LNSs (Gill Murray)

A pity I didn't know of that. It is around the Annapolis Royal area, I understand. We were there for three days IIRC. We walked around the Botanical Gardens, and into the bit that is basically a raised bank in an otherwise wild area; we came across an adorable little spotted fawn, who was sitting, surrounded by grass and wildflowers. It patiently sat there, so trusting, while we took pictures of it!


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Gill Murray
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I will take as many as I can get. If they are already on my list, there is almost always something new to add! Some are just names, no address etc. This is a fledgling work, which will permanently be in progress!


Reply to
Gill Murray

Thankls Sharon; I just had the name before. I also made a notation, Sharon's favorite store!


Shar> Gillian - do you want to add my favourite LNS up here in the Maritimes?

Reply to
Gill Murray

I had Barbara Ann's in Shediac. I am assuming it is the same one. Is she closed permanently, (that is, delete it) or just temporarily?


Shar> Don't know if my other message got thru - so here's my favourite LNS - >

Reply to
Gill Murray

This is a small, crowded with merchandise shop. If they don't have something in stock they are very willing to order it for you and Jackie, the owner, is very, very knowledgeable about all kinds of needlework and knitting and who knows what else.

Stuart Stitchery & Yarns

214 Sw Ocean Blvd Stuart, FL 34994-2944, US

Phone: 772-283-8089

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You can delete Barbara Ann's, Gill - it is gone for good. The shop she had in Shediac moved to Riverview - lasted a while - but then her husband's bad health took over (from what I hear) and it was all too much.

Sharon (N.B.)

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Reply to
Gill Murray

Hi Gill

I nearly rolled out of my chair laughing when I read your post!! Sorry...I didn't explain what I meant by the 'little letter slots' very well! When you mail something here they will check to see if it will go through a slot in their plastic gauge. If it does the cost to send it will be a letter rate depending on the size of the envelope. If it doesn't go through the slot I think the next higher rate will be small packet. That's a lot more expensive than a letter! My s&h for the thread was only $1. Good thing as I have another one coming this week! I emailed Pam last night and told her the colors in my project that I needed to match a braid to and she picked out one so it will be on it's way to me this afternoon. It's a hard way to shop but the only alternative when you don't have a LNS.

So don't worry about us having 'skinny mailboxes'! You can send me an envelope, well stuffed with stash and I'll receive it without any problem!


Reply to
Mavia Beaulieu

Well, I guess we all live and learn!! LOL It made a fascinating picture in my mind of a front door with a very skinny mail-slot in it!


Reply to
Gill Murray

Gill Murray ,in rec.crafts.textiles.needleworkwrote: and entertained us with

Middleton is quite a distance from Annapolis Royal - that is depending on what mileage is far in terms of an LNS ! I recall a friend in NZ saying when they are driving on holiday she can "smell an LNS at 100 miles distance" and her husband said "Worse luck!"

I'll let Mavia answer to the postage, I try to avoid mailing anything these days. I think it has something to do with whether they can pass the manila envelope through a gap, if they can't, then it is termed a 'parcel' even though you and I would call it an envelope!

Reply to
lucretia borgia

Gill Murray ,in rec.crafts.textiles.needleworkwrote: and entertained us with

Actually most houses do not have mail slots as they leak in cold air in winter. Most houses have boxes on the wall just outside the door. In fact, if your house is less than 15 years old, likely the mailman/woman doesn't even deliver it, it goes to a group box at the end of the road.

In 1967 when we came a local letter was 2 cents, they delivered six days a week (twice a day in the downtown area) and today the rate is

52 cents, they deliver five days a week to your house or box and even offices do not have two deliveries per day. Plus, and I am not saying this is wrong, in 1967 I can recall the mailman (there were only mailmen then) delivering mail on the snowiest of days, now the union has all that under control, if it looks like snow, they don't deliver, if it beyond a certain high temperature, they don't deliver.

It seems foolishness to me to charge so much and be so picky in this day and age of email - they are wringing the neck of the goose that laid the golden egg. Young people never consider mailing a letter, the Post Office is going to expire as I, and my generation do !

