Just a Little S.E.X.

LOL! She knows you well!

I've actually never stitched with silks, although I do have a couple of freebie skeins from somewhere and a skein I bought at CATS in Vegas for a Teeny Tweenie.

Glad I printed it out, then. I *really* like the little one!

I'd at least like to finish the baby blanket I'm working on and Fairy Grandmother...all I have left of her is her bottom wings and the beading. I can hardly wait until she's finished!

Glad you found your stash! Y'know, I think that's one I have that I bought a couple years ago, along with the thread pack!

Have fun fondling. :)


Reply to
Joan E.
Loading thread data ...

What?! And you've actually shopped at Nordic Needle? How have you held out so long? Try it now--if you wait 'til mid-winter, you'll have the good ol' winter hands that will only make it a frustrating (and damaging to the silk) experience unless you want to wear gloves while stitching.

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Brenda Lewis

Yup. Of course I was a customer for about 5 years before I started working there - which may have influenced my stash growth - and worked in the shop regularly for about 3 years. Now, I just fill in as needed, and am writing a couple of canvas work classes - our prior regular instructor moved to NC.

Do one of your cute little motifs or something with them. Nice silks - yummy. But, it is pricey so even frivolous me is a little choosy about what gets done in silk - though honestly, I probably do a lot in silk. Anything complicated seems to warrant it, and I use a fair amount in my mixed NP projects.

I will say, that you may find using the silk that use of a laying tool will be more evident than with floss. Just my opinion - I don't use a laying tool all the time, but find I use one a lot when working with silks. And thread heaven. Also - for me - who has dry skin - I constantly moisturize my hands - hate when the silk catches. I just love the look and feel, so savour using them.

Me too - that was my deciding factor in buying the chart - then I realized that I had to print it out. Silly me.

Sounds lovely. I have to make 2 quilt blocks tomorrow - have to turn them in on Saturday at G-Street - they're for the big Quilt Pink project. I may make about 4 - depending. Have to be 12" blocks, and have some of this Moda fabric - I found some really nice fabrics - so I'm planning to whip those up tomorrow a.m.

Well - there's a chance that we could do that one in synch! I bought that one the first time Caryn and I went to her LNS in Manassas. So, it's been hanging around for a while. Came with the accessories, but not the thread.

Thanks, I did. What fun. And I think I just really need to buy the Waterlilies -'cause I think my skein is with something in the works and well used. And maybe 1 of the silk mori beige colors - Don't want to do faces in overdye that turns yellow and orange with the beige - kind of a weird look that would have!

DH already gave the big sigh when I told him he needed to bring up the tubs of stash - to the office/studio. Big sigh - as he's afraid I won't finish the furniture staining/painting project. But, hey - it has to dry for about

2-3 hours between coats!


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A number of times, since it's only 70 miles from me. I only get down there maybe twice a year, if there's something I *have* to have or a meeting to attend there.

Not hard when I have 2 drawers of mostly yet-to-be-stitched designs! :)

Well, I'm certainly leaning that way. I'm usually a one-project-at-a-time person but something this little might just find its way into my hands. I do want to finish the Pooh blanket I'm making, though, since the baby was born last month.

These are the two I got at CATS:

formatting link
?SV-T85 For this one Igot some purple/teal variegated silk to do the butterflies.So many projects, so little time. sigh. Joan

Reply to
Joan E.

See Brenda, some people have self-control

I'm with Brenda - that silk must've been calling out to you...

Heck - babies use blankies for years!

You said a mouthful there. Big sigh.


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Well, you've gone and done it, Ellice! I was talking to DS#1 about an hour ago and he told me he was going to Fargo. Soooooooooooooo, I called NN and had them set aside SG & the acc. pack and Nate will pick it up tomorrow.

WooHoo! Shopping by proxy! :):):)


Reply to
Joan E.

Now there's a thought!


Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

What fun for you. Yesterday I got to meet Donna. Amazingly - there she was

- easily identifiable as woman with great hair wearing the promised green - stitching on black linen in the café at a Borders - with a pile of stitchee & beading mags. I, of course, was late - as promised -coming from hair place, and carting back with lots of silk stash, and the Summer Garden Sampler.

What fun - we chatted (of course ever so nicely) and had a lovely floss toss

- on the table there. So, as a result - I swapped out 2 silks that I was going to use, and Donna has forced me to realize that I have to go buy some bright red silk for the strawberries. Oh, well. Darn, shopping. We both decided that we didn't like the word on the sampler, so I'm going to add in a couple of bands of something. We'll get to see the finished project soon - I said I think I can get to it and have it finished this week.

And then of course, we both used our Borders coupons and bought - music.

Glad you're getting some shopping without having to spend more fuel. Just don't get too frustrated picking apart the accessory pack - you'll need good light to separate the flesh tones.

Woo hoo - shopping for all - especially as it's semi-miserable here - rainy

- and we're going to the Nats -Mets tonight - so I'll just dash to the LNS and get me some red silk.

Happy stitchin' ellice

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It is so much fun to meet an online person in real life! Had a great time with Ellice on Friday at Borders, and her hair looked absolutely fabulous! What a great pile of silks she pulled out her bag as we sorted through what she's going to use on the Summer Garden. Nothing like a floss toss in a public place. I was too busy to notice if anyone was looking at us funny...

Donna in Virginia

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Color me jealous! sounds like a great day


Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

It was fun - and, well, the hair thing - I'm recovering from a hair disaster

- so this was the 2nd time with the new person fixing the other stuff - so I'm a little paranoid (my hair was temporarily very, very, dark purplish, kind of goth brunette, kind of red - those who've met me can understand this would be a bit odd)

I don't know if the odd looks were at our caffeinated chatting or the floss toss. But, I think there was only a little curiousity.. I was more impressed that we sat there taking up the table, covered with silks and stitchy stuff - and no one chased us away like vagrants. And that I didn't spill my cappuccino on anything.

We could be dangerous.... But, I did get a really nice bright RG Splendor Red Silk - and did finally overlock stitch the linen so I can start - today while I wait for the Verizon person, and in between stain coats.


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LOL - we did. But you get to see Brat... I just know that sooner or later we'll make a field trip to NH.


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And Bobbie V and Margaret and Evelyn. Any one know how Merideth is doing?

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

LOL - I was thinking - too bad I'm not coaching anymore - could always arrange an ice trip... Then the thought of the needlework coming with the coach - it was some kind of weird juxtaposition.

I'll work on it...


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