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What Kind of Reader Are You? Your Result: Literate Good Citizen

You read to inform or entertain yourself, but you're not nerdy about it. You've read most major classics (in school) and you have a favorite genre or two.

(this was tough as in some questions, two answers were correct for me !)

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Cheryl Isaak
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I retook it with the other "correct answers" and was

Your Result: Dedicated Reader

You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more.

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Cheryl Isaak

I came ujp Literate Good Citizen as well.

For question 6 there were actually three answers that I could have said yes to.


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Brenda Lewis

I had read all the books in the first two, several from the ohters.....

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Cheryl Isaak

I guess it's an age thing. A lot of those were required reading in the olden days when I was in High School.

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Yup, me too.

But, I'd let the kids date - that is, I had any & if they read books

R,D, & H - ellice

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I'm an obsessive-compulsive bookworm. No surprise there....

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Jere Williams

Is part of the link missing? I get 404 error message when I try it.

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Try this one

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Cheryl Isaak

Dedicated reader with 'obsessive-compulsive bookworm' a very close second

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T Michelle Jensen

Came out as a Dedicated Reader. Did anyone else go back to the main GoToQuiz page, and try any of the other quizzes? I did the "Do You deserve your High School Diploma?" and it said I was an autodidact (91%)and couldn't have learned that much in High School since High School doesn't teach that much. Huh? - I actually thought most of the questions (except maybe the area question using the hypotenuse) were elementary school level questions. One or two I had to read to make sure I understood what they were asking, but really - 10% of 25 - that's a high school question?


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So you would be very surprised by how many current high school graduates would fail this? I "paid attention" during 97% of high school according to the quiz. The creator of the quiz made an exceptionally poor attempt at humor (I hope) with the line:

I'll let Darla correct the grammar while I fume over the insult to all those who had no choice but to accept a sub-standard education because that was all that was offered.

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Brenda Lewis

I got the same exact score: dedicated reader with 'obsessive-compulsive bookworm' a very close second.


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Margaret St. John

I got 86% - I figure I messed up the dangling modifier question.

And yes, that is HS math these days!

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Cheryl Isaak

. One or two I had to read to make sure

Cheryl's right - my kids (6th and 7th grade) do not know how to do long division. I'm not kidding - it's never been taught. I've shown both of them and my DS (math whiz) gets it, DD does not. However, they can tell you three different ways to do every math problem - you have to be able to do it in numbers and explain it in words at least two ways. Drives me nuts!

In DD's 6th grade math class, her teacher had to spend a week plus on the multiplication tables because over half the kids didn't know them. DD and DS both had teachers who emphasized them, thank goodness!

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That's awful. My fourth grader is quite adept at long division and he knows his times tables too. How can you go on to algebra and geometry if you don't know the basics?


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Huh. Must depend on the school district (or state), then. My 4th grader has begun doing long division. Right now, it's the easy stuff with no remainders, single digit divisor/two digit dividend, but it's a start.


-- Jenn Ridley : WIP: Oriental Butterfly, Floral Sampler, Carousel (TW) Most recently Finished: Insect Sampler, TicTacToe Sampler

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Jenn Ridley

Hey that depends where you are. I'm actually pretty impressed with the math the kids around here are getting. Even when I was in school - we seemed to be sorted by which math progress - with some kids only getting through Algebra , Geometry and some business math, vs the standard of at least Algebra II, then maybe Trig/Analyt - pre Calc for most of the college prep kids and Calculus for the AP track kids. The god daughter at the S&T school had her first calc class in 11th grade - or at least some kind of pre-calc to beginner calc- and is doing real calulus now as a senior.

FWIW - I got the 97% on the high school thing. Then I took the "genius" quiz. I think I missed which country is landlocked in Samerica. And maybe the logic question - didn't like their operator notation.


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Cheryl Isaak

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