OT OT OT: Emotional storm warning.....

My oldest son's girlfriend just came over and broke up with him. He's in bed with the covers over his head in a dark room. Younger son's girlfriend called and told him she's not happy with .... I don't know what. Something about him. OMGoodnes.....

Can I please just make them leave home now and go live out on their own so I won't have to know about their romances and such?????

Sunny slinking downstairs to hide in the fabric room

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Sunny, I can't think of a better place to hide. There have been many days when dh comes home from work and I told him I've just been hiding in the sewing room all day!

Karen, Queen of Squishies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~Don't push the river. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

Sunny, I wish I could tell you 'yes' but in my experience leaving home doesn't change too much

1) You will always want to know what is going on in their lives. 2) They will tell you whether or not you need the info.

On the bright side, you can take over their room(s) for more fabric (at least, that is what I am planning to do, the next time one flies the nest. I GOT DIBS!)


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Ah Sunny

Leaving home doesn't quite do it! It does help with the day- to-day stuff that you don't want to know, but the bigger things like relationships...... yeah!

This week has been interesting for us. Had one son phone and announce that he and his long term partner (10 years together and 2 kids) had decided to get married in 10 days. (Coming up this Sat) Then had a DD call and inform us that her 3 year relationship had just come to an end. She has 2 little ones from a previous marriage but this is really the only Dad that they have known.

Then yesterday another DS phones to tell us that he and his partner are done. They currently have a 2 year old, a 1 year old, and another one due in Oct.

The emotional roller coaster never ends!!!!!

Marilyn in the sun is finally shining Alberta, Canada

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Oh, Lord! I wouldn't be that young again for anything! So sorry you and your sons are having a tough time, Sunny!

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Carolyn McCarty

(((((SUNNY))))) - A mom never quits worrying, even when they leave home! BTDT! (5 moved on and 1 still at home). Sometimes the best thing a Mom can do is just be there..... and sometimes NOT saying anything! (hard to do, sometimes.)

I think whoever came up with the term "empty nest syndrome" was NOT a parent!!! .


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My mother had a saying about children.

They make your arms ache when they are little But make your heart ache when they are older.

You never stop worrying or caring for them and their families. Shirley

In message , ME-Judy writes

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Shirley Shone

Gosh it hurts to see them ache .... I just want to make him know that someday there will be someone who will love him for just exactly who he is. But I also know it's ridiculous to make promises about the human heart. How do you do it, those of you with older children, watching them go through heart breaks and pain of the adult variety? Does it ever get easier? Is there a right way to help a grown child recover from a breakup? Do you assure your grown kids that there will be fun times again?

My son is quiet, thoughtful, a bit eccentric in ways. He has never dated a lot. Had one girlfriend in high school who broke his heart in the worst way (realized she preferred members of her own gender) and didn't get over that for years. Now, this. Ouch. He was just starting to smile and laugh -- something we hadn't really seen from him in a long time. I do so want good things for him -- for both my wonderful sons.

Could we all take a minute and say a prayer for all the children of each other? Pray that they all find good love, sound partners, a sense of worth in life, purpose and reward. I will do so for each and every one of you -- maybe we could really start something here........

Prayers, good wishes and lots of strong positive energy going to your grown sons and daughters out there, Sunny

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Carole-Retired and Loving It

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