OT: Prayer request

I know this is frivalous, but I need quick prayers. Tomorrow night is my 23rd wedding anniversary. We have a "date" complete with dinner reservations.

I woke up this morning with a painful tonsil and now my entire throat is swollen and hurting like mad and I have a high fever. Please, I know it's a small thing, but I need prayers taht I'm able to go and celebrate and not worry my darling husband tomorrow. I spoil everything. I just can't handle another ruined celebration because of my health. And I really can't handle what this is turning into. I don't just get sick. I get really, really sick. Pnuemonia, strep, lung infection, ..... the lovely list goes on and on. My immune system is broken, completely. I can handle the constant pain and being fat and never really feeling good. But I am truly feeling dangerous if I have to spoil one more thing for my husband.

Because of my health we live in a state of constant financial worry. Because of my health we can't vacation, hike, bird watch, walk in the park, look forward to anything because I may fall truly ill at the drop of a hat.

Sorry. I'm so tired and can't stop crying and my fever is really high. I have to be better before he comes home this afternoon. I can cover it up a bit, but he can always tell when he looks at my eyes if I'm really sick.

Thank you. I believe in the prayers of this group.


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I am so sorry you aren't feeling well- what lousy timing for your poor body to rebel. Get yourself to bed and rest as much as you can, put a cool pack- or cucumber slices- on your weepy eyes, take something for the fever (and maybe a bit extra of your pain meds???), gargle with salt water for the sore throat and tonsil, do you have any antibiotics you can start on (I always take a double dose to start off- I feel it gives the germs an extra kick in the seat of their pants!).... that's all I can think of. I hope you can still enjoy your 'date' a little. If not, I'm sure your hubby is an understanding and compassionate man. He'll be okay if you need to put off your celebration for a while. It's the fact that you are still together after 23 years.... not the exact date that's important. And after all those years you still have 'dates'- wonderful!

Sending 'get well, Sunny' prayers.

Leslie, Missy & The Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

Prayers and hugs from Oregon

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We sure will, sweetie. And here's some hugs for you too. You're not contagious over the internet! : )

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

Consider it done!!!!!!

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Thank you! I know what happened. A man who works with my husband and his wife just had to have a late term abortion -- bad stuff. He was going out to the office Super Bowl party and she just isn't ready to be alone yet. I went over and watched movies and hung out with her and their 2-year-old. The little girl was horribly snotty and obviously contagious. I could see it as soon as I went in. But what could I do? You can't just say 'oh sorry, i can't stay because your baby is sick'. So I stayed and got baby kisses and baby hugs and baby snot. Oh well..........

Anyhow, thank you. I'm going to have a nap. Sleep is good.

Hugs, love and thank you all, Sunny

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Sunny, I don't know what your health issues are, but wanted to send (((hugs)))))) and tell you that you are NOT alone. I also feel the same way you do and totally understand. You're now on my prayer list. :-)


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Oh Sunny You must be feeling so disappointed. Thinking of you and sending prayers, positive vibes, good thoughts and whatever else may help.

I hate being sick. I can't even contemplate being sick all the time. It really only happens about once a year.

All the best.

Marilyn in Alberta, Canada (it's snowing & cold again)

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You and DH are in my prayers. Dixie in NB.

When I give to you something I made with my hands I share my heart.

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Sunny, I hope you're feeling fantastic for your anniversary. Mine is coming up in a couple of weeks... wonder if DH will remember...? ;-)

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Debi Matlack

Get well thoughts going out to you Sunny. When you marry there is a reason they throw in that sickness and health part. All you husband really wants for you is to be better.

2 weeks before our 25th anniversary dh had a heart attack. It was really scary. > I know this is frivalous, but I need quick prayers. Tomorrow night is
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Prayers on the way...................

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Marie Dodge

body of Sunny. Especially to the throat area. Cause healing to take place to every other area too. I bind fear also in Jesus' Name that there be rest and peace that prevails within this family. Let confidence, and strength abide in the soul of Sunny. Help the two of them to trust each other, pray with each other and know that Christ abides in both of them. Whatever the problem is Father, open the eyes of the Doctors and nurses to help with the problems. I also say, "Satan. Hands off the servants of the Lord." We have no time for your sicknesses that you seem to drop on us. We put it back on you Satan. Hope you like these prayers because where 2 or 3 are gathered in Jesus' Name there are answers. God Bless you Sunny. I pray like this all the time. I get answers all the time. Take Care. Love in Jesus' Name Paulette / aka mushtodo, crochetmommi, uniquemommi

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How are you feeling this morning? I hope that you were able to get some healing sleep overnight. Take it easy today too. I'm thinking strengthening thoughts for you today.

Rita L.

Sunny wrote:

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Rita in MA

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If you must post in this detail, please do it personal email, not on the group, where some of us don't enjoy reading such. This is not a church. Gen

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