When Hug blocks are not used

That would be great - please return my blocks to me because I have already made a quilt and forwarded to FM3 Figaroa - when no one showed much interest in making one at the time the Tyler Hug was mentioned. The label says it is from all us at RCTQ and the card explained that we were all friends and acquaintances of Tylers Mom and wanted to let him know how much we appreciated him for protecting and caring for Tyler so he could come home to his Mom. I wrapped the quilt around some Chocolate Chip cookies and fudge carefully packed in tins inside large zip bags. Haven't heard back yet if it arrived and can imagine that it probably takes some time for APO addresses. My email was included so he could reach me that way with little trouble. I'm sure he is a very busy youngman and didn't want to cause him any trouble.

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Oh - one last thing - in the letter I sent in the card. I told him no thanks was needed because we knew he was busy doing his job. That may be why I haven't heard from him.

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I do not have access to my early posts on this, but I do believe I mentioned that I would be assembling this quilt. I have limited use of my left hand and cannot maneuver a full quilt through my sewing machine. Sorry for any confusion.

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Betsy Ross

You do the work, you choose. You made it clear from the beginning what would happen to any "overflow" of blocks, I fully knew that, when I sent mine.

A hug is a hug is a hug, no matter who needs and gets it.


Betsy Ross schrieb:

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I agree with Mary. Hopefully the one that wants her blocks back will use them to make a quilt for the storm victims. However, if this is the way she is, maybe she'd best not make any more hug blocks, as they might no be used the way she wants. I find it hard to believe anyone on this list is so nasty. Gen

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I am usually a lurker, but I couldn't keep quiet on this one.

Susan/Betsy, you are doing a wonderful thing with the Quilts of Valor. I have emailed you that I am doing quite a few blocks - indeed, it will be a large package when I am through (won't be for awhile though). I don't know who will get them, but I am picking out special blocks that have meaning to our country. I only want to help in a small way to make someone happy while I can.

I don't know Tyler, Figuora or Connie, and I didn't send a hug block for this quilt. I think that the host should use what she can to make the quilt "work" with the blocks and the total size of the quilt. I think if you participate in a hug quilt that you should realize that your block may not be used for whatever reason. If that is real important to you, then be sure and send a SASE with you block with the request that it be returned to you if not used. If you make a block and it doesn't get used in this particular hug, but will be used in another charitable quilt, then the goal is the same.

If you know the person very well that the hug is being made for, then perhaps you should host it and set your own "rules" or make a quilt yourself to give from yourself alone.

I know before I joined the hug list that I asked what happened to extra blocks and was told that there usually aren't too many extras and if so, they find their way into another hug quilt.

I think Susan/Betsy for her QOV and Karen, Queen of Squishies as hug list host, do a wonderful and thankless job - more than I can do right now. I can make blocks and as long as they are used in a charitable way, then I don't care. I think any quilt larger than a king size would be way too heavy for use, washing, displaying . . . etc.

I am glad I only lurk - as by now, after reading all of this, you guys probably are too, as I hate getting all these hurtful emails.


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Hey, you know what? If I made a block for a hug and it wasn't used, I would STILL feel like my love went into that quilt. Quilt blocks don't have an expiration date and they won't go out of style. They will get used somewhere

I'm sorry you were subjected to such abuse, Susan. Some people do things for all the wrong reason.


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Except for my prayers and good wishes, I did not participate in this hug. It interested me, but my sewing stuff was all packed away for awhile. Even so, I have an opinion. Of course ... I always have an opinion!! :)

My never humble opinion is that you did a good deed and I thank you for your contributions to this news group. If someone is not happy with your efforts, that does not reflect on *you.* As my Kid Sis always points out: what goes around, comes around!!

Take care. PAT > Today I received a very sad email message. When I began collecting


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Pat in Virginia

I see nothing wrong with asking for the blocks back if the maker wants them. However, it seems to me the request could have been stated in a nicer way.

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Pam in Spencerport

From what I could see your first msg. stated you would use what was needed and the overflow would go to another quilt. WIth things crazy here at the house and knowing you would have more than enough I didn't send one. You were clear and there isn't any reason to apologize. Don't let a few spoil the wonderful job you have done. Return the blocks requested, send on the quilt with the great wishes it has and let the rest go. I haven't read the other responses so will be interested in doing so. You just need to know you did fine and don't let someone's bad feelings spoil the whole thing. Taria

Betsy Ross wrote:

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Why do you assume it was cold-hearted and rude? It sounded very hurt to me. I know I would feel hurt if I sent in one of the earliest blocks but it wasn't deemed good enough to use.

I think this note came from hurt feelings, not cold-heartedness.

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the black rose

Susan, I sent you two blocks....one for Tyler and the other to be used for another quilt of valor. How you chose to use them, I left up to you. I figured that was how all hug quilts were made. I didn't know that conditions were attached to anything sent in kindness.

The quilt you made is beautiful and I'm sorry that you are having to go thru this hard time when all you were doing was sharing the love of a quilt made by many hands.

In my book, you did share love and I want to thank you again for letting me a part of your giving.

Donna in WA

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I was going to stay away from this debate for a number of reasons, first and foremost was because I was unable to contribute to this hug. Secondly because I can see, and empathise with both sides.

From my understanding (and it could be wrong) I was under the impression that blocks were all blocks were used - either in front or on back, or perhaps I think someone even made some pillow covers. For this hug Betsy made it clear that those "leftover" blocks would be used for some other soldier. Fine, I can agree with that. But what I can see is the other persons side too. They didn't think they'd be a "leftover". They made the block with all the love and care they could muster, got it in early, and for whatever reason got deemed a leftover. They thought because they were in early they would be used in Tylers hug and that is who they made the block for. I can see why they'd want it returned. And why they'd want an explanation.

