OT: I'm back home!

We just got in yesterday evening. I had a couple emails about the embellishement box, but it's all sorted out. There's 2 more left after Mel, who has it now, then it heads back here. Hopefully things will be a little quieter around me and I can do another round, we'll have to see.

The day we left for NM, I accidentally stepped on Digit. I cried!!! I immediately called DH because Digit was limping, and we agreed to take him to the vet. Thankfully he was ok. No breaks or fractures, and was able to come home before we left. He stayed at our pastor's house, where he came from in the first place while we were gone. Needless to say, I spent the first couple days of our vacation worring about Digit. LOL But he was very happy to be home, and very happy that we're home.

Vacation was wonderful! I have pictures on CD...somewhere in this house. I know where I put the CD when we were packing at my parents, but not sure where it went to after unloading yesterday evening. The kids had lots of fun playing with their cousin, who will be 4 next month. On Friday of the first week, Mom & Dad booted everyone out of the house for "Nana & Papa Day" with their 3 grandkids. We went to my brother's house so DH could fix their computer while I got a chance to visit with my SIL. Then we all met my sister & BIL for lunch. All in all, we had a great time kidding each other, and just enjoying each other's company. Meanwhile, the kids painted with Nana, played outside, ate lunch, watched movies, played inside, and took naps. Mom taught DD how to tie a quilt. Mom wound up finishing it herself, but sent it home with DD for her baby dolls.

Of course, our 2nd week was our mission trip to Juarez, Mexico. All but my brother, SIL, and their son (the almost 4 yr old) were able to go. We thoroughly enjoyed it! We were working with a missionary couple who live there. We were working in one of the "colonias" there. We handed out tracts and went door to door for a couple hours before lunch, and even the kids got involved! Due to the heat, we had the afternoon to ourselves to prepare for the Bible classes in the evening. Of course, it was the pefect time to let both kids rest. I think DD fell asleep one day, the other days she drew or laid down quietly...or close to it. LOL She saw myself, her Nana, and aunt all writing in our journals every night, so somewhere in the week, DD started the same thing in her notebook.

I have to say, though, the Bible classes were my favorite part. DH & I taught the children, ages 6 - 12. My sister taught the preschoolers. Mom taught the women, and Dad wound up with the men and teens. DH & I wound up with about 30 kids! And these kids were so precious. Of course, one of the missionaries was translating for us. DD made friends with this one little girl, and was sad to have to leave. None of us were happy about leaving! Some of the kids came back for 4 or 5 hugs. A couple of the girls wanted to know if DH & I would like to live in Juarez, and said they didn't want us to go. That was tough. But we've all agreed we want to go back next year. The missionaries will continue working in that colonia, but have said we could work in the same place next year, if we want to.

Of course, we did get to go shopping one day! The missionaries took us to a glass blowing shop/factory. It's the same factory my grandparents used to take us when I was a little girl. The kids and DH had never seen anyone blowing glass, and if you've never seen it, it's so neat to watch. These men were masters at their work. They never said a word to each other, but knew instinctively what the other needed. In the same building, used to be a restaurant with a mariachi band. When I was 3, I danