A Favor of you Please

up, thank you muchly! But the days linger long

power to entertain and amuse me if you

post at RCTQ, and why you stay,

quilting future. Maybe everyone else will get some

Hi Diana!

Here's my short story of how it all began per your request :^)

I started quilting in 1989 after getting a quilting catalog in the mail. Got my curiosity so I ordered a quilt kit. Not feeling all that sure in selecting fabrics much less a pattern it was easy to let someone else pick out the fabrics for the design I liked. I'm self taught since where we used to live it took an hour to get to town and all the guilds met in the evenings. Night driving is not my cup o' tea. But I discovered all the fun books, patterns & gadgets that all work together. Since then I've made probably at least a dozen quilts. I've learned to enjoy working with triangles, green fabric & will master applique if it kills me

I found r.c.t.q. way back in 1994 (!). DH (then boyfriend) had just purchased a computer & he had run across the newsgroups so he subscribed me to rctq. I lurked for awhile, then hopped in (after The Great Flame War was over )- and have participated in the goings on like block/fq/siggy swaps & HUGs (first one was Ruth's HUG) and have been in on many HUG's thereafter. And maybe even an instigator of at least one or two. :-)

I've stayed because of the friendships of those I've met & those that I haven't met personally, even when they have sent me green fabric ;^) the swaps, silliness & fun that the group has offered over the years. I have laughed & cried with you all. If you ever get a chance to meet an rctq'er, do it! It is even more fun when you gather in groups! You'll discover all sorts of things, like there ARE quilt police.... they just reside in Burbank (I'll have to get that picture posted one of these days) Or that fabric CAN be stored in the refrigerator, isn't that right Butterfly??!

If I can only find more 'spare' time (and a cooler sewing room) I can do more quilting & other crafty things that I like to do. Along with getting back onto the ng. Back to my little corner of lurkdom.....for now Hope you are feeling better soon!

(((gentle hugs))) HoBo

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Thank you for the healing wishes! I can grant them, I am healing well! And thank you so much for sharing your quilting tale with all of us. Im so glad everyone is having as much fun with this thread as I am. I had no idea it would blossom like this. All the storys have been so interesting! Diana

Reply to
Diana Curtis

Thank you for the story, and for the get well wishes. I have enjoyed every tale from the shortest and simplest to the long and involved and marveled at the different ways people have become involved in quilting, and the reasons they stay with it. Seems a fair number of us are admitting that our significant others/future husbands, and family techie geeks got us hooked up with RCTQ. Thats ok. We got here. We made it our own. Thanks HoBo!!! I loved your story! Diana

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Diana Curtis

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Oh, geez, you brought back some memories.... Do you (anybody?) remember FidoNet? That's where I got my start on what was to become the Internet. The town where I live got a federal grant to help answer the question..... "how would (actually "would") a global computer hookup affect 'small town' U.S.A." The head of the project was installing computers at the local library and saw me going through census microfilms doing some genealogy research. That was back in, ummmmm, mid?-late 80s. We didn't even have a modem on our home computer. He told me I was using the "wrong" machine - and would I be interested in being a guinea pig for his project and searching for genealogy and other things on the NEW world-wide-web. Ooooh that was a life changing decision for me! Couldn't wait for us to get a modem at home instead of downloading everything on disk at the library and taking it home to read it Just shows how much time has changed things, huh?

My grandma taught me to both hand stitch & do embroidery, where the back MUST look as good as the front, or you dang well undid it and did it over! She also would draw a line/curve on an old piece of used stationery (recycling back in the 40s) and have me (using the old treadle with an OLD needle and NO thread or bobbin) try to sew on the line. She figured if I could do that, then I'd be able to sew something "for real" when I got a little older. She also had a big basket of scraps that I played with.

Well, I learned to sew clothes for my doll and such. Then, when I was 7th grade, made some of my own clothes. My first real quilt didn't happen till the early 60s in college when my roommate and I decided to re-decorate our dorm room. We made simple alternating squares (print & solids) in those 60s greens . I still have the quilt, BTW.

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I haven't been spending too much time online in the past few days - getting psyched up for my 2nd chemo. So I've missed this long, but interesting I'm sure, thread. Not sure If I'll ever be able to wade through the whole thing, though I've "browsed" some of the answers here and there.

I began quilting in early 2001. May I think. I hadn't sewn much since my home ec class in middle school, and before that just a bit with my mom. But I always loved crafting of almost any kind.

Anyway, my dad had passed away in 2000 and I had gotten the idea of making some memory quilts in his honor to give to my siblings (incidentally, to date, I'm the only sibling that doesn't have one -- yet). I saw something like that in a catalog and loved the idea of it. I just love the soft and tactile aspect of the fabrics mixed with the warm memories from treasured photos.

