OT: Wine Drinkers are discriminating people !

I often drink too much wine, but I not an alcoholic. I'm also not judgemental.


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Catherine Milton
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I drank a lot of the better "no alcohol" brews while nursing, especially during the summer. I really craved something in beer - the smell alone would set me drooling.


Reply to
Cheryl Isaak


Since we all know there are alcoholics, why drop that remark in ? It is a known fact that a couple of glasses of wine (red) per day are very beneficial for most people. The link merely suggested that wine drinkers are also more picky about food and I would say as a couple of glasses a day person (when not dieting and cutting out any alcohol with no deleterious effects) that is pretty true amongst the wine drinkers I know.

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lucretia borgia


And of course as late as the 50s the recommendation for a colicky baby, to settle it down, was to rub its gums with gin lol

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lucretia borgia

It was brandy! giggle!

DFIL used to joke about the 3 martini delivery of DH! don't know how many were actually drunk or if some where hurled at a door. DMIL didn't do pain well.


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Cheryl Isaak


Way to go lol

Reply to
lucretia borgia

Excuse me - but I didn't see your name in my post. If the shoe fits Love, put it on your *snotty* mouth.


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In my neighborhood it was Scotch!!

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I think the idea was common, a little alcohol of any sort, 'calmed' the baby.

I had a wonderful doctor with my first baby. When I went to him and he confirmed that I was pregnant (that had to be done to start receiving milk etc that was given to one during pregnancy) he sat down and said he wanted a 'wee chat' with me. First he wanted to know if I knew how I was going to deliver this baby - seems I did - he explained he was concerned how often 'his mothers' had this wild idea that somehow the baby would be delivered through their belly buttons. I could understand that, my mother had never been able to bring herself to explain about menstruation to me, certainly not sex, and definitely not any details about childbirth lol

The other part of his 'wee chat' though was to go through 'wisdoms' that should be ignored, such as a wee dram will settle baby down. Don't buy expensive modern drops to cure blocked tear ducts, hold a cut onion under the babys nose. Do not purchase a thermometer, you will know when you need me. When I asked a friend to 'phone to make an appointment for me (none of us had phones back then in naval married quarters, it took about six months to have one installed and we were never there long enough) when she said what ailed me he told her to tell the lass to stay abed and he would come and see me, which he did as I had a blocked and impacted milk duct. I have a wonderful doctor now but boy Old Doctor Munroe as he was known, was the best ever.

Reply to
lucretia borgia

You're not that deep, I can see right through you. You're also full of crap

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Obviously you are not feeling very good today, Victoria; maybe you should stay away from the computer, do something relaxing, rather than post hateful notes.


Reply to
Gill Murray

Nope, she has attractive blue eyes.

Reply to
lucretia borgia

You really are a pathetic person Victoria - one has to feel sorry for one who is so full of venom and hatred.


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So nice of you to think of me. Now if it were sincere, it may be worth my time.

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Not really, I have no sympathy for you.

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It is 100% sincere. I know you have very severe health problems right now.

Why do you always assume people are saying unkind things, when they are not??

It is always when you are very sick that you are the most unlikeable, cruel and vicious poster. I am sure that is probably not the real Victoria, and I wish you well.


Reply to
Gill Murray

Good - I don't need sympathy nor would I want anything from such a hypocritical person. Look in the mirror - do you really like the person you see? Scary


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If I wanted people to know I had severe health problems, I'd have said it myself. I said nothing wrong. Someone touted about how wonderful wine drinkers are, how discriminating they are, and I pointed out there are also alcoholics who drink wine. The reason I said this is because I've known many people to use this "wine is healthy and classes it up" attitude who have died of their alcoholism. Or worse, spent their days rather lonely. I didn't say anyone in particular. That was not a mean or unlikeable, cruel or vicious post at all. Maybe you should look at the genesis of that little diddy.

And I have NO intention of discussing my health here, so please don't do that, either.

You also may want to look at some of the vicious things you've said to me over the time. That crack about the laying tool comes to mind. You have not been all sweetness and light, so till you are, there is no point in trying to mentor me.

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Totally last post on the subject! You were the one who told us that the Hep C was back, and that you were going to have these unpleasant treatments; for a year IIRC. Your husband was even going to take some time off to help; whether that was for the treatments, or during the initial procedure, I must admit I don't quite remember. I do recall that I thought it was pretty nice of him to be there and support for you.

Finito..............and good luck with the treatments!


Reply to
Gill Murray


Just a dog bone minute here. Here is the link once again

formatting link
I posted it, I did not advocate people drink wine, I am not now,nor have I ever been an alcoholic, neither is Ruby, neither is Sharonor Gillian - that much I can attest to. Come to think of it, I willadd in Dawne, Cheryl and especially Brat, even though we may jestabout drinking.

The reason I said this is

Well bad luck for all of you, none of us is about to die and leave rctn because we drink wine.

I am afraid life cannot be run from the standpoint of addictive personalities, there are many more of us who take charge of ourselves and keep things under control. I suggest you not insult us.

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lucretia borgia

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