wail, wimper, whine

I was happily chuntering along quilting my show quilt when I decided to take a peek at the back to see what the quilting looked like on a quiet background - and discovered a HUGE pleat that I didn't put there nicely quilted in place :-(

I'm several hours later and have got it all ripped out and unbasted the rest of the quilt


I'll try basting it on the table later on.. after I've bought myself some nice large clamps to keep it **tight**

no chocolate died as a result of this mishap - just a bowl of crunchy musli with nuts.

oh and the good news is: I have till Monday night to get it quilted

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Oh, Jessamy, I'm so sorry for all that!

If it was truly huge, maybe there was no other way to deal with it. For little ones (but too big to leave in) I have a couple of times unpicked just around the pleat and basted and quilted that local part again.

Regardless, I always kind of scared when turning the quilt over to check... I do tend to do it several times during quilting, though. For example, if I "anchor" by straight lines first, I'll check after that before starting to add free motion quilting.

But little consolation to you now...

Hanne in London

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Hanne Gottliebsen

Ain't that the pits!!! I did that on a quilt for my sister's birthday quilt, but since I was so short on time, she received it that way. My sis doesn't sew, I'm sure she'll think it was meant to be that way ;-)

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Bonnie NJ

it was an inch of fabric in total = *huge*

This is why I look several times during quilting - just in case - I had just finished all the left to right lines and was about to embark on the top to bottom ones.

and this quilt has to be as *perfect* as I can make it - if only because I want to do as well as I can.

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I wish I could - but I can't :-( if it was for me I probably would have left it in deciding that it was on the back so invisible from a galloping horse but we all *know* that judges look at the back too

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Oh Jessamy.....*comfort*


Jessamy wrote:

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OK, I think that would be too much for my method too. With that amount I would be kicking myself too, and unpicking...

Thank goodness you didn't finish all the quilting first!

Hanne in London

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Hanne Gottliebsen

Brrr.....I'm always waiting to the verry last minute to finish something and then the naughty fairies come uit of their hiding and do things to my work I'm pretty sure I didn't do.............you have naughty fairies to I think, call the exterminator..........

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Granny Waetherwax

Oh Jess.... may the rest of your project be pleat free!

Kate in MI

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Kate G.

They that don't know any better will think its part of the design, they who think they know are thinking you are a designbuf..........they who realy know their stuff smile in silence and have fond memory's

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Granny Waetherwax

I skipped the kicking - it's too painful LOL I just wailed instead

I am glad I have a suspicious mind!

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If it hadn't been for the pleat I would have had plenty of time to finish it all nicely - now I have to rush :-(

I need to get some good brandy and chocolate for the fairies and maybe make a different scrap basket for them

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I hope so too - thanks!

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thanks - I'm feeling better already :-)

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Ow. I'm sorry about that; I've done it myself. And if there's one thing I hate it's having to take something apart and do it over. (((hugs))) to see you through the re-do. :)

Nancy in NS

formatting link

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Nancy in NS

thanks :-) this time I'm going to sue the table instead of the floor - with clamps - hopefully I won't half kill myself in the process ;-)

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I don't get the "sue the table", but I understand it as you are going to baste on the table?

I use clamps at the sides, and masking table at the ends (unless the quilt is long enough to go to the ends of my table). I clamp/tape the backing down first, nice and straight. Then I add the batting and clamp/tape that down. Only then do I add the top.

I pin baste. Then I turn the sandwich over and _carefully_ check that there are no excess backing fabric between pins. Sometimes (ok, often) I'm off at the edges, so I redo that.

I know it is not cutting, but it pays of to take your time while basting (what is the basting/quilting version of "measure three times, cut once"?).

Hanne in London

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Hanne Gottliebsen

Oh, Jessamy, I can really sympathize! I've had to tear out quilting recently, too, and it's not nearly the fun that putting it in can be. :(

Whew! Good luck with the re-do!

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Sandy Foster

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