Anyway, I was talking about it with a friend, and she mentioned that she had started quilting with another friend in the past months and they were taking some classes at a LQS. She asked if I would like to take a class, but I couldn't commit to an evening class because of our schedule with kids baseball and scouts and etc. And the daytime classes were out of the question anyway because we both work. But I asked her tons of questions and went with her to the LQS and bought a book or two and ordered some fabric and a new sewing machine online and plunged right in. And I haven't had a break ever since. I like to make small quilted projects as gifts, and thus I mostly like to stick with simple patterns. Someday I hope to make a project just for me, and I would really like to tackle a Lone Star and also make a queen bed-size Irish Chain. But, those are "stretch goals" for me. Mostly I like to make memory quilts, WH's, baby quilts, doll quilts, snuggle/lap quilts. And my new favorite short project - tote bags!

I found rctq because my friend had been lurking for a while, and was always talking about hints and stuff she found here. I subscribed and lurked just a bit before jumping right in! I really enjoyed that this was such a warm and welcoming place. And I got a LOT of help. So, even when the group seems to go through a "quilting lull" (where there seems to be more OT posts and rants going than talking about quilting) I stick it out and wait for someone to post a quilting question or tip, or even better - pictures of projects -- my VERY FAVORITE reason to stick around in rctq! They are so inspiriational!



Diana Curtis wrote:

Reply to
Ann Adamson

This is so interesting. I had no idea how or when the net really started.... To think, without the net this rather wonderful congregation couldnt exist, and none of us might know one another... its mind boggling. Thank you for sharing your very interesting story Judy! Diana

Reply to
Diana Curtis

WAIT!!! Come back, Butterfly. I'm enjoying all these stories too ... but ... but ... ummmmmm .... I'd sure like to see yours too.

DeB Shaw Queen of the *Northern*Lights* (maybe I missed it, or missed lots of them???)


We can make YOU the HERO!

formatting link


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DeB Shaw

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Pat in Virginia

The books are available, the series is being re-issued in collected volumes: books 1 and 2 are out as "Wiz Biz", 3 and 4 as "Wiz Biz 2". Don't really remember coloring books, but then my folks were both teachers. Lots of books at home.

Pati,in Phx

Diana Curtis wrote:

Reply to
Pati Cook

mine..tis only 46 years long..but not today it will come, soon

butterfly //already missin my 1's...no capitals used....oh, what we don't do for friends//

DeB Shaw wrote:

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I'm sure Kate could be persuaded to let you have a few ! and capitals back... No one should have to live !less for long, its just to much.. You may have mine.. wait... um.... I know! Use nzl*s .. she doesnt use them at all! There.. simple! Diana

Reply to
Diana Curtis

Im so glad you posted this. I was looking on Amazon.com for your DHs works and that is what I found, Wiz Biz... etc.. and now I know what Im looking at I can put it on my wish list! Yay! Thank you Diana

Reply to
Diana Curtis

Im glad you added your story to this thread. And Im so glad you found your way here to rctq! Good luck on your chemo! hugs, Diana

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Diana Curtis

Howdy! (some copy&pasting may be necessary; beg pardon! this looks right on my screen ) Must be the longest THREAD on a subject Ever! ;-D

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Sandy, what is the address of the French-speaking group? I used to teach French, but that was 10 years ago, and languages are definitely in the category of Use it or lose it.

Nell in Austin

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Nell Reynolds

Axe murderers! With posters in this newsgroup spread over the UK, Canada, Australia and the US (have I left any place out?) who could afford the airfare to all those prospective victims?

Nell in Austin

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Nell Reynolds

Suzie, are you literally "under the pier?" When we first moved to Corpus Christi, my DH met a brilliant man on the internet who called himself the Troll under the Bridge. (Shades of the Brothers Grimm!) He and his wife lived in a converted shrimp trawler moored in the Intracoastal Waterway under the high bridge to Padre Island.

Nell in Austin

Reply to
Nell Reynolds

My goodness! You certainly have an interesting family! And it was so kind of you to share your personal family photographs with us.

Nell in Austin, who has nowhere as interesting a family

" Ellison" wrote in message news:%YW0b.107627$ snipped-for-privacy@bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...

Reply to
Nell Reynolds

That was ME ... the one that just couldn't keep up. You can keep me surrounded with all the coffee and tea ya' want , but eventually my body just has to rest. When body says STOP ... I stop right now. on Mom's side who were cotton dusters, gloves and tack cloths,

Reply to
DeB Shaw

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