clean up after herself on a daily basis. Without hiring help, mind you.

Sure, she could claim to be "too busy" or "too tired" working as much as she does, but she doesn't make excuses, she just does what needs done.

You, on the other hand, make excuses for your slovenly ways all the time, you are too sick or too tired to clean or work, but manage to go out stashing and have the energy to stitch and knit and type all day.

Besides, you don't do snide as well as JV does! LOL


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But as far as I'm aware JV has never said she doesn't clean her house so that she can stitch.

I also know she works more than one job outside her house, and that she still manages to clean up after herself on a daily basis. Without hiring help, mind you.

Sure, she could claim to be "too busy" or "too tired" working as much as she does, but she doesn't make excuses, she just does what needs done.

You, on the other hand, make excuses for your slovenly ways all the time, you are too sick or too tired to clean or work, but manage to go out stashing and have the energy to stitch and knit and type all day.

Besides, you don't do snide as well as JV does! LOL


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No, dearest, thank YOU for implying snideness where none was actually intended.

But, on the other hand, you might not want to go posting in public places about how you've been forced to move into a motel because your house was deemed uninhabitable because of filth. Or bagging on friends who actually believe your drivel about being sick and get concerned when they can't get in touch with you. Oddly enough, I thought that was what friends did.

I'd also like to know how you expect that it's your friends responsibility to clean your house. (Maybe you should have asked for help before it got to the point of decontamination?) Or how you expect to receive charity from religious denominations you don't belong to. But, you've proven that you don't really need that charity by being able to afford a couple of weeks in a hotel and then finally paying a cleaning service. Then again, I probably shouldn't be surprised. I know several people who are actually living with the health problems you claim to have, and they're all doing their damndest to live as close to a normal life as they possibly can. On a bad day, they don't whine a fraction of the amount you do on what you're calling a good day.

If I had the time and energy that you do (at least from your activity on the 'net), I'd file a FOIL request to see if there actually was a call for service at your residence, or if you're actually making all of this up. But, I *do* have two jobs, several volunteer commitments, a home and a family. My home certainly won't make the cover shot for Better Homes and Gardens, but it's clean, my friends and family are always welcome and spend enough time there to let me know that it meets their standards as well.

So, in true snideness, here's a thought for you: Use the time an energy you spend harrassing people online and trying to prove that people who have actually finished their advanced degrees don't know anything and get off your ass and try to be a productive member of society!

(And for anyone who doubts any of what I've said, please feel free to check the last two entries of Karen's blog at

formatting link

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Snipped a whole lot of bitching

Why do you find it necessary to post this twice ? Will it make it more acid if it is repeated ?

Reply to
Lucretia Borgia

It never ceases to amaze me how people who are not medical doctors, have not performed a physical examination of me, and have not read the medical records can diagnose from afar that I am physically able to do what I say I cannot.

There are multiple written diagnoses of my condition, diagnosing the ailment I "claim" to have, dating back to 1988. The doctor who initially diagnosed it called it a "classic case": onset after a severe virus and never got back to normal. I could not be a hypochondriac, because I was describing symptoms that had not yet been published for the general public to know about.

There are multiple doctors who believe that I cannot work full-time, or even half-time. In fact, I was told in 1988 that it would be better for my health to work part-time, but I continued to work full-time for another 12 years because as the sole or primary breadwinner, I couldn't afford to cut back. That I continued to work full-time for 12 years may have contributed to my continuing to deteriorate to the point that I can no longer work full-time.

I do run my own business, and have for 5 years, which allows me the flexibility to work when and where I can, so I do not appreciate the false accusations that I'm a non-productive member of society. I am, however, a member of society who does not earn enough to be self-supporting, due to the limited number of hours I can work, and therefore, am eligible for disability benefits. (Legally, under Cooper v. Bowen, 815 F.2d 557, 561 (9th Cir. 1987), a disability claimant need not "vegetate in a dark room" in order to be deemed eli- gible for benefits. The standard applied is whether the claimant can either work full-time maintaining adequate attendance, or earn an amount defined as "self-supporting". I can do neither.)

The expert-recommended treatment for the condition is rest, not physical exercise such as housecleaning. There are MANY disabled people who can sit to use the computer but not stand to clean ... and, this assumes that you know whether I use the computer sitting up or lying down.

People who have no evidence of how many housecleaners I've had in over the last five years (including a live-in for a couple months), how little those cleaners have accomplished, how many contacts I've made to cleaners who do not want to do the heavier cleaning that I cannot manage, how many churches and schools I've personally contacted trying to get someone either as a volunteer or for pay. But they're sure that I have not done anything to get the house clean. Not that I fired housecleaners for spending four hours accomplishing almost nothing, not even the tasks they were specifically instructed to do, but that I've never hired anyone at all.

