OT: Ear tube surgery tomorrow

If you could spare a little more room in those huge hearts of yours for one more, I'd really appreciate it. I haven't been able to hear much of anything for a week now so they're putting tubes in my ears tomorrow morning first thing. It's suppose to be no big deal but that's not usually how it goes for me. Cataract surgery: allergic reaction to drops made the first one very painful and then when I went back in for the laser correction whatever contraption they used, when he removed it it removed my epithelia's and I was in pain for another week. This one's going to go well and easy and simple, right? Right!! She types with fingers and toes crossed. Didn't know I was that talented did ya?

Thanks ya'll! Dreamie

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Prayers on their way from SC. Barbara

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Bobbie Sews More

Be thinking of you tomorrow my dear......good thoughts, prayers and (((((((((((((((DREAMIE)))))))))))))))))))'s....

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Cindy Schmidt

Me with Cindy. Good thoughts, prayers and hugs. Will be holding you close tomorrow. Polly

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Polly Esther

Tomorrow is here, here! Do hope all goes well today Dreamie. . In message , Dreamweaver writes

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Best of luck that all goes smoothly and according to plan, Dreamie! :)

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Well, somebody didn't get the memo but the ENT that comes out here only "sees" patients on Monday and does his surgeries/procedures on Fridays. So now not only do I have to wait another week, but then I'm left hanging over the weekend without a net (so to speak) if anything goes wrong. So helpful for my stress levels. This prednisone wean is killing me mentally/emotionally. Coping is so much more difficult than normal because of it so the littlest things become big dramas and I hate it. Anyway, sometime the middle of the day on Friday and even that's not for certain.

Thanks for all the support gang. And to make this a little On topic, I tried to quilt yesterday but my upper thread kept getting bunched up on the bobbin underside of the fabric. I was too tired to deal with it. Any suggestions, wisdom?


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Sending positive vibes and good thoughts for a successful outcome - and successful "ear-tube-ing" Can you hear us yet????


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Dreamie, whenever the upper thread is bunching on the bottom of the fabric that means there is a lack of tension on the top thread. could be caused by pressure foot not being down, (or getting lifted just enough if you have a lot of bulk under the arm of the machine) the thread not being fully in the tension mechanism (often happens when the machine is threaded with the pressure foot down) or the tension too low (which is not usually a problem with most machines today. ) Oh, yeah, it can also happen if your thread jumps out of the take-up lever. (on old machines that didn't/doesn't happen because you put the thread through an eye in the lever. Newer, "easy-thread" machines have a slotted eye and that can come unthreaded.........especially if you sew fast. Don't ask. ) In very rare cases you can get some problems on the back side of a seam if the bobbin tension is too tight, but not usually a bunch of top thread.

Good luck with both the quilting and the ear-tubes.

Have fun, Pati, in Phx.

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Pati, in Phx

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