OT: for the cat lovers

Everything cattish. Look especially in the cat's library pages and the ASCII Art cats page!

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Susan Hartman
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What a great link, Sue! Thank you! Tegan

Susan Hartman wrote:

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Hi, Tegan - I was wondering if you were OK, not having seen you for ages. Hope you`ve just been busy and not ill!

Pat P

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Pat P

OOOOOOOOO -- that's a GREAT site :-)!! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their WHISKERS! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

I'm fine, Pat. I've had my nose buried in books and haven't been stitching enough to mention. My current interest seems to be beads. Mostly fixing the various bracelets I've bought and managed to break, lose a bead or whatever. I've also sorta gotten into trying to build my own bracelets and fobs. It's a bit addicting and has a much faster payoff than stitching does. Although, I guess I'll be starting a new stitching project sometime next week! I bought Ink Circles "Garden Stars" (you can see it here:

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and ordered Carrie's Threads conversion for it. Now I just need to figure out what fabric to use. And lets hope I don't get sick of green before it's done!

And Sue, thanks again for that link! I've been a bit worried about my old girl, Chen, who's 17+ and has been steady losing weight this summer. She's always lost some when it gets hot, but never this much. She's going to the vet tomorrow for an extended stay (I'm taking Mom to San Antonio for a family reunion) and while she's there, he's going to run some tests to see if he can tell me what's wrong. But that link was a bit reassuring with some of the info I found. Tegan

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What a lovely site - I love the Sea stars. Glad you`re OK.

Wish I could do beading. No - that`s a lie - I need some other hobby like I need a hole in the head. Cheryl sent me a nice beaded fob a couple of years ago - I have it on my best needlework scissors, and hang it/them on one of the levers on my Lowery stand. I recently bought the lamp holder for that, which has decluttered my work area nicely. I had a tall floor standing lamp before and had to move the darned thing out of the way whenever I stood up. With my lamp on the Lowery lamp holder I just swing the whole lot away with a single touch.

Pat P

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Pat P

Tegan, I'm sure the vet will check for hyperthyroidism. My very old girl (she's 20) has had it for some years now. If I'd known she'd still be with us at this point I would have taken her to Radiocat, but I've been treating her with methimazole. If that's what the diagnosis is, methimazole comes in liquid, but you can also get it in a cream. It comes in little needleless syringes and I just squeeze a little bit out and rub it in the inside of Dulcie's ear. SOOOO much easier than liquid or pills. BUt you'll probably have to ask your vet specifically about that option.

Good luck Sara

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Pat P wrote: > Wish I could do beading. No - that`s a lie - I need some other hobby like I


You've started an interesting new thread (and you didn't even know it!)

What craft are you fighting?

For me, it's knitting. I drool over ethnic socks, wacky shawls, etc. etc., and say, "Someday I'd love to learn to knit." Both my daughters knit, and they say, "We'll teach you!"

And then I stop myself. I'm so afraid of falling in love with knitting, and there already aren't enough hours in the day for stitching, sewing, and crocheting. I know I'd get more frustrated at not having enough time to do it *all*. So until I'm retired - and maybe even still then, if women like Pat and my mom are any example of how few expendable hours are in the day even when retired - I'm fightin' the urge. Just not enough hours in the day.


Reply to
Susan Hartman

Tegan wrote: > And Sue, thanks again for that link! I've been a bit worried about my

So glad the timing was helpful. Have a good trip, and best wishes to Chen! I hope the dr. will get her sorted out.


Reply to
Susan Hartman

Quilting! I love to look at the fabrics and I love some of the applique stuff (plus of course, you can make your own designs for applique relatively easily). Some of the work I've seen is SO beautiful!

And then there's crazy quilts and redwork blocks and bluework and snippet pieces and . . .

Linda W.

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there are several.

Weaving - I just ache to try that one. I see those small hand looms and just drool.

Glass - in any form. Stained glass, hand blown, lamp work (I could make my own beads). Make my own millefiori.....

Punch needle only lacks the time, I have the tools! LOL (thanks Bobbie).


Sore from today's efforts in the garden! BUT, I have employed the neighbor's son to come over with the chain saw for the bigger limbs. I've moved a few plants (have a ton more to move) and tomorrow I start tagging things that need a new home.


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Cheryl Isaak

Quilting, oh my how I'd love to learn to do it, but when on earth would I ever have time. Still, it's such a lovelyl look.

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Jere Williams

I'd like to relearn knitting. My grandma showed me the basics waaaay back when I was 10 or so, but I've forgotten pretty much everything now. My 11-year-old daughter and I had signed up to take a beginner's class together, but it was cancelled. I'd love to learn punch needle, too, but that initial investment in needles is a bit beyond me right now.

What I'm really fighting is the call of some old linens that my grandma embroidered that are begging to be turned into elegant stuffed cats. Every year I say I'm going to get one done for each of her great-grandchildren........That and the quilt pieces from my great-grandma that are longing to be finally assembled, too!


Susan Hartman wrote:

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I would like to learn hairpin lace. My friend Marsha does it and I have watched her and it's really easy. I just don't have the time! Between helping out DD & the DSonIL, the SMDGD, quilting & stitching, I don't *need* another thing to spend time on -- LOL! When we first moved to Magoliaville (6.5 years ago), I bought a bunch of fabric to make a new bedspread. That fabric is still on the roll sitting on the floor under the bed! THAT is what I need to make myself start on -- a new bedspread! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their WHISKERS! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

I should have kept mine because everything old is new again.


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My goodness, is it that long ago?!

Time flies when you're having fun.

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Karen C - California

XFIL took up stained glass in his retirement. It looked interesting, but at the time, we didn't have a kitchen table (tiny kitchen -- in a choice between a table and a clothes washer, the washer was deemed more important), so I had nowhere to work on it. Plus, start-up costs were more than we could afford at that time.

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Karen C - California

Several on several fronts! Quilting, first, because I have NO ROOM to sew in this tiny apartment. Or at least I lack the commitment to MAKE ROOM to sew etc. And certainly no room for fabric stash.

Spinning and weaving because I have no room for a loom or a wheel etc. etc.

I used to do decorative painting but gave it up after the move - I really needed more space!

Alison who does knit, bead, and cross stitch in the tiny apartment

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Ahhh, but it's so nice to have "something else" to do when you get weary of what you are doing. Maybe that's not a problem for you. Sometimes I have two things going at once: embroidery during sunshine, knitting in the evening.

Knitting is so satisfying. I don't know why I like it, but there's a rhythmic quality to it that is quite soothing. At least to me.


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Dianne Lewandowski

Yep. I feel that way about it also. It encourages contemplation and the lowering of blood pressure.


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Dr. Brat

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