OT repost

I sent this an hour ago and it still has not appeared. Usually my posts aren't a big deal but this one is. Maybe even worth reading twice. Polly

You already know this but let me nag and bore you once again. Check your Christmas shopping bills line-by-line. My credit card company called me today to question some unlikely activity on my account. Yes. They certainly were unlikely. Shopping online is a special joy for me since there's not a lot left here since Katrina, and I'm not dismayed or even particularly annoyed - fraud just goes with the territory. All I'll have to do is sign an affidavit that the charges against my card were not mine. While I'm nagging, I might as well mention that if you're about to do something peculiar such as buying a condo in Ballalahongawalla, you probably ought to dial the 1-800 number on the back of your card and let them know of your intent. It does irk me most of the time that Big Brother is watching me and I do my best to thwart his attempts. For my credit card company, that's okay. Go look over your bills. Polly

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Polly Esther
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Polly, we use our credit cards very rarely and it's usually a discussed event and those kinds of expenses stand out quickly. It's the monthly bank statement that almost let $3000 in airline tickets to Bangkok get by me this past year. Unfortunately, our bank doesn't check on what you buy with your check card because it's not a credit card. The fact that we overdrew almost $1000 didn't even register with them. (Grrrrrrrr -- where's Big Brother when you need him?)

Anyway, moral of the story is I check everything, line by line, every month.

Sunny (I agree we all need to revisit this issue at regular intervals)

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Thanks for the heads up - I hope they clean things up nice and quickly for you.

I'm like Sunny -- every month I reconcile EVERY statement -- to the penny. I do not only DH and my bank and credit card statements -- but my DM-in-L and Ryan's as well. That makes 6 bank accounts (checking and savings), Mother-in-law has 2 credit cards and DH and me use about 4 cards ... although we pay them off entirely every month.

Getting a system down and sticking to it can sure save your sanity sometimes!

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Kate in MI

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