OT The Lady and the Snake

Have I mentioned recently that all my children have lost their minds?

With the stuff DD1 has been dealing with, that is no big shock. By the way Damian has tested clear of his infection. His brothers have not though, and that has been making visitation with his father all kinds of confusing. 4 boys, 3 moms, and Dad is a jerk, makes for all kinds of fun. The doctors involved have been comparing notes to try and sort out where the problem came from.

DD3 has taken up hides and fur as a hobby. We are up to our ears in plastic totes full of deer hides pickling, the freezer is full of brains, and she has appropriated my ulu knife for fleshing.

DD2 takes the prize though. She is doing rather well with her dancing and people are often asking for her by name now. Sometimes they call to make a booking, and if she does not have a dancer that does what they are asking for they will often ask if she would do it. This has resulted in her taking lessons in certain techniques and thus expanding her repertoire. The latest thing though I cannot help but feel is ill advised. An entertainer down there is having a birthday party at a local club. DD has booked in a number of dancers for it, mostly fire dancers. He does want one thing she does not have in her list of performers, and that is a snake dancer. Of course they asked her to do it. When she told them she did not have a snake the DJ offered the use of his, a 5+ foot red tailed boa named Potato. So she has had one practice session with Potato, and has about a week to get him (her?) up to par on the fine points of belly dancing. Apparently Potato is freaked out by shimmies, and is very fond of twining around her biceps tightly enough to be uncomfortable. I have suggested that she practice while wearing at least the top half of her costume so Potato is used to the coins and glitteries and what have you on it's skin. I also suggested that somebody look into what permits and such might be required for Potato to be in the performance. North Carolina as a state is notably lax about owning exotic animals, but most states, counties, and municipalities require permits for the use of animals in entertainments. Oh, and Potato is about a month away from shedding. So, she has a week to practice something neither she nor Potato has ever done before, she has no experience in snake handling, no clue as to what the legalities are, and Potato is entering what to a snake is a very emotionally vulnerable time. Then she takes it all to a probably very full nightclub.

Like I said, she has totally lost her mind.


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OMG my dear! You do keep things interesting around here :-)

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Rose in CA

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Trish Brown

"NightMist" > Have I mentioned recently that all my children have lost their minds?

Errrr----I don't know WHAT to say! Except, Good Luck! Barbara in rainey FL

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Bobbie Sews More

Bonkers, the lot of them. Truly. But lovely people, for all that. :)

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Well, there is just never a dull moment around there, eh? [Bet you wish there would be!] Practice, your daughter will become familiar with Potato and he with her. The familiarity may hopefully breed relaxation.

Otherwise all I can say is i love read> Have I mentioned recently that all my children have lost their minds? >

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Ginger in CA


NEver a dull moment with you! I love it!


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OMG! ROFL! Thanks for today's funniest story. All I can offer is a few words of wisdom from a Moroccan dancer: If you've got it, shake it.

Can't imag>

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The dancing went well. Potato was well behaved, except he kept crawling into her top. Apparently there were audience members who felt that this did not detract from the performance in any way. Shes also discovered that the gentleman who requested a snake dancer in the first place is in fact terrified of snakes. Apparently he was operating under the premise of "If you are going to have a circus, you have got to have elephants", and packed in as much exotica as he could manage. One thing DD2 did not mention is that she got to be Mrs. Claus in the entrance extravaganza. Apparently they got a guy who looks very much like a Christmas card Santa to be the man himself. DD found Santa hats at a dollar store and "slaughtered a few" and then added a couple of tree skirts from Wal-Mart to make a Mrs Santa belly dance costume.

I am spend> OMG! ROFL! Thanks for today's funniest story. All I can offer is a few

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Thanks for the update. I had been wondering how it all went.


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Mary in Rock Island IL

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