OT - 21 week update


Mark and I went for the "20 week anomoly" scan on Wednesday, though I was 21 weeks and 3 days at that point. I asked whether I would have the option of an amniocentesis at some point?.... and was reminded that I had said at my last scan/meeting with midwives on July 9th that I had said I would be satisfied with a "low risk" result on my blood test for Down's Syndrome and would not need an amnio. Well, I can't remember what I said or did last week anymore, much less 2 months ago! Mark also did not recall the conversation, and I think he is suffering from "baby brain" as he is very stressed with a major deadline looming at work, as well as trying to organise builders to come in and do major building work and have it completed by January.

I digress. I said that I would like an amnio done, if it were an option (some suggested it might be "too late") and after talking to a counselor there at the hospital about it, I was booked in for 10 am the next morning. Well, at least I didn't have to stew about it! Mark was totally supportive, and said he thought that the 1% risk of miscarriage wasn't a great idea when the baby is "low risk", but that the decision was mine and he would support me whatever I decided. So we went in yesterday and I had it done, and it didn't hurt as much as trying to get blood out of me, "The Stone" as they know me.

I am B- so after the amnio, they did get blood out of the proverbial Stone, then gave me a big shot full of anti-D so I won't build up antibodies to the (possibly) Rh positive baby. My bum still hurts.

I went home and lay down for the afternoon, read 2 new quilt magazines that had just arrived (yay!) and took a nap. Mark ordered a Chinese takeaway for the evening and we were watching a DVD when I suddenly felt that I was going to be sick/vomit. It was such a strong feeling, and I felt dizzy though I was sitting down and had been for 2 hours. My ears started to ring and buzz and everything turned quite purple. I thought I was about to pass out. I really wanted to get up, but standing up made it much, much worse. I staggered to the loo because I thought I might be sick, then downstairs to the kitchen and asked Mark to open the kitchen door. I sat in the fresh air from the pouring rain we've been having for about 20 minutes and felt better after that. Mark said it was a "low blood pressure" episode, which I've never experienced, but he said he has and that I should have lain down, but I really wasn't keen on that (really thought I might be sick).

Went to bed after all of that, and had a few funny tremors in the womb, but couldn't tell if it was little micro-contractions as they warned me, or the baby kicking the site of the needle, which is tender. Either was unwelcome! Did get some sleep though, and felt fine today. Even made blueberry pancakes for Mark, since he stayed home until I was up and moving about, to make sure I was alright, and didn't have another funny turn.

I should get the quick results of the amnio by 4pm this afternoon, the markers for Down's Syndrome, Edward's Syndrome and one other I forget. The full results will take about 2 weeks, and will be posted to us I believe.

We found out the gender on Wednesday, but are keeping that a secret, as well the name we've picked out. One of my friends from my Russian language course knows a lass who was told she was having a boy, and well, out popped a girl and people were "disappointed" in a way.... I would not wish that on anyone, so will just let it be a surprise! Though Mark has said he wants to start a betting pool and make money on it while he can....

And that is the progress so far. I think I'll have the rest of the Lemon Chicken for lunch... mmm....

-- Jo in Scotland

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Jo Gibson
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Hope you are feeling better by the time you read this message, and continue to do all right the rest of the day. Sure hope the results of the test come out OK. Barbara in SC

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Bobbie Sews More

Ditto Barbara's post.

Stay well.

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Relax and take it easy for the rest of today. No sense pushing yourself! This is a good excuse to pamper yourself!

Debbi in SO CA

Jo Gibs> Hello,

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Debbi in So CA

Don't forget feet above your head as often as you can. ;o It helps keep circulation going in your ankles!

Glad all is well. That blood rush is horrid, isn't it.

Take care of both of you. Nel (Gadget Queen)

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Jo, I'm sorry you had that episode with your blood pressure, but I'm so glad it was a temporary thing and that everything else seems to be coming along so well. :) I think your decision to keep the baby's gender a secret is great! :)

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Thanx for the update. I'll be praying everything goes well for you and baby.

I am also RH-. Here in Canada you get your shot between 25-26 weeks and then again right after delivery. I've had 7 so for, waiting for #8 to arrive and it's never been a problem.

I don't know anyone who didn't know what they were having here. We always find out. Although just in case no one should go painting pink or blue cuz you never know. Ultrasounds are not 100%, only amnio can be

100%. Our elderly neighbourgh th> Hello,
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I'll pass along some excellent advice that has helped me. Get a note book and take it to ALL doctor visits, diagnostic sessions, etc. Use it to write questions you intend to ask, leaving room for the answers. List doctor's orders, recommendations, schedules, etc. Insert newspaper columns that you want to discuss. Track your medicine. Before you go to deliver, prepare a notebook for your future child and use it at the hospital. A full set of notes will help you be a full partner in your health care decisions. It is helpful if parents take turns seeing the pediatrician. I think such a notebook would be good for veterinary visits. A simple school composition book will do nicely. Good luck. Pat in Virginia

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Pat in Virginia

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Yes from here also. I remember trying to keep up with a lively child. Unfortunately there was really no such think as leashes marketed for children then. But we did put bells on her shoes. Not just a fashion accessories, if she strayed away from me in a store I could hear her. :-)


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I did not know what I was having with either of my kidlets. My son was a sickie and I had 14 ultrasounds and 2 amnios and did not want to know the sex. The high risk doc kept it a secret per our request. When I delivered, my regular OB delivered the baby. He forgot that we did not want to know the gender prior to birth, so when DS was born, doc did not tell me what I had. The only way I knew the baby's gender was when my now ex said to one of the NICU nurses in the delivery room, "It better be a little boy or it sure as heck is a funny looking little girl."

Debbi in SO CA

Joanna wrote:

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Debbi in So CA

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