OT: Need to vent--badly (very long!)

Okay, I know my life is not a complicated as some, but I have to vent before I literally start screaming the house down.

I've been so busy at work I've been loosing my mind. Just when I seem to start getting caught up, some new crisis erupts. So the to do pile just gets bigger and the done pile is non existent.

Then over the 4th, QI Katie Mae somehow got her leg broken. (We were out of town, housesitter last saw her Tues. a.m.) We did not find her hiding under the bed until about 7 p.m. Wed. night. So much of that Wed. night was spent at the emergency vet's. Thurs. had to take the afternoon off to go see the orthopedic vet and go to my own therapy appointment. Friday the cat had surgery. (But that was my regular day off, so it worked out okay.)

Last week at work was another week of crisis, but by Friday it had begun to look like I was making progress.

Saturday, cat went back to vet, who took the cast off Katie Mae, but told us to keep her restricted to the house and to try and keep her from jumping.

Last night, about 6 p.m. Katie decided to try walking around. Which was fine, she needs to learn to use the leg again. But, I swear I was in the bathroom for less than 5 minutes and she disappeared. Bedroom window was open and also, we saw the door to the hallway and basement open a crack. We spent hours looking behind and under every piece of furniture and box etc. both in the apartment and in the basement. No cat anywhere! So as I got increasingly hysterical (I'll admit it), the only conclusion to be drawn was that she managed to jump up on the sill and get out the window.

Finally, about 10:30 I went back to the basement to get a T.V. dinner out of the freezer to heat up. There at the bottom of the steps was Katie. Thank god for that!

But at the same time, a friend of Dave's called and told him she and her 2 teenage daughters were coming through town. So (and mind you this is

10:30/11 at night) he invites them over and tells me they'll most likely be staying the night. Fine, I guess, since I'm going to bed anyway.

They come and they stay all night all right. but not a one of them, including Dave, sleeps. Nope they stay up all night and they aren't that quiet either. so I get almost no sleep myself.

Hall myself out of bed at seven to get ready for work, and I am not in a good mood. Right before I'm supposed to be leaving, first Mom and the girls storm in an lock themselves up in the guest room. than in comes Dave saying he lent my hairbrush to one of the girls She looks at it and says its gross because its got somebody else's hair in it (what does she expect, its my hairbrush) and tosses it at him. He tosses it back to her telling her not to be a pill. She then accuses him of assaulting her with the hair brush.

So now he doesn't want to be alone with them, but he's tired and wants to go to bed. So the upshot is I will be calling in to work so I can stay here with him until these people leave this afternoon. And I'm going to get yet more behind at work. So I'll have to be going in early for the rest of who knows how long, which means I loose my quilting and ng time, the only things keeping me sane.

And somebody also needs to watch Katie because she's definitely trying to get out again, and I can't trust the "guests" to keep the back door closed.

About the only good thing out of all this right now is the chance that I might get some sleep sometime today!


Reply to
Maureen Wozniak
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Hugs!!! And I'll bet that heat you're having isn't helping the stress levels any.

Reply to
Kathy Applebaum


There you are, a nice big scream! Now have a word or three in Dave's tiny shell-like lughole, and inform him: NO sudden stop-over guests without 24 hours notice, and if he keeps you up all night with them and noise, he can compensate you for the lost day's salary. Oh, and he gets to pay the extra cat vet bills if she gets out...

Men! Some days they can really desrve that cast iron frying-pan intert in the left ear... Luckily today mine is a real sweetie, and just took me down to Canterbury to collect a new serger! :) AND it's our 24th wedding aniversary.

Reply to
Kate Dicey

No it isn't. Heat like this always makes me cranky. Too hot to eat means I don't, so my blood sugar drops, so I get cranky. I did however eat a lovely nectarine a little while ago while doing what work I could from home. Lots and lots of email today. And a ton of meetings to schedule when I get back to work tomorrow.

On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 08:52:49 -0500, Kathy Applebaum wrote (in article ):

Reply to
Maureen Wozniak

On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 09:02:28 -0500, Kate Dicey wrote (in article ):

Thanks for the scream. Makes me feel better.

Sometimes the stupidity of men is just amazing. We are definitely having a talk about this later.

I'm going to through the laundry into the dryer and then try to get a nap. Tried going back to bed this morning, but his friends cell phone was ringing every 10 minutes. She was dead to the world (still is) and not answering. So I couldn't sleep. Ended up cleaning up the mess in the kitchen, making some tuna salad (I raided the good tuna and I'm not sharing with anyone today. No way that anyone else around here deservers it, unless its one of the cats), and did what work I could from home. Phone seems to have stopped ringing so I'm going to check work email once more, and see if I can't get a nap.


