OT: final results of NY State Fair

Well, the last of the food entries went in today..........so, here is the FINAL tally for me at the 2003 NYS Fair:

cooking: 0 winners

sewing: 1 4th place, 3 honorable mentions, 1 not accepted

So, that is it for me for the year. I will be taking a break from fair entries for a while as I am a little disappointed with this years turn out. I will *not* be entering food entries for quite a LONG time. Apparently, while my cooking can astound family and friends, it doesn't do for strangers with the power to judge .

Anyway, that's the latest and last update.........

thanks for letting me share and vent,


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You may feel discouraged now, Larisa, but put it all in perspective. I understand this is the first time you entered the cooking part, so it would be no different than learning about what the quilting judges look for and what makes for a successful entry. Can't always do it the first time. Can't do it the second time either if you just walk away.

As for your sewing, you may not have made the top 3 in the categories you entered, but the quality of your work did get acknowledged.

You sound like a perfectionist, someone who is used to being successful. Maybe, just maybe, you are taking winning for granted. Most people I know, including myself, would be tickled pink at the ribbons you did win. And at the New York State Fair, no less. How many entries were yours competing against?

kitty in phx

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I bet the food tasted to real for them! ;)

Congratulations anyway, and have a nice rest from it for a year or two.

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Kate Dicey

Actually, I am just very anal, as my darling husband is fond of saying. I'm not used to being that successful at all...this year was a downer because i did worse than last year, and yet, I had put more time and effort into the sewing entries. But hey, *I* like my entries, and they will look good when Rebekah grows to be big enough to wear them . I have no idea how many entries they compted against...except for teh charity quilt contest...there were only 9 entries in that category..however, I did learn what the "normal" winner criteria is....but, on the other hand, all quilts in that category go to charity, so I don't really care if I placed there (it does bother me that pre-printed panels are entered together with pieced quilts, but that's just me).

Larisa, done with fair competition for quite a few years...wait'll this little girl is a teenager and wants me to make her prom dress!!! LOL

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Still, don't be too hard on yourself. You did good, give yourself a pat on the bac and a box of chocolates. Do you have pics?

kitty in phx

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Yes, I have pictures..lots, actually. People that go to my church saw my entries and took pictures of the entries in case I hadn't made it there. I got one sent via email, and 3 handed to me as I was leaving church today. I will be scanning them in and posting them to my photo album (thanks to yahoo!) soon. Right now, doing the second bedroom curtain and finishing a quilt take priority.


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