May Challenge Finally Finished

Thanks, Lynne. Sandy

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My children never had the kind of grandparents they could go visit or would take them anywhere, or come to their ball games or even graduation. My Mom tried to come back into their lives when they were teens and it wasn't the same. She is there for the youngest two, though. I will never forget my oldest DS at around age 8 saying how he wished he had a grandmother to bake cookies and cakes, take him on vacations and go spend holidays with like his friends. I cried..........then I vowed to be there for my grandchildren - not only does this mean a lot to them, but it means so much for my children. I'm not a babysitter for my grandchildren, I'm their grandmother! They have drawers with clothes at my house, they go on trips with us, I go to ball games, heat start graduations, birthday parties, etc.....I have even driven to South Carolina to attend a special event. Whenever I hear a grandparent (or a Dad) say I have to babysit my grandchildren (or child) I have to bite my tongue........ Sorry....totally off subject. I'm on the bandwagon - I had a Dad at the daycare ask me yesterday if I would work Saturday because he has the day off and his wife has to work and he doesn't want to be stuck with the "kid." He usually works 6 days a week. I just smiles and calmly said "I don't work weekends, sorry." Sandy

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Hey Sandy,

You have my respect sounds like you are a great mom and grandmother. That's all our kids want is our attention. I have stayed home with my children and have been looked down upon many times for doing it by working parents. I just smile and think about all the love and time I get with my kids. They'll never get it. There is plenty of time for me to work when they get older. My son said yesterday as I made Basil sauce with meat his favorite, "Mom just when I think I can't love you any more because you are my mom and I love you... you make my favorite sauce and I think I love you just a smidge more." I had to laugh and thought I need to write that in my cooking scrapbook. Here I thought I was just making dinner I didn't know I was making a memory.


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King's Crown

I was at home with my oldest two and can say those are special memories for me. I went back to school when my third one came along, but she was able to go with me much of the time. After I got my AS degree I went to work for my sister at her preschool and my DD went with me so we were together every day. I worked out of the home when the fourth came along and she spent her first five years in daycare, but it was my sister's daycare which helped, and it was across the street from our house and her older sister would get her after school. When the youngest came along I told DH I couldn't do it again. I had been an advocate in our county for quality childcare. Was part of a committee for five years before his birth that was a driving force in getting the providers licensed, scheduling training programs, helping develop a provider lending library of resources (for both licensed and unlicensed providers). That helped my decision to open a childcare. DS has been at home with me since he was 1 (that's when I quit my previous job). He may have to share me with 7-9 other children, but it's a family childcare and we are one big happy family - most of the time. My 29 year old DD called me yesterday and said "Do you remember the book about the toothfairy you used to read to me when I was little? The girls are getting ready to loose teeth and I need to find it for them." I still have the book. She was thrilled. Another memory for my altered book box. I keep adding notes, poems, pics, and embellishments to the box. One of these days I will get it started. Sandy

"King's Crown" wrote in message news:2SFne.5143$

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Good for you, Sandy. I still don't have a real close relationship with my maternal grandmother, and she's the only grandparent I have left. It's sad sometimes the way she treats people, because all she does is push them away. I'm thankful that my kids have wonderful caring grandparents. Both kiddos are very close with my parents and MIL. My FIL remarried the same year DH & I married, and for some reason, we don't see them as much as we all want. (I really think it's because FIL & his wonderful wife are very willing to let DH, kids & I be a family and not interfere.) Anyways, I'm babbling. LOL I'm so glad that my kids will have wonderful memories of their grandparents.

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Deb in AR

I stayed home with DD for the first year. Then it was like a light switch. I wanted to get back in the work field. So she was in daycare for 18 months, until DS was born. By the 3rd trimester with DS, I was ready to go back home and be a SAHM again. I missed seeing my little girl every day and all the little things she was doing. I wanted to be the one who was there when DS woke up from a nap, heard his first word, took him for his checkups...all those things I did with DD. I've never regretted staying home with my kids. DH loves it, too. His coworkers, or someone he runs into through work/etc, will ask him "What does your wife do?" He very proudly tells them, "She's a stay at home mom." It's going to be awfully quiet around here next fall because DS will be in Pre-K & DD will be in 2nd grade. Just think of all the scrapbooking I can get done!! LOL

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Deb in AR

I remember thinking wow all the time I'll have when DD and DS are in school full time. HA! I really feel like I have no more time. I just do the same things I just don't have a child under foot. I do from time to time take a day and have fun. Every now and then I'll even treat myself to a nap. I figure I'm on duty 24/7 I deserve to take some time to myself. Hubby comes home wants to relax a little. I cook dinner, homework with the kids and then get everyone off to bed. When I kid wakes up sick, who do they want... Mom. So, when I do an occasional matinee with a fellow SAHM I don't feel one bit guilty.


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King's Crown

Lynne, thanks for that warm insight of your child. I think you are doing a wonderful job!

Hugs, Sabrina in Kentucky

a good friend is a life long treasure

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Great work on the challenge album Sandy.

Teresa in MD

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Thanks. Sandy

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