QI Inventory??

Oh - I forgot to mention DD's snake! That's because he lives in the garage! I won't let him in the house! His name is Deo and he's some type of constrictor.... uuck! So that makes 6 QIs....


DEVOUR a new rawhide bone...=20

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>Where can we see pictures of yours?>>

-------------- You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.=20

--Mae West=20


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Oh, Paulette....I'd love a Peacock! Imagine a bird *that* big....!


-------------- You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.=20

--Mae West=20


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oooooooooh I am SO jealous of your Macaw!!! I SO wanted one of those!! I had to settle for a tiel with a 'tude though LOL He is a sweet thing, just awful tiny and a tad bit bird brained... well a whole lot really. Trips over his own feet alot. Runs more than flys (no he isnt clipped) and the only way he will say pretty bird is if my daughter is in the room and he says "Pretty bird Ya!" ........ when we were teaching him to speak, it was always pretty bird... (he would garble at us at that poing) and then we would say Ya!! ...........

Do yours talk? Do they have a people personality? Are they a hard pet to own? Can I have it??? Oh they are such a lovely bird!

~KK in BC~

Yes -- 5 most are very feathery....

4 parrots - 1 dog.

Parrots are 25 (she), 22 (he), 15 (he) and 5 (not sure yet!). Dog is 7 (he).

The parrots are: (2) Moluccon Cockatoos (1) Citron-Crested Cockatoo, (1) Blue and Gold Macaw. Doggie is a mixed breed pomeranian and something else!

Parrots: Sunshine (B&G Macaw), Hera (Moluccon #1), Navarr (Moluccon #2), and Solomon (Citron-Cresetd). Doggie: Ginger.

Look here, under 'pets'

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-------------- You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

--Mae West


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~KK in BC~

Aussie/Lab mix--13 years old--Kaz

Schnoodle--4 years old, her pic is in my sig.--Ginger

two housecats--Brigit and Pippen

I recently lost my third cat, Steve, some outside creature ate him, but he still crawled back onto the porch to say goodbye. My heart is still broken.


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Reply to
Denise in NH

KK, they all talk, some more than others. The Macaw has been quite chatty lately, and very lovable...she goes in spurts - she is very much a indidividual. The older Moluccon is a love sponge, the younger Moluccon is getting there LOL The citron is a little on the nervous side but and when he's in the mood can be very snuggly. He's the most chatty of the lot. =20

We used to raise parrots some years back, including LOTS of 'tiels, which are the nicest little bird there is. We also raised lorries, rosellas, amazons, cockatoos, greys, ringnecks, lovebirds, and others I can't remember! =20

They definately have people personalities, and know when to use the right words..for example they never say 'bye bye' when you come into the room, it's always 'hi!'=20

As for care, they were all hand fed as babies and so very tame, and I don't think they are hard to own at all but then I've always been a bird person; they do take time to care for, and they do need (and sometime demand) attention. They can be VERY, very loud, and very destructive; Navar will go through a 2x4 in less than a day!

=46Ortunatly with 4 they keep each other good company!

They are my other kids, but kids that will never grow up :)


-------------- You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.=20

--Mae West=20


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I'm officially down to just three feline QIs right now but there are the usual wannabe's hanging around (not mine but they wanna be).

Enness - about 17yo adopted stray, aka Poddy for obvious reasons

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- big dopey, lovable, also a rescue cat, about 6yo
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- youngest at about 3yo, dumped on me by an irresponsible neighbour. She gets a bit bored living with a pair of sedentary geriatrics lol
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Then outside there is a couple of neighbours cats that think it would be cool to move in - Max (from next door, B&W) and Twoey (torty from around the corner). They both prefer the food here. And there are two strays that have taken shelter in my big shed and are getting fed. Both were starving and I didn't have the heart to ignore them.

