OT silly scam about Yahoo email accounts

I just received a 'scary' sounding email asking me to confirm my Yahoo email account or it will be cancelled. It's obviously fake when you read thru the message with care. The grammar and punctuation are sloppy and the wording is in poor form. I know The Powers at Yahoo would take more care if this were valid- and I know they would never ask for that info in this manner. VBG It's just another scam to get your passwords, etc.

The subject line in the email is "Yahoo Warning!!Unused Account Removal Confirm Your Account".

Silly scammers!

Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.- wasting time online rather than face packing more boxes! VBG

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Leslie& The Furbabies in MO.
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They're "phishing" in the terminology of the day. I get those sometimes even through my spam filters. The really scary ones are trying to appear from Paypal and asking for confirmation of all information all over again. if you click through to the link you will find a page that is so much like Paypal it's scary. If you don't know that they're out there you could get in trouble.

Rules to follow: Don't ever send anyone a password. Valid sites you do business with already know the password and can send it to you if you forget. If you are going to Paypal or Ebay, type in the address and don't ever go to it via a link in an email.

And darn it, I can't remember the rest of the list. But Yahoo security can tell you pretty quick. Get in touch with them and let them know they have phishers at work.


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And I don't get it. What on earth is my Yahoo account password going to get them?


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They can access your account and any information you gave when you set it up. They can access your address book and any groups you belong to (along with all the email addresses of group members). They can also send spam or viruses from your email addy and be long gone before you finally convince Yahoo that it wasn't you that did it.

It's getting to the point where I don't even open legit emails from my bank anymore!

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