How long does it take you to remove everything from your fridge, see what's still good, and wipe down the shelves? According to my last hired cleaner, four hours. And the next day, I found a loaf of green bread that proved she didn't take out everything as she claimed. What was she doing after the first 15 minutes when I said I needed to go lie down before I fell down? Your guess is as good as mine, but we can be pretty sure that she wasn't continuing to clean as diligently as she did while I was standing over her. Should I continue to pay her four hours pay to accomplish 1/2 hour's work, or do I have your permission to terminate her employment and look for someone who will accomplish four hours of work for four hours of pay?

Reply to
Karen C - California

Good lord - aren't you ever tired of playing the victim?

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Was unintentional, Google hiccupped I think. I only intended it to go up once. I didn't realize it had even posted twice until just now. I had the honor of going out with a friend for some lunch and much needed S.E.X.

Bought yarn, btw, as Xsting hurts my elbow!


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Certainly no indication of it in the 8 or 9 yrs I've been posting here.

I do have trouble wrapping my head around why someone who can keep their own business in the black, enough to afford a cleaning lady and stashing and charity work would need to be on the public dole receiving disability.

BTW, it takes me about 45 mins to clean out my own fridge, I've never hired anybody else to clean my house for me. Course, I've never allowed it to reach a state the board of health would take issue with, although my health is not perfect either.


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Jesus Christ! Can't you two (one) stop picking on Karen ?

Do you know how it looks to the rest of us ?

No, you can't, or you would STOP doing it.

You're a (pair) of mean bitches in my opinion, which may not be worth much, but I intend that you hear it.

Reply to
Lucretia Borgia

You're right, Sheena, your opinion is worthless to me and won't change a thing. Now turn that particular mirror on yourself, because you definitely fall in the same category. You've also proven your ignorance with the constant assertion that Caryn and I are the same person. But, I know that we're not, so I'm not in the least bit concerned about your opinions there, either.

It's too bad that you believe all the drivel that Karen spouts - it just encourages her to keep it up. Perhaps if she'd really done thorough research on the conditions she claims to have, she'd know that anitdepressants have indeed been used to treat one of them, with some success. Alas, I'm sure she'll claim yet again that she's a victim and that things that work for other people just won't work for her.

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Y'know what, Pat? If you go back to the top of this thread, it was jv

-- not me -- who brought up my health and physical disabilities. Lay the blame for the subject at the door of the person who brought it up.

*I* posted only that my stitching friend is safe, which had absolutely NOTHING to do with the subject that this has turned into.
Reply to
Karen C - California

But jv - that is often the case with many medications - what is good for 10 people is not good, and rather horrible, for others. I went thru that trying to find the right blood pressure pill - took 4 tries, a month each on each pill which is not easy when they give you side effects. Perhaps you are young and not to the 'pill stage' of your life - lucky you. Not every pill works the same with each individual. I've certainly discovered that with myself, my brother, my mother ........

Sharon (N.B.) ............................................................................ ..........

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That may be so in this instance, but you must admit that you do bring it up pretty frequently, and not always in context.

I have a young friend with the same problem (ME), who had to give up a good job, and who needs a stair lift and bath lift, but manages to cope with a house and young epileptic son despite all, which, in her case also includes Rheumatoid arthritis which totally cripples her for long periods.

You NEVER hear her complain about her lot - and she`s always a pleasure to be with, whether in remission or not.

Pat P

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Pat P

Hurray for your friend!

I vent occasionally about my minor health things, the eyes, the migraines, the aches and pains. It's good to have an outlet.

I try not to let it be the dominant force in my life and posts tho.

The aches and pains have increased now that I'm back at work, body was used to a lot less stress than I put it under now. I enjoy the job, like being out of the house, and even enjoy the bike ride to and from more now then at the beginning. My quads are getting rock hard! LOL


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And I'm going to assume that there's a husband or someone who gives her assistance when she needs it. Unless the son is having constant seizures, he can do some chores. I'm coping alone, with no help from the government and extremely little from my friends. I couldn't even get anyone to let me sleep on their couch while I'm out of the house, they care so little about my well-being.

Reply to
Karen C - California

Do you ever ask yourself why?

Pat P

Reply to
Pat P

Drop it already--it's getting to be a big, fat PITA.

I like to read the notes from both of you because you are both intelligent and articulate and have lots of important things to teach me, but if this continues I will have to block your messages and I don't want to do that.

Please, both of you grow up and learn to ignore each other.


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