I may have felt the same way, I may not.

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Sharon Harper

Susan and other Hug participants

I thankyou you for all your work on the Tyler Hug. I was honoured to participate and would not have been offended if my block had not been included, and would certainly never have asked for it to be returned. I did not sign my block as it was a gift that required no acknowledgement.

Perhaps in future the people who want their blocks returned to them if they are not included in the quilts should make that clear and include a return envelope with their block. The phrasing of the request to return the blocks in question was - to say the least - insensitive. The decision of one individual to forward a quilt in the name of the group because she apparently did not consider our group response quick enough was also - IMVHO - a tiny bit mean spirited as it implied that our efforts were not satisfactory. I had understood that blocks from the Tyler hug that were not included in his quilt would go to HM Figaro. I would have been happy to see my block so used, but have now been denied the opportunity to contribute to this second quilt. As a retired military person (albeit from another country) I would like to have done so. And I sincerely hope that this comment will not lead to a further outpouring as I in no way question the wonderful sentiments behind the gesture of the second quilt.

I am new to the hug list and would love to continue to participate, but I do not give gifts with strings. I have just offered to participate in the latest hug request but am now uncertain as I do not wish to become embroiled in this sort of exchange. The quilters who offer to host a hug do so voluntarily and give generously of their time and resources. I am not in a position to do this and I am grateful to all of them for the enormous amount of work they do and for the opportunity they give me to contribute sometimes in small ways I can manage.

If there are rules about hugs I would like to know what they are so I can make an informed decision about whether I can accept them. I have read all the posts on this subject and am now left with the feeling that long-term hug participants may have expectations or assumed knowledge that I do not have. If there are "traditions" or rules, please do not assume that everyone knows them unless they are sent out with each and every hug request.

I have seen that some of the hug quilts have been enormous to accommodate all the blocks sent, and can only repeat my very tentative (and promptly rejected) comments when the size of Tyler's quilt was being discussed in an earlier post. An enormous may be treasured, but may not necessarily be a practical blessing to the recipient. If you want to include a lot of blocks, might I humbly suggest that the host ask for smaller blocks. I personally could not use an enormous quilt. I could not lift it, or wash it, and I have nowhere to display it. Tyler and HM Figaro will have problems even packing a normal sized quilt. The intention behind making an enormous quilt is wonderful, but I still believe that agreement on some size limitation would be more practical.

When I give a quilt I hope to see it used and worn out, and I certainly do not place conditions on my gifts. I have seen my quilts finish up as dog bedding, and it hasn't worried me. I might think twice about hand appliquing the recipient another quilt, but it would not cause me to comment to them or anyone else, and I would not be hurt. Nor would it stop me giving them another quilt in future. My gift was meant to give pleasure, and they may adore their dog! Other people may - indeed probably do - have different views.

(I just got such a quilt back for "repairs" from a single male friend. He has no wife or mother to care for his quilt and it is showing definite signs of wear and tear. I also suspect that his beloved dog may be allowed to sleep on it sometimes, judging from it's appearance. It cost me considerable time and effort to make this quilt and I am thrilled to see it so used, and I was touched that he was so anxious to get it repaired and returned. I intend to repair it, wash it and send it back to be further abused - and loved! And when it falls apart if I can still sew I will replace it.)

Susan, I sent my block to you to be used as you saw fit. I did not attach any conditions to my gift.

If there are rules that imply conditions I would like to know what they are as I might not agree with them and will therefore have to decline to take part in future hugs.

In the meantime - thankyou so very much Susan for making such a beautiful quilt for Tyler. I don't know him or his mother but my best wishes went with my block to them, and I think the wishes are more important than the block. I would happily participate in any Hug you hosted in future and would fully expect you to use any blocks I sent as you saw fit, subject only to the NG's Hug rules allowing this.

I will now wait to see what the rules are before sending more hug blocks.

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a bit presumptuous to send a quilt in the name of hundreds without asking IMO

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Truly do not know what to say. I'm sitting here with my jaw dropped. I say return the block to that person, no note or anything. Just move on. continute making extra quilts if you can do so with the left over blocks. Hug blocks are made to hug. It shouldn't matter whom. You did right and don't feel bad for it because you did nothing wrong. In fact you should pat yourself on the back!! Take Care Joanna

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I'm the one who sent the email and I posted the same request to return my blocks to me here on the NG PRIOR to sending one to the private mail box. You know now that what you said in this email is a LIE and based on preconceived PREJUDICE and misguided loyalty. Get over yourself!!

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The maker said that the Tyler Hug was being sent out to a machine quilter so there is no reason why it couldn't be a larger quilt. But that point is moot. My blocks were the size requested by the maker and mine was the 3rd block received as evidenced by her own emails sent to this NG - she didn't like my block and didn't WANT to use it for reasons unknown to me or this group. I will gladly take this project on and finish the quilt with ALL the blocks and have it machine quilted by the lady in Romance, AR who machine quilts for me. At least this way this young man and his mother will know everyone who made a block because each contributer will be represented WITHOUT PREJUDICE.

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ABUSE???????? Not farthing likely. Send all the blocks and the top to me. I will complete it with everyones blocks and have it machine quilted. At least Connie and Tyler will will know all who contributed are represented in the HUG

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Exactly, send the blocks and top to me - I will complete it with ALL the blocks contributed.

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