Reply to
Maureen Wozniak

Hope things get better for you! Barbara in SC

Reply to
Bobbie Sews More

No need to apologize, Maureen. My theory? If you break your leg, it hurts. Even if the other person breaks two legs, and her brother has major illness .... your own leg still hurts. Dumb analogy, maybe, but my brain is on overload. Anyhow ... hope things settle down ... the cat gets better ... and you are spared any last minute 'guests' for a while!! Hugs, PAT

Reply to
Pat in Virginia

Watermelon is a good hot weather pick-me-up, too. :)

Reply to
Kathy Applebaum

Maureen, beg, borrow or steal a large dog kennel for a few days to put the cat in. My friend went through the same thing with her cat so I brought over my kennel. We placed a litterbox and a blanket in it and the cat recuperated quietly without the danger of escaping for a while. He was still able to move around but while my friend was sleeping or at work she didn't have to worry about the cat re-injuring her broken pelvis.

House chores can wait, creepy friends can be thrown out, your mental and physical health must take priority.


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Reply to
Denise in NH

so is watermelon smoothie:

large chunk of watermelon (1/8th of a large one 1/4 of a smaller one)

4 cups low fat yoghurt sugar or sweetener to taste

cut the water melon into cubes and put the water melon and yoghurt in a blender or similar - whiz till fine and add sugar or sweetener to taste

instant cool down , thirst quencher and treat!

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((((Maureen)))) ((Katie Mae))

1st I'd be taking a little skin off the ankles of one Dave who let the visitors in and then made the situation worse. Then I'd be feeding his scent to the gators so they know where to find him --I mean, WHO lets someone else borrow a PRIVATE hairbrush?!!? Duh! Does he want you to get their kooties?!!!? Then I'd be making a list for ol' Dave to work on, including cleaning up after *his* guests, and doing whatever it takes to see you have a peaceful evening and an early night's rest.

Had my own Ungrateful Wretch here for a few days last week; god--I breastfed this baby!!!---and it won't be happening again for a long time. A long-loooonnnnng time. Took me 3 days to get thru' the venting, and Gene just listened, nodded, agreed with me.

You take care of you, Maureen. Best wishes to Katie Mae. Quilt when you can. It has saved more than one distressing situation.

Ragmop/Sandy--wondering WHO can't pack her own hairbrush?!!?-- oh, wait, I had some cousins like this who showed up at our place when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant w/ our first child (U.W., age 26 now) and proceeded to trash our home after I went to bed, while their parents ignored them and stayed up all night talking ... --"can't pick your relatives" but I can decide who stays overnight ;-D

Reply to
Sandy Ellison

I use a banana instead of the yogurt. Frozen blueberries also do quite nicely. (This is DH's favorite treat after a hard day at work.) Yum!

Reply to
Kathy Applebaum

Sending you a great big Hug from Texas. I hope things get better soon. Also, Fiona and Sugar send Kitty Kisses to your QI for a speedy recovery.

Linda in Tx

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I HAVE to second this! A few years back, Cornflake broke his leg in his sleep. He failed to keep plasters on it, escaped and climbed a six foot fence in one, and ended up ulcerating the leg (it still has bald patches!) In the end we caged him for 23 hours a day, and got him out for cuddles in the evening. He spent ages in that cage (literally weeks!) but it did the trick, and he's back playing Catch Me Who Can all over North Kent now!


Reply to
Kate Dicey

On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 17:05:14 -0500, Sandy Ellison wrote (in article ):

I'm calming down a little bit now and as soon as that cat is found. Lord knows where she is hiding. She's going into the sunroom. Plenty room for her to move around, litter box and food in there, and no place to get in trouble since a new ceiling just went up and there is nothing else in there right now.

However, I'm not inclined to do anything to cook dinner. I did do a lot of housecleaning earlier, but that was mostly to help me work off some of the mad.


Reply to
Maureen Wozniak

Kate Dicey wrote: AND it's our 24th

Way to sneak that one in there! Happy Anniversary Kate and Alan!!!


Reply to
off kilter quilter

I've also gone through this - former cat was hit by a Perdue chicken truck, which resulted in her having a totally crushed rear end. They had to put steel pins in her rear legs and we had to cage her for a few weeks. I was about 6 at the time, but I can remember helping my dad build her a 2-part cage - one for the litter and one for her to sleep/eat in. When we finally let her out, she kept hissing at her butt (statis shocks going through the pins). In the end, she stayed with us for another 12 yeras.


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off kilter quilter

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