More New Photos

Lost the first post, so let's try again.

After checking out Ellice's photos, I realized it's been nearly a year since I updated my own.

I remedied that. Check out Donna's stuff on RCTP.

Included a progress pic of Amethyst Dreams, which Ellice taught last summer. I renamed mine to In the Midnight Hour, for obvious reasons if you look at it.

It's not that I don't love purple. I do. Amethyst is my birthstone. It's just that I have no place in my house for purple, except if I am wearing it. So I went with black, silver, and gray. I need to finish soon if I'm getting this into Woodlawn.

Donna in Virginia

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You have a lot of beautiful work on RCTP, but that Amethyst Dreams is totally stunning. What a lovely job you are doing!!

Sharon (N.B.)

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Hmm - I understand that feeling - and took some of mine down.

LOL - we're sure in the rush to get our pieces done. I must add that Donna's is simply gorgeous - my DH loves it and thinks it's very elegant. I'll put up a photo of my Amethyst Dreams - which is actually in a deep blue/purple set of colors. The original is in grey & rosy kind of amethyst. If we're lucky, a couple of the other pieces from the class will be with Donna's & mine for Woodlawn. Unfortunately they have an earlier deadline for entries this year - bah!


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They are gorgeous


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Cheryl Isaak

I still don't know how to find them.

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lucretia borgia

It is the website on Yahoo.

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You need to be a member to see the photos, but if you identify yourself as a stitcher, I know our kindly administrator will let you join. The photos are great, and I need to get busy and update mine. MargW

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Thanks. I've just spent about 20 hours without electricity, and 2 days without water, and no idea when we'll we'll have water again! At least i can get the Internet again!!! And you guys can't smell me.


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Honey, I'll see that 20 hours and raise you - I'm still getting past the chaos of 6 days with out power.

At least it is summer for you.


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Cheryl Isaak

I sympathise. What happens to all the food that goes off in that time? Is there some kind of assistance? Yours was "an act of God", whereas ours is incompetence and "why should I work over Christmas?". Infuriating. Do you at least have water? If I wasn't worried about the expense of the power outage and irritated by my dependence on my computer I could cope with that, but the lack of water just KILLS me.

Anyway, it's back. The water, that is. So I can finally shower and wash my hair (it's been 4 days).


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At the end of the third full day, we moved to a hotel as there was no running water or heat and it was COLD. Tossed the contents of the fridge and freezer. Since the "frog pond" (a small creek) wasn't frozen, we used that to "flush" the toilets, drained the pipes......and found a room. DD showered and hit the pool all three nights we were out of the house.

Kids still made hockey (DH got the schedules off the web at work), we both got some time in at work and DS took showers after practices or games in the toasty warm locker rooms. DD was discouraged to find that the rink were she had three games had no showers.


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Cheryl Isaak

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