OT Christmas Spirit

I may not be a Christian and I know many of you are not but I think if you read through the posts here directed at one person, even you might get the impression that many of you are missing the point of this season.

Whether one believes or not, doesn't really matter. Traditionally it has been the time when people are nicer to each other. Hah! Times sure have changed. Now it is behave like little kids, pick one person and all have at her - or perhaps its the pack animal syndrome, dive in and tear the flesh.

Each time I passed by the computer yesterday I thought, I will not post, I will not post, but this morning seeing the first post someone made was to join the picking she had missed, I have broken my resolve. Glad to see Christmas Spirit so clearly emphasised.

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lucretia borgia
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Thanks Sheena for saying what needed to be said about this unpleasantness.


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You mean like you wanted me to do to someone on here just because YOU didn`t like her?

Pat P

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Pat P

I think you're overreacting, Sheena. I missed the post to which you refer, due to my killfile, but I don't think that there's a pack thing going on here. I think someone has made an untenable argument filled with unfounded generalizations and some of us are reacting to that. The fact that she keeps shifting her argument in order not to have to admit that she was generalizing is what keeps it going, not any lack of Christmas spirit on others' part.

I suppose I should just throw up my hands and leave it, since it's one of those arguments where I won't make any headway, but I assure you that there's no malice on my part in continuing it.


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Dr. Brat

I know you're sincere in what you're saying and you aren't being vicious or mean, but I believe too that it's just too easy to get caught up in an endless debate that gets more and more bizarre as time goes on. Please include me in that thought because I know I'm guilty of that at times and I'm not proud of it.

Here's my wish for Peace on Earth and Peace on RCTN, at least until we find something more important to fight over, like if it's okay to lick floss or is that a definite no no?


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This was my feeling, too! I wonder why folk have to be so nasty to each other, and NEVER let a subject just plain die? I think it is what my mum called, "turning the other cheek".

Religion-wise, I am more sceptical as each year passes of the Christian faith in which I was raised. However, also as time goes by, one realises the basic tenet of most faiths is to make the world a "kinder" place; helping those less fortunate, treating others as you would like to be treated etc. It is primarily the radical elements who say "Believe in what I believe in, I am always right" who give the other run-of-the mill members of that specific faith a bad name.

I am not good at putting my thoughts into words, but I sure would love to see the New Year start with kindness, consideration for others and the knowledge of when to drop a disagreement before it evolves into a war and name-calling!

Happy new Year ( a week early)


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Gill Murray

Happy New Year to you too. Now the more important thing. Do I have to make a resolution not to lick, or can I just go on happily ignoring the rules?


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Sweetie, you can lick your floss or not.................your choice!! (Some days I do, some days I don't!). However I do not recommend you not doing it with lots of lipstick on, or half a piece of chocolate in your mouth!!

Maybe you can train Puff to put his tongue out, and be the floss-licker for you?


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Gill Murray

Happy New Year to you Gillian - and happy travels for you and Jim in

2006 !
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lucretia borgia

Lucille herself has referred to Puff as the Crown Prince ! I don't think Crown Princes see themselves as floss lickers lol

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lucretia borgia

He needs no training, just reminding. It took me forever to get him to keep his bratty self away from my needlework, especially knitting and now you're encouraging it.

Have you ever come home to find strands of around 26 colors of floss tangled around everything in the room that was stolen from the tray, or your knitting wrapped around every possible piece of furniture in three rooms?

Don't you just love training a puppy?

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No, because I'm a total meanie who always keeps my puppies crated when I can't supervise them, until they're old enough to be trusted on their own. I'd be afraid that I'd come home to find the knitting wrapped around the dog tightly enough to kill it. For some reason, Cash wasn't crated, but had an X-pen in the kitchen with his bed and toys in it, from which he surveyed his world like the little king he was.

I do. They're so eager to learn everything and so appreciate the attention. They're just little sponges. Unfortunately, two is my limit given my time and space constraints. My breeder would love for me to take a bitch puppy from her next litter and it's all I can do to resist.


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Dr. Brat

I know that feeling. If I didn't strangle him for those two adventures, plus the time he nibbled through the speaker wire on my brand new computer, I guess I kind of liked it and found it funny. Then of course there were those minutes when I had crawl around on the floor to cut through the knitting yarn and untangle it from everything and then throw the whole project in the trash.

Now he's going to be 5 on January 15th and I kind of miss the surprises that were always waiting.


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I am sure glad that you clarified that!! I know Puff is supposed to be a wonder-dog, but even that was a tad too much for my imagination!! regarding training, the dachsies have done a good job of training us!


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Gill Murray

Ah, but Gillian -- dachsie lovers know, you never train them, they ALWAYS train you!

.......... regarding training, the dachsies have done a good job of training us!

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Jere Williams

Puff, the Crown Prince is a Maltese and certainly learned that lesson very young. He's had me fetching and carrying very efficiently since he was a puppy. If there's a choice on how you come back if you're reincarnated, I want to come back as one of our pampered pets.


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Gill Murray

Eyes are doing great -- did your doc comment on the "edge glare" -- still a little disorienting, but I'm getting used to it.

When I got up this morning, the sun was out, and the light fairly glowed -- I havent' gotten accustomed to all this brightness yet.

-- Jere

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Jere Williams

That will get better over time, or maybe I just got used to it. But I do find I need to wear sunglasses most of the time in this FL sun. Lucille

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