Shopping for a quilting book?

I love books -- *love* them! I think I have around 200 quilting or quilt-related books at this point, so I'm starting to be a little more discerning about what I buy. I do buy books from authors I'm familiar with and enjoy, but I frequently look at JoAnn's with a discount coupon in hand, just in case I can find what I want there. I have also ordered from Amazon and other online dealers when I knew there was a book I just had to have. Still and all, I'm a sucker for books, and I have been known to buy books "just because" -- a habit that I really need to break, given how small my house is!

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I like to see a book before I purchase it, if at all possible. I've purchsed "sight unseen" books, which have been about worthless to me. I don't necessarily mean that the books are bad in themselves, but that I had already got that information elsewhere.

Yes, I browse at my LQS, which I try to support to some degree, but I am on a budget.

I like to go on-line to my county's library system and have them route quilting books to my local library. There is a drawback to that, if you find an older book that you like and it is no longer published. While you can find some of them through used book stores or e-bay, most of them end up costing way more than I would want to pay for them.

Bev in TX

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I don't have a huge amount of quilting books, as most of my info comes from the internet. However, there have been some "classics" and some that were intriguing over the years that I have bought. Most of the time, I try to get the kind of books that have the dvd in the back because those generally are more "meaty". I guess that I tend to go more for the books that teach a method or technique rather than ones that are just patterns, though I have some of those too. (For example: The Cotton Theory and Jinny Beyer books)

Most of the time I don't buy my books, technically. lol Before you jump to any conclusions, my wonderful DH gives me a nice gift certificate to a LQS for Mother's Day, birthday, and Christmas. I will have some books in mind that I've run across in a quilt magazine or because I'm researching a technique online, or through a quilt catalog like Keepsake Quilting. So, after researching the book, if it's still appealing and I've got a gift certificate coming up, I'll get the book then. If not, I just look for the cheapest source that i can find a new copy that will have the tool or dvd, and order it online. Since I don't buy that many, it doesn't really add up to much when considering what I spend on fabrics.

Mary > Please share with us how you go about shopping for a quilting book. Do you

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My dear, sweet, late exMIL never referred to things as inexpensive or cheap. Actually I never heard a blatantly derogatory thing come from her. She would say things were 'of good value' or 'not of good value'. I was dress shopping with her at Nordstrom's and had tried on a dress that we had thought quite stylish on the hanger....color was wrong, fit was bad, etc. I stepped out of the dressing room for her opinion and she says after a sharp intake of breath...."I don't believe that dress would be of good value for you." What a lovely way of saying, "Man-o-man, is that butt-ugly!" About 10 years after THE divorce, I was at her home having lunch with her and her sister (who wasn't as diplomatically spoken). During the conversation her sis pointedly asks me, "So just what went wrong with your marriage?" Before I could even open my mouth to *not* give an answer my dear exMIL says...."That man was just not of good value as a husband."....and then changed the subject. Gawd I loved that woman!

As to the books I buy for sewing, needlework and NOW (I hear Polly snickering) also quilting.....I look in book stores and the library, do web research, check them over carefully to see what I want and then go to

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. I've ordered books of all kinds, also DVDs and tapes, from this site for about 8 years and have yet to ever be disappointed. I ordered

3 on CQ-ing recently and had them all in about a week and at 1/3 or much less the retail price. I love!. One $20+ book I just got for $3.95, it said 'used but like new' and it looked brand new when I got it. was bought up by Amazon a few years ago but they haven't changed from their original venue of good prices and prompt delivery. The books are of "very good value" ;)


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I am trying not to purchase any additional quilting books. However, I do look at the articles/ads in several quilting magazines, and if one catches my eye for a new technique, or something I would like to do sometimes (like landscape quilts) I order it from Amazon. I rarely buy a book from my LQS because they are usually higher than other places. I get free shipping from Amazon because no matter what I order from them - books, software, or music CD's - my order is always over $25.00.

