OT: good thoughts needed for well-behaved children

Mother wants to take the children (ages 6 and 2.5) to Kings Dominion. We leave in about 1.5 hours to head over from our house. Thomas is ADHD and has to deal with Sensory Integration Dysfunction. What that means is that he can get easily overwhelemed when there is too much sensory input...hmm...Theme park, people in character costumes, loud noises, fast rides..yep, perfect place for him to go into sensory overload . Rebekah is still in her fearlees, do what she wants to do phase. PLEASE PLEASE keep us in your thoughts as we attempt to make this trip.

Mother wanted Thomas (and only Thomas) for 2 weeks this summer, but that is just an unsafe option at this point. This is her compromise for one last summer f un thing before the children start back at scchool (Rebekah is in the Mother's Morning Out program - 1 day a week, 3 hours).

Thomas is old enough to at least understand what we are staying when we tell him he needs to stay with Mommy and Essie, holding one of our hands at ALL TIMES, Rebekah will be in the stroller most of the time, even though she will be throwing a fit because she likes to walk everywhere now. We have been drilling Thomas on his name, address, phone number, but he will also have that informaiton in his wallet, as well as a family picutre and the cell phone numbers of me, his dad, and my MOther (Essie).

To say I am stressed is an understatement. I'm terrified that one or both of the children will get separated from us. Of course, th at's probably every parent's nightmare, but it seems to be something more plausible with my children and their "disabilities" and personalities.

Thanks for listening to me ramble and vent (?). We will be staying at a hotel, which means that the children probably won't get too much in the way of sleep, but.....ok, I'm done.....


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off kilter quilter
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Fingers are crossed for a fun trip with no significant mishaps! :)

Reply to
Kate Dicey

I remember the challenges of traveling with my DS#3 when he was little. ADHD was only one of our problems. Add Autism, MR and seizures! AND MORE!!! We, too, were always terribly afraid of him wandering off. We actually bought and used one of those "kiddie leashes" so he could be out of the stroller and walk around. He was so much happier. We got the occasional "STUPID and RUDE" comments from others... but hey -- we had a good time. My son was happier being able to move about. The fact that there are ignorant, rude people out there was no surprise. (Then I said a prayer that for just one day they could walk in my shoes! They would learn to shut their mouths!)

I hope you have a wonderful trip!

Kate in MI

in about 1.5 hours

Integration Dysfunction.

rides..yep, perfect

fearlees, do what she

make this trip.

just an unsafe option

the children start

week, 3 hours).

him he needs to stay

in the stroller most

everywhere now. We

have that

numbers of me, his dad,

the children will

but it seems to be

hotel, which means that

Reply to
Kate G.

larisa, Sorry i missed you this morning on messanger. Was trying to get some cleaning done before the weekend rush/fun begins. I'll say a prayer for your day of "fun", and I do hope it a fun day. Autumn made it home, but now the fun begins. i do believe she forgot her manners and everything when she was with mom. Now i am getting back-talk, joy joy... Toni

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Toni Schneidt

had that happen to me with one of the kidlets after being away form home for a week--all of a sudden we 'forgot' some very important mannerisms. Sat said kidlet down and asked them to 'explain' why the sudden change and gently reminded them WHERE they were..and at camp was not an acceptable answer. Be firm but gentle and it'll work a treat.

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Prayers on the way for a fun trip. Try not to expect the worst, and have a good time yourself, too!

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TerriLee in WA (state)

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