All are desexed, so no little surprises around here lol

I don't count the kookaburra, the blue wrens, two families of magpies, two seagulls (and I live inland!), the occasional rosella and innumerable thieving but cute little sparrows

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I have a Havanese-Cavalier X 4year old named Spike. The love of my life

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judy clarke

Ok, this may freak out some folks, but as of today, I still have 4 QIs although only 3 are in "human" form. I'll explain:

Our sweet Miss Paisley crossed the Bridge on August 24th. But we have her mortal cremains in a little burgundy box in our library. We plan to bury her in our backyard under the grape arbor next to Brandy when the rain stops long enough. My DH is also assembling a few photos for her to take with her. He has made a beautiful marker for both of them. She would have been

16 on November 27th - the day after my birthday.

Kirby is our "baby". He is 3.5 years old but is still very much "the pup". He is a Westie as were Brandy and Paisley, but the first male in the family. He is doing much better now, but I can tell he still misses Paisley. He is my DHs fishing buddy more than a QI but he still loves to keep me company when I quilt.

"Scraps" is our sweet calico cat that is really belongs to my son in Florida. When he calls, his first words are "How's my cat?". When he moved from our house to Florida, he couldn't take her with him. That was over 6 years ago. I keep telling him "if she is YOUR cat, you owe me a few bucks for food and vet bills"! But we love her. She was the only kitten left after a pit bull killed her mom and siblings. That's why he named her "Scraps". She now loves to sleep under my computer desk when I am working in my office.

Gypsy is our spirited tabby cat. She found her way to our garage several years ago and we would leave her some food and fresh water. She was very aloof and would come and go like the little gypsy she was. Then one day, she visited us as she normally did, but this time, she brought her 3 kittens - one at a time! Little itty, bitty balls of fur. We (I) named them Dotty, Stripes and Calico and found a good home for each and every one of them. Then we had a stern talk with mom. We left for a weeks vacation on Martha's Vineyard the following year and returned home to see her waiting for us in the garage. She was so glad to see us as we were to see her. Then out from behind a bucket comes a kitten, then another. Uh, oh! Time for another talk with the mom! We set up an area for mom and her kittens in the corner of the garage so they would be safe. We (I) named the kittens Sunshine and Shadow. Then my DH was getting ready to go fishing very, very early the next day when a blur flashed across the garage floor. A third kitten! He was the spitting image of Sunshine so we (I) named him Ditto. Now there were three! It took a while, but good homes were found for all three. But we weren't going to take anymore chances and we sure didn't want any more kittens. But Gypsy, as she was now being called, was a bit leery of humans. But we gained her trust and were finally able to hold her. After a while, we were able to have her spayed and given all her shots. We brought her home from the vet's and had set up an area in our basement for her to stay while she healed. We didn't want her roaming around outside with stitches to heal. It was the first time she had been inside the house - and the last time she went outside the house! She healed nicely and thought our digs were much nicer than under the deck and since Scraps took to her right away, she thought she'd stay awhile. That was 5 years ago. She is a love and a cuddler and likes to "talk" a lot, I mean , A LOT! She is my main QI and can smell new fabric as soon as I take it out of the bag! She tests out each new quilt for me as well. I guess she figures she needs to earn her keep! She doesn't seem to realize, we'd love her no matter what!

So, that's my gang!

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Two 6 year old cats: Samson and Cleo One 5 yr old cat named Trouble No online pictures currently Debra in VA See my quilts at

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I have two dogs: Angus is a 14-year-old rat terrier, mostly white with black markings and brown on his muzzle 9turning gray now) and his eyebrows; Jojo is a 5-year-old spitz/chow mix, mostly black with a tiny bit of white on his chest. Angus is old and crochety. Jojo is the funniest dog I've ever had. He has to have his "binky" (a stuffed thing I got him when he was brand new) to go to sleep. If he can't find it he's miserable. They don't bother my sewing stuff too much, unless I leave a quilt-in-progress on the floor. Then of course they go to sleep on it.


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We have 2 QI kitties -

They are litter mates about 6 years old, gray/brown tabbies. Snickers is huge - 17 pounds or more and Kit Kat is a few pounds lighter.

