Alternatives to RCTQ

I've been on fb a long time, even recently got into a game that's interesting at 3 a.m. when I can't sleep. I've never had a problem. And I do use my real name. Maybe it is just sheer good luck, but I think I'm the rule rather than the exception.

This group is home. Always will be. My heart and soul are here. I don't post as often as I used to, but mostly because I'm having a bit of a lump time right now. No need to talk about it on fb,but here I can tell you guys that I'm struggling and have been for months. It's all about balance. But I will never ever give up RCTQ.

When my ISP announced no newsgroups, I just started accessing through Google. No problems, ever. It's easy to see where the new comments are and so on. Life is all about give and take, come and go, up and down. RCTQ will survive because we love it and love will survive.

Hugs, Sunny

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Having no choice, you will indulge me. I don't know the difference in ISP, USP, UPS and UPI - don't know lots of computer words. I am so old ( how old am I ? nevermind) that I am always delighted and truly blessed that I can love friends in Germany, OZ, UK, Spain and Denmark and places I have never been and 50 years ago could not have afforded to send a postcard. However. Did you see that coming? One of our faraway friends, and I think it was Roberta told me I could continue to enjoy rctq and the manner in which I read it with It cost me about $2 a month or less. It lets me receive and sort so that I can skip threads or stay with threads to suit my comfortable routine. There are many others. Some are free. Mine is dependable - in that I think they let their children run it during Christmas time. Like Sunny, this group is home. I sorely miss those who have given up or moved up. I truly do. Polly

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Polly Esther

I used to use too. I switched to You buy a "block" of something or other and you have access nearly forever if you don't go in to the groups that have pictures.

Ms P

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Ms P

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