OT: good thoughts

This is not something as drastic or heart-rending as some of the posts we get, but since this group seems to have God's ear.....

DD has been sick now for a week, but is slowly getting better. However, in the past week she has passed on the ickies to her dad, and it appears to her brother and me as well. DH is in the "obnoxious, leave me the h*** alone" stage, DS is just starting to cough, and I've got the itchy throat and pressure in the head.

DH has to finish his homework or fall behind in his college classes (they allow 8 weeks per course), and he also needs to prepare for another course he is supposed to be teaching (yes, another week with him not at home..oh joy!). DS is supposed to be on a field trip tomorrow, which is a little scary considering how his past week at school was (not listening, running around, not staying in his seat or with the class).

So I guess, if you could just spare a second or 2 to keep healing and quick recovery thoughts heading in our direction, I would appreciate it. It is bad when one of the kids gets sick, horrible when DH gets sick, and when I get sick, it is total chaos because there is nobody to take care of me the way I take care of everybody else.....Mom is still Mom, even when she is sick .

Thanks bunches,


P.S. Tonight will see the finish of the fmaily flannels...will get pictures of the girls pants up as soon as I can. Not sure what I will work on next......

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off kilter quilter
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Hugs, healing thoughts and some virtual chicken soup are all headed your way! Take care, of yourself as well.

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Debi Matlack

thanks Debi.....tonight *nobody* has gone to sleep yet...its 1030pm here. Looks like tomorrow is going to be a fun (extreme sarcasm) day all around

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off kilter quilter

IKK! Why is it that when WE get sick we still have to do everything, but when THEY get sick, it's either like living with a bear with a hangover or they drip round after you, telling you how ill they feel, and SNIFF at you! AARRGGHH! ;)

Put DS on a lead and lock DH in the study with the computer and his books...

On the way already! You look after yourself!

Don't push it if you are feeling grotty: that's when mistakes happen!

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Kate Dicey

just go on strike - go on do it! go to bed and stay there no matter what - do the bear thing to DH just so he knows what it's like ;-)

I know, I know I'm being totally evil about this but you do get better faster ;-)


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I think maybe last night was a bad sleep night all around. I finally turned the light off at 11:30, and proceeded to toss and turn all night. I'm an active sleeper anyway, but this was ridiculous. I can tell you how many times the cats jumped on the bed (Ernie twice, Phoebe three times and the dog tried to lick my toes) and what time the hubby came to bed (about 3:30). I work and have class today and won't be home until 8:30p at the earliest. Ugh.

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Debi Matlack

Good, healthy thoughts on the way!

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Carolyn McCarty

Good vibes and healing thoughts are on their way from Maine! ME-Judy


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On the way, Larisa!

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Donna in NE La.

Oh, geesh, feel better soon to all in the household! I thought I was done with the kids passing on the germs, but now I have grandkids, and here we go again!

Don't worry about the DH, keep the kids hydrated and as comfy as possible. This too shall pass and then you'll have time to get your strength back as well. Feel better!

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Thanks everyone!!

DD is still a little stuffy, but she is doing MUCH better. Her latest thing is to all of a sudden say she's scared of something that has never bothered her before. We are working on this.

DH is almost out of the obnoxious stage, but he still doesn't feel well. HE has been taking theraflu at night, so at least he can get to sleep without any stuffiness and such.

I am coughing, but that's about it - must be all the vitamins and such that I pump into myself (nearly) everyday.

DS is doing well, I think. He is coughing a little bit and sleep has become an issue for him, but he had a perfect behavior day yesterday, so maybe he is going to be consistent in school (for a while at least).

DH is getting ready for his class, and his co-teacher is driving him up the wall. I think that, if the contract hadn't already been signed and such, DH would not even bother. He has fallen behind in his college work, but is emailing the school to see if he can have an extension on his current class. Hopefully they will let him.

And, most of you saw the other post about the applique - wahoo!! a little extra money to go towards bills. Nope, don't care that DH said any money I bring in by sewing would be mine for playing. We *need* to get this credit card and the dentist paid off so they aren't hanging over our heads anymore!!

Larisa, magazines cancelled as a baby step towards saving more money

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off kilter quilter

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