OT: Working together along the Red River

Hi Guys, Sheena too (LOL). DH's cousin who lives in Ely, MN sent me a link to a bunch of photos of the community efforts to combat the flooding of the Red River last month. There were photos of high school, middle school and even grammar school kids helping with the sand bagging work. The neatest photo -- IMNSHO -- was one of little kids (looked between 6 and

10) helping fill sandbags. The big folks had set up a "filling station" that was something I had never seen. They took a regular ladder set horizontally on big buckets so it was off the ground a fair bit. Under every other opening between rungs, a red traffic cone (the kind with the open top) was suspended upside down. The little kids were sitting on the ground holding bags under the narrow end of the traffic cones and the big folks were shoveling sand into the cones which worked like funnels to get the sand into the bag with very little spillage! What a great idea and something I had never seen before. The best part was to see folks from all over the region going to help the at risk communities deal with the impending flood. Folks from MN were in ND and vice versa depending on who was at risk. These are brave, independent people -- young and old alike. I was so impressed by the photos -- they reminded me of what it was like to with people who willingly helped each other with no regard for any sort of a reward! I didn't read much about the flood while it was happening. I was in Lizard Land with the SMDGD and when I got home had a terrible asthma & allergy "thing". I saw Joan in ND post a few times saying she was OK (at that point in time) so I hope everyone made it through OK. I did hear some chatter about Nordic Needle being in danger -- does anyone know who they fared? CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary
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Mavia Beaulieu

Flooding, bad flooding, happens in other countries and our people help each other out as well. Joan and I agreed that in her neck of the woods and mine, we would only be surprised if neighbour did not help neighbour, whatever the problem.

The final irony is that the Red River, which is bugging ND is ALSO bugging Manitoba, cos thats where it flows, northward into Canada to empty into Lake Winnipeg. So anything ND has, Manitoba has doubled. I know you're not interested in that though.

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lucretia borgia

Thanks Sheena - we are happily safe in my area. I can see the river, as you know, from my familyroom and it's really pretty waaaaaay over there. Helping one another just comes naturally for people around here - there's just no second thought about it. We're very lucky to live here. My heart certainly goes out to anyone in the flood areas.

Sharon (N.B.)

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I knew you were okay, and so am I atop my hill. If I flood Bruce and Lucille will be drowned the sea will have risen so high lol

I saw pics of the Saint John river tonight, does not look good choked with ice pans. This has been a bad winter in every way and the sooner we reach summer, the better.

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lucretia borgia

I called Joan a couple of evenings ago, and she sounded upbeat. There is flooding half-way up her property, but it is not in panic mode yet. However I suspect she would sound like that anyway, being the cool person she is.


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Gillian Murray

The immediate problem here at the moment is ice jams on the river. An ice jam last night caused the river to rise 40" in less than an hour. Dikes and sandbags held the water back in most cases. We had pumps running for the last two days and are holding our own pretty good. Water was about a foot or two from our back door all day but has since gone down. We can protect our basement from flooding in about 1/2 an hour if we have too but my shop is another matter all together. We raised anything worth saving to bench top level for the next couple of days. Soon as the ice is gone and the floodway opens we will be just fine. Folks to the south of us are completely surrounded by water or will be in a day or too. Here is hoping that their sandbagging helps them. JOAN PLEASE FLUSH JUST TWICE A DAY!! LOL

There is the odd dog turd and numerous patches of yellow colored snow floating around in the water in the back yard, add to that a rambunctious Malamute puppy that just loves to race around in the water, mud, etc. makes for an interesting time when he races into the house through an open back door (so I forgot to close it - big deal), dinner time is dinner time - for man or beast. The word OUT!!! being shouted 20+ times can drowned out the sound of a 50 cabilber machine gun any day of the week.

To tell you the truth I am more concerned about the influx of country mice, rats and skunks than I am about water. Add to that the wacko pet owners how haven't got there pets their rabies shots yet. **Marjorie's Sweet Smelling, Clean Casey** got his rabies shot last week, **My Muddy and Not so Sweet Smelling Casey** is resting his carcass in my shop.


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Our house is about 25 feet above high water but most of the other houses in Whitehall village are only about 2 feet (two feet!) about high water.

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Bruce Fletcher (remove denture

You must not have read my entire post. I said I had not been keeping up with the news about the flooding. I'm sooooooo sorry that I didn't specifically mention by name ALL of the people and areas affected by the flood. The specific photos I was looking at and commenting on were from a local newspaper so THAT is what I mentioned specifically. Personally, I would assume that people in the communities all along the Red River were helping each other but since I didn't **KNOW** that for a fact and hadn't seem photos of it, I didn't want to start a flame war by mentioning it! Of course it seems you are back to taking the opportunity to bitch about something I post simply for the sake of being judgmental. VBS, why am I not surprised! Oh well, have a great day and :-) :-) :-) :-) CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

Further to sandbagging, (in case Joan doesn't heed you) you will know about this man, but for others who don't

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I expect he's saving a few hernias.

Your DW is so tolerant, I would have squeezed the trigger on that machine gun !

Well good luck Fred and Joan, here's hoping the Red River melts slowly and empties in a civilized manner.

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lucretia borgia

I had thought the photos were from one of the local news papers but was mistaken -- they are from The Boston Globe. Here's the link...

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The one with the ladder and the upside down traffic cones being used as funnels to fill sand bags is down a bit. Even tho' no one mentioned it besides MOI, I'm STILL impressed to see the little kids out there working their butts off to help out. Brings a smile to my heart! CiaoMeow >^;;^< PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at
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Tia Mary

So why specifically aim your post with my name in it ?

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lucretia borgia

I hope they're gone today! Are they thinking of dynamiting them?

LOLOL! If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down! Good thing I don't have Dire Rear (as Trish so delicately puts it)! Makes it easier to follow your edict.

Puppies and water are *so* much fun, aren't they? You can't help but laugh and encourage them when they're acting so joyfully!

And yes, they're still expecting a 2nd crest here sometime in the next two weeks...depending on how fast the melt is, and there's a considerable amount of snow & ice left to melt. Which means Fred will get a second one in 3 or 4 weeks. Don't take those sandbags down, yet! Temps in the 40s and 50s will melt it pretty quickly.


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Looks soooo logical, one of those things you see and wonder why someone didn't think of it ages ago! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

OY -- Sheena -- remember months back when we had the thread about me always starting my posts and you saying you weren't a guy .......??? So

-- I started my post in my regular way (Hi Guys) and then mentioned you specifically so that I could tease you a bit! I don't specifically do things to irritate you so if I WANT to irritate you, I'll make sure you know I am doing so! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

But if you are colour blind it's a bit of a problem

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Bruce Fletcher (remove denture

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Mavia Beaulieu


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PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary


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