OT: How can she be 11 already?

Youngest DD turns 11 tomorrow. I can recall her birth so clearly, the spinal block, the c-sec, the lesson to the resident from my OB as she went thru it. (Did you know "squishy bit" is a medical term? LOL).

When she came out she sounded more like a lamb then a baby, and it made the medical staff around me laugh and call her my precious lamb.

And now here she is growing like a weed, excelling at school, popular, and showing signs of becoming a beauty. She has her father's lovely green eyes and thick lashes.

She's having a sleepover at the house tomorrow night, Dude (clever man) says he has to be at work at midnight, so will miss most of the giggling, squealing girl silliness.

I don't feel old enough for her to be 11 already, and I'm working really hard not to dwell on the fact that the oldest will be 17 at the end of the month....because that just has to be impossible!


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I know what you mean -- my "baby" will be 33 in March, and it seems just yesterday I was bring her home from the hospital to show to her big sis. Oh my, the years, they fly by.

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Jere Williams

Just wait until your oldest is 50, Caryn, as ours will be next month. Our BABY is 43! Don`t worry - they still need you - but then they look after you, too!


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Pat P

Dude teases oldest that we are gonna live off her millions when she becomes a best selling author!


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Does fly doesn't it! C

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Cheryl Isaak

LOL - the youngest was a beauty 6 or 7 when I first met her.

You'll have fun - really you will.

That's the one that throws you. The fact that my eldest niece and goddaughter both graduated from college last May threw us. But the kids are convinced that DH and I are MUCH younger than their respective parents (in fact a bit younger than one set, and about the same age as the others).

And to think - I can still remember so vividly being an undergrad. High school hi-jinx as well.

But it's nice to know that the friends kiddies are growing up so well.


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LOL! Our oldest grandson told his Mum that we were the youngest oldies he had ever known. Of course there`s more than one way to take that, but we ASSUME he meant it as a compliment!!!


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Pat P

Oh, how I know the feeling! My oldest *grandchild* is 17, and the twins are

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Peggy Robinson

I was talking to my next-older sister (5 years older than me) a couple days ago. She retired 2 years ago and before that was talking to my parents about retiring. She asked my dad, "Does it seem weird to be talking to your children about retirement?" :) Then I realized that Dad retired just about the time my kids were born so they've never known their grandpa when he worked!

Yes, time certainly flies!


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Joan E.

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