
The photographs are copyright, and you should not use them, even for your own use, without permission... This is always the case, but it is worth asking for permission, especially if you do not plan to sell the end product. If you get permission, and subsequently show the quilt, you must credit the artist... There is a lot of nonsense talked about copyright, including the merry idea that you can change a proportion (usually quoted as 30 percent) after which it becomes your design. This is rubbish...I understand that, in the US, if I photograph your artwork, then you still have copyright on the image. In the UK, if I take a photograph, even of your work, then I hold the copyright of that image (there are exceptions), but do not therby acquire the right to copy the work...

Minefield time, folks...

Helen Howes Our Lady of the Biscuits...

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Thanks Helen. I don't know if I would ever sell the quilt but every quilt I make has an eye towards submitting it to a show. Of course, I've never made one good enough yet but I keep trying. Maybe someday?

I think based on the discussions so far as well as the website that Lisa posted that I will just forget this idea and go on to something else.


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Pat in Virginia

Well, for anyone who is interested, I contacted Warner Bros for permission and was told...

"While we appreciate your request, I regret to inform you that our present intellectual property policies preclude us from granting you permission to use these properties for the requested purpose."

Oh well, I probably wouldn't have ever finished it anyway.


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Shirley -weren't you the one who had family displaced from their home because of some disaster last year? How are they making out?

Sharon (N.B.) ....................................................................

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Yes, that was my Niece and her 5 children. Their life isn't perfect but they are getting by. The whole family moved in with my sister and her husband in a 3 bedroom mobile. It was tight quarters for a while but my sister and her husband have since moved out giving them a little more room.

The mobile is right next door to my mother and grandmother and all of my brothers and sisters live within 50 miles so they have a lot of family support around them.

I only hope that the people in New Orleans and Mississippi come out of Katrina as well. I have been watching the news and the destruction there is devastating. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of them.


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