OT: Last try

The pain med I started most recently was sort of working and then a couple days ago I broke out in an itchy, red rash on my throat. End of that.

So tomorrow I start another drug. A patch, not a pill.

This is the last one. I can't handle the chemical whiplash anymore. My body feels confused and miserable. Food doesn't taste good. My stomach is unhappy. My brain just wants to sleep all the time, but dreads the bad dreams that come every night.

Worst of all, I can't sew. I can't stitch. I can't weave. I can't draw pictures or anything. I have a half-dozen projects sitting ready to put together. Easy and fun and pretty. I can 't do it. My brain and my hands just have gone on strike. I am worried I won't ever make anything again. See? I'm over-dramatic, too.

This is the last drug. If it doesn't work, I really don't know what I'll do. I'm looking into self-hypnosis clinics and I'm seeing a shaman in January and from there I don't know. My husband is looking for a school that teaches cranio-facial massage so he can help me. I know I have everything in the world going for me. I appreciate how many people are praying for me and keeping me in their thoughts and hearts. I'm just so tired.

But, we carry on. And I'm absolutely certain this new drug will be the one to give me relief and not make me itch or turn colors or wig out or get spots on my legs or lose my voice or need to sleep 25 hours a day.


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Hooo-Eeee, I do understand about the bad dreams. Sleeping is important around here. I sleep at least 7 hours at night and seriously look forward to a little 2 hour nap around noon. But - once upon a time, I had a prescription that cursed me with really bad dreams. Being dopey sleepy and dreading dreams is just horrible. I don't remember what the prescription was for but I quickly decided that the cure was worse than the ailment. We will pray and hope that the patch will be just wonderful for you. Yes. We will. Polly

"Sunny" <

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Polly Esther


I tried the self-hypnosis - a woman (qualified) I worked with hypnotised me just before I had an operation - I was in severe pain before it and after it and I can truly say it worked until I healed.

Good luck, stay positive and know that we are praying for you.

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And change of the seasons is not helping much, either, is it?

Send> The pain med I started most recently was sort of working and then a

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Ginger in CA

On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 21:23:24 -0500, Sunny wrote (in article ):

(((HUGS))). Been there. Not with the pain meds, but with anti-depressants. I hated feeling like I wasn't me any more.


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Maureen Wozniak

...perhaps try taking 1/2 the dose for several days? That's what I do, do give my body a chance to adjust to the new drug....and of course to gauge symptoms and drug interactions before going on the full dose. Good luck, Sunny.


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Yes, I'm not going to start the new patch until I get back from Phoenix. We leave next Thursday and I get back late Monday night. Not going to take a chance on a weird side effect while I'm away from home. And by that time, the nucynta will be entirely out of my system, which it's not right now.

Hugs to all, Sunny

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I really have no experience like you do with pain. My migraines are bad enough and a pill or two wipes them out for me so I am lucky. But, the other night on the news there was a segment that dealt with chronic pain and a type of therapy that was not hypnosis, but some sort of viewer was used, like goggles, that showed a sort-of movie that dealt with cool/cold things and soothing music. The idea was that cool soothed hot/pain or something like that. The results were quite impressive for at least tamping down the pain, but as was acknowledged, not eliminating it. I really wish that I had thought to write it down to be able to send it your way. Maybe your doctor would have a lead.

I'll keep looking and keep my eyes out.

Steven Alaska

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Steven Cook

Okay, you are coming to Phoenix??? Will you have any time for a meetup? where will you be??? Inquiring minds want to know.... And do you want to visit any of our LQSs while you are here??

Pati, > Yes, I'm not going to start the new patch until I get back from

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Pati, in Phx

Answered off group

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