Sherry Starr

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Sherry Starr

I used to buy lots of quilting books but have almost stopped - now I buy DVDs about quilting, thread painting etc. and enjoy them much more than books which often sit on a shelf doing nothing. I feel that I learn much more from the DVDs. Metbury

formatting link

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I have bought many, many books from

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I probably found it through another RCTQer recommendation. I've had great service from them & you can't beat the shipping charges - $3.50 for as many books as you want, provided you prepay with a check.

I also go to the C & T publisher's book sale once a year, so I have a ton of C & T books that I picked up for $3, $5 & $10. Most I picked up for $3 or $5.

If I see anything at TSWLTH that I really want, I'll use my coupon for it. I also pick up books at the LQS, because they often have books there that I won't see elsewhere. is another resource & is a good resource - but that's my last resort, as I don't like to patronize WM.

Pauline Northern California

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Oh my gosh Sandy. You & I might be in a race for the most books! I'm running out of room, so I'm a little more careful about grabbing willy nilly. My magazines are out of control now too, so I've been letting some of my subscriptions lapse, cause I have no where to put them.

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I like to look at the books at quilt shows. They are generally at a reduced price. My problem is I fall in love with the quilts in the book and then when I get it home, I find that I already own a copy - ok, sometimes two copies, oh, shoot, in one case I already had three copies. Did I mention that I really loved the quilts in the book?

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You're not tightwads, you're fiscally retentive. And that's ok too!

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Because I had a habit of buying duplicate copies of books, I now have them all in an Excel Spreadsheet & I shrink it down & put it in my purse. I tried to justify the duplicate purchases by telling myself I must REALLY like that book, but it's too expensive to buy more than one copy!

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Just as I suspected. Most of you are way ahead of me in buying quilting books and I thank you all for your thoughts. While my quilting buddies are eyeing every gadget and fabric in the place, I'm going to be reviewing the books at the next quilt show. Pensacola, anyone? I'll need a big strong companion. Maybe Butterfly's pool boy would like to go to Pensacola. Sounds good. Polly

"Pauline" Because I had a habit of buying duplicate copies of books, I now have them

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Polly Esther

LOL, One of these days I probably should get all my quilting books in one location and count them. I think I went way past 200 a few years ago.

Pati, > Oh my gosh Sandy. You & I might be in a race for the most books! I'm

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Pati C.

I know *just* what you mean, Pauline. ;)

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Count me in on this issue. I've let a few subscriptions lapse and I do NOT miss them! PAT, trying to get things organized in Virginia (just MY things)

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Pat in Virginia

Do you look around the ones at your LQS and flip though them for something you might enjoy? -- Indeed yes!! The shop with the biggest collection is only 5 minutes from here.

Do you read the ads in quilting magazines for books and order there? -- I look at the book titles in the magazines then read the descriptions or "search inside" at Amazon. I'm more likely to order from my Wish List at Amazon.

Do you have a favorite book site and check what's new from time to time? -- Amazon!! I find out what's new through the quilt mags and the LQS.

Do you go to a 'for real' book store and aim for the quilting section? -- Real book stores are in the trafficky other end of town. Hardly go there. (Unless I'm desperate for a Cinnabon or bourbon chicken.) I'm more likely to head for the used book store a couple of blocks away.

I subscribe to emails from a number of shops. I'll check out what they say is new. I also belong to a couple of online groups owned by quilters. Carol Doak. Pat Sloan. Ricky Tims-Alex Anderson. Those folks aren't the least bit shy about telling what new books they have out. Visiting shops during the FabShop Hop also lets me know what is new.

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Kay Ahr

Oh my, we should compare libraries some time! I started keeping a list in Excel. I don't look a the line numbers anymore.

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Kay Ahr

I keep a list of books in Excel. I print out just the titles in 8 pt. font and put the list in my purse. Then I'm ready for those discounted books at the quilt shows.

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Kay Ahr

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I've found some great patterns at

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I've also gotten some books at
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for as little as a penny plus $3.99 shipping.

Sandy in Florida

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Sandy D

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