They both want to be involved in whatever craft I'm doing causing them to be trapped in the craft room when they nap unseen behind something on the shelves. I have a giant shelf space down the length of one wall that is about 3 foot deep shelves that go to the ceiling. Beneath the last shelf is a space for large bins, which makes terrific hiding spots for QIs. We may have to put a kitty door in there like we did the bedroom door.

They are so helpful, napping on fabric, chewing floss, yarn, thread or plastic bondoogle lace. Beads, sequins, spools, rubber stamps and other stuff must be inspected, smelled, batted around and maybe hidden under the couch.


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Walker Family

Just from your post I can "feel" how much you love those birds! Lucky feathers they are ;-)

We bird-sat a friends tiel over the summer and wow, did our bird have his beak out of joint! He really let us know that we belong to HIM and only HIM ... lol ... Alpha male syndrome with feathers in my house for 7 weeks. Now that he is alone again, he is the most loving bird around. Apparently we have ourselves a people bird!

...... a 2x4 ?!?! YIKES hope he dont bite anything else if he can rip through that LOL for such lightweight, birds amaze me with the strength and agility. Ok, so birds just amaze and amuse me period.

~KK in BC~

We used to raise parrots some years back, including LOTS of 'tiels, which are the nicest little bird there is. We also raised lorries, rosellas, amazons, cockatoos, greys, ringnecks, lovebirds, and others I can't remember!

They definately have people personalities, and know when to use the right words..for example they never say 'bye bye' when you come into the room, it's always 'hi!'

As for care, they were all hand fed as babies and so very tame, and I don't think they are hard to own at all but then I've always been a bird person; they do take time to care for, and they do need (and sometime demand) attention. They can be VERY, very loud, and very destructive; Navar will go through a 2x4 in less than a day!

FOrtunatly with 4 they keep each other good company!

They are my other kids, but kids that will never grow up :)

-------------- You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

--Mae West


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~KK in BC~

uh..... a what?

~KK in BC~

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~KK in BC~

We got 2 dauschunds from Dauschund Rescue in February. They are both Tweenies (larger than Miniatures, smaller than Standards).

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Ruby just had her 5th birthday, Moose is 1-1/2 years old. Moose came with the name Tinka, DH decided that he would not have a dog named Tinkle in the house. DS decided that her name should be Moose.

They aren't really QIs, because they are not allowed upstairs where the sewing room is. Ruby decided the first week that I am her person (she is not my dog, I am her person).


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Kim E

Schnauzer/Poodle mix.... another of these hybrids like the cockapoo (cocker spaniel and poodle), goldendoodle (golden retriever and poodle) and Aussieaire (australian shepherd and airedale terrier). Schnoodles are wonderful creatures, my late Paisley was one.

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Renée Clark

ANOTHER Angus? This is three, LOL! Common thread... my Angus is Airedale/Collie, and there's another Cocker named Angus in the group as well!

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Renée Clark

Don't rightly know whether these qualify as QI's or not: we have two water turtles. One called Margarita and the other is called Chucuga (that was how my DD3 pronounced tortuga (Spanish for turtle) when she was little. All three dd's have been on my case to get them a "real" pet since the turtles "don't do anything". Right now it's a toss up between a bunny and a puppy (guess who gets to take care of them if I give in.....). OF course, if it were up to DD2, she'd have a dolphin swimming around the bathtub, an elephant in her bedroom, and a horse in the yard!!! She wants to be a vet (has wanted to since forever; right now she's almost 11).


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a new rawhide bone...

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>Where can we see pictures of yours?>>

Ah, yes - the cuddly parot! I remember that one!

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Kate Dicey

They scream: it sounds like someone is murdering children! Bit startling if you are not expecting it! OK if you have a few acres of lawn, but I wouldn't want one in a suburban garden. Leeds Castle has white ones! :)

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Kate Dicey

beautiful cat....would also love to see a front view...does he have two different colored eyes? Pami

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