OT: child prayers

Thomas is back at school after his "spring break" and as he was heading out to the bus, tripped off our front step and landed head first on the sidewalk. He has a pretty ugly goose-egg on his forehead, but he's happy that his hair falls in such a way that it covers it. Needless to say, he missed the bus .....told him it didn't matter. He kept insisting that he wanted to go to school (I think he's excited to be able to hand out his birthday invitations to his classmates), so I took him, after checking his eyes and giving him children's Tylenol. We stopped in the office and I talked with Mandy (school nurse) and told her what had happened and when I had given him the Tylenol. She is going to check with him periodicallky throughout the day to see how his head feels and to check his eyes. I also talked with his teacher and she said she will keep an eye on him as well.

I told both of them that I have no plans of going anywhere today and to call me as soon as they need to if he needs to come home. I know that it HAS to be Monday somewhere in the world....right??

Larisa, mom of one with a nasty lump on his head and the other with a virus/cold that just won't go away....oh, and she has started having growing pains which have been keeping everyone up all night......

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((((((((((((((((( Larisa )))))))))))))))))))

I'm certain Thomas will be fine. And so will your "coldy one." The virus will fade away, the growing pains will pass. You, on the other hand, will grow gray hair, gain a worry line or two, miss a lot of sleep and find yourself one day thinking back fondly on these worry- filled days.

In the meantime, take care of you. Remember to put on your own oxygen mask before attending to children traveling with you.

Hugs and good thoughts, Sunny

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LOL oh SUnny, I needed that last reminder. AS for the grey hairs and wrinkles..they started showing up about the time the second child arrived. Thomas is fine, if a little bruised. Rebekah is acting as if she if perfectly healthy - except for when she isn't getting her way, then it's teary-eyed whiny baby time. She is getting a warm soak and stories tonight, so that should help her feel a little bit better....off to bathe the baby


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