Okay! Rant over, off the bloody soap box lol

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lucretia borgia

Here in the Big Easy we still have Garden District Needlework. That's the one inside an antique store. The owners Diana and Elena are both members of our local guild. Diana, the antique store owner, does a lot of knitting and used to do a lot of crewel when she was guild prez. Elena, who persuaded her to add needlework to the store, specializes in Dimensional needlepoint. They seem to have an astonishing array of threads, yarns, fibers, charms, tools, accessories, patterns etc. plus they have linens and canvases by the yard. They don't seem to carry anything you can also get in the Big Box stores.

The store was not severely damaged by Katrina, so when the town was officially reopened, they came back and opened up on Fridays and Saturdays, then, gradually, to four days a week. I imagine that as the residents and tourists return, they will move on up to full time again.

For the knitters, there is also another choice, Bette Bornside Yarns. Her shop was also not damaged, but it was weeks if not months before she got electricity in the shop, and more weeks before her telephone service was restored, but she, too, is back in business.

Fortunately for us, both of these stores are on the "sliver by the river", the 20% of New Orleans which is on high ground and therefore did not flood.

Olwyn Mary in New Orleans.

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Olwyn Mary

Sheena is this only in Halifax? (re: Letter Carriers not delivering during ', now the union has all that under control, if it looks like snow, they don't deliver, if it beyond a certain high temperature, they don't deliver.')

My mom has been a letter carrier for over 26 years, and VERY seldom does she not go out to deliver- whether that be in the summer or winter. If it's like White Juan and everything else is shut down, than I can certainly see why the postal carriers don't go out! If the sidewalks are not clear, than it's not safe for anyone to be out walking around. I seem to recall a *few* instances where she went out later than her usual 8am if the weather was particularly nasty and she couldn't get out of her driveway. Mom was the first woman letter carrier in Truro too, so she's been around awhile LOL!

As for summer - I can't remember my mom ever being off due to the heat, however once again, if the entire town shuts down, and it is not safe for the letter carriers to be out, then it might have closed due to excessive heat. She always takes her vacation in the winter time (hardest season on her body) so normally we'd notice if she was home during the summer lol ;)

Mom walks approximately 12 kms a day (most of the time with a 60 lbs mail bag on her shoulder). Her route that she is on now is the FIRST one she has ever had without any hills, however there are lots of stairs now, she says LOL.

Sarah Nova Scotia ps - my four 1/2 year old daughter absolutely LOVES getting things in the mail - she also loves to mail cards to her relatives.

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I LOVE THESE LADIES! (well I normally deal with Jeannie or Shelly) - when my (in Truro) LNS closed several years ago Heather M (owner) suggested I deal with BYC - I haven't looked back since.

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Have sent you an email privately!


Olwyn Mary wrote:

Reply to
Gill Murray

"sunflower" ,in rec.crafts.textiles.needleworkwrote: and entertained us with

Of course not, they are a Crown Corporation and national, as you well know. Ask your mother about the union rules for delivery. The old Letter Carriers Union was not as strident as the Postal Workers (aka Inside Workers) union was but latterly when the two combined anything gained by either union was applied to both.

I have excellent reason to remember in excruciating detail what the postal unions did. In the early 70s, prior to email, my parents who were not well, were living on a small island off Spain, no telephones there. Those bloody unions kept going out on strike, often for weeks on end, and I had to burn my ass finding someone going to the USA or Europe to take mail for me and mail it there. It was costly (I often had to resort to an ad in the paper) and sometimes the person never even mailed it! I could not receive mail in return and was worrying sick about my parents, so I had to 'phone an aunt in the UK (also very expensive at that time) every week and pick up any news from her. I recall one time they were on strike I was caught at the lights on Almon/Windsor Street and they shoved a placard in my face saying "Honk if you support us" so I gave them the finger and they rocked my car to punish me.

If there is an institution I dislike it is Canada Post. They are inefficient to the nth degree and charge astronomical sums for same. When I moved here I paid $60 for mail redirection for three months, used to be free. They did not redirect a single piece of mail. Fortunately I had said to the couple who bought my house that any stray mail that might slide through could be given to the neighbour as I would be going there and could pick it up. Glad I did, an unexpected gift from Japan arrived and went to them. At that point, I called Ottawa and made them return my $60.

I can't say I care too much, they will be gone soon.

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lucretia borgia

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