OT - our friends down south

Sending hugs and prayers for safety to all those "down south" (from Gustav, Hanna, and ?Ike). We don't need any more of these. Stay safe and get outta the way! They're reporting this morning that Gustav may hit Texas as well! ME-Judy

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I don't watch or listen to the news- too depressing for me- so I am sadly uninformed except what I read on rctq. Prayers going out for all affected by these storms. Thank goodness our darling Polly is hanging on....

Leslie & The Furbabies in cloudy, windy, hot, humid MO.

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

Alice, What a great tool! I'm sure it will come in handy (I live a little west of Houston, TX. I've bookmarked it. I think that I'll continue to also use the NOAA site

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; National Hurricane Center), as it has some other kinds of info.


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Bev, what are they saying about the Houston area and Gustav?

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Yes, dear Kathyl, it certainly is - and a very nice one it is, too >g< . In message , KJ writes

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My BIL who is a hop skip and and a jump from the Gulf, in Texas, on Louisana border, is in Orange, Texas isn't even getting rain as of a few hours ago. They did have lots of damage from Katrina. Not sure how far Orange, Texas, is from Houston..Just know not far from Beaumont.. Michele from Ohio

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Alice, At first they showed Gustav tracking in a loop down into central TX, where they were concerned it would stall. That always means a lot of flooding (shades of TS Allison, which looped around Houston 7 yrs ago & caused severe flooding). Now they show Gustav moving on up into eastern OK.

You have to take those tracks with a grain of salt -- they are projections / probabilities and Gustav still could move further west into TX or back east towards Louisian. We are expected to get some rain from it for the next few days. If it keeps moving in a fairly straight line towards the north, then we should be okay, except for some locations that always seem to flood whenever it rains heavily.

Today has been bright & sunny. Bev in TX

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Lots of rain and wind here tonight. We are about two hours east of Shreveport.

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Donna in NE La.

We are STILL being pounded by serious wind and blasts of rain; have been hammered for about 24 hours. One of our furry darlings got swept away this morning in a swift current. Lucy's terrified of swimming in any water and our efforts to rescue her failed. Somehow, she's survived and is inside, dry, full and fast asleep. It took our children six hours to travel the 12 miles from our home to theirs. They needed to be home as a defense against looters; an awful fact of life. There are 800 evacuees from LA here in our local high school. Can you imagine how awful it would be with the noise, anxiety, no privacy and distressed little children? and their trip home? God has blessed us and we are grateful for your prayers. Please pray for the others until they are home, safe and fast asleep. Thank you all so very much, Polly...and would you believe it? here Gustav blows again.

"Donna in NE La." Lots of rain and wind here tonight. We are about two hours east of

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Polly Esther

Sounds dreadful, Polly. We keep thinking of you all - any news of Kate T? Do I remember correctly that she is on the Louisiana side of Mississippi?

Stay safe; and I really hope it stops being so brutal today. . In message , Polly Esther writes

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We haven't heard from Kate T but we suspect that she's hundreds of miles north; she takes evacuate to heart. Wish that rascal would report in. Polly

"Patti" Sounds dreadful, Polly.

Polly Esther >wrote >We are STILL being pounded by serious wind and blasts of rain; have been

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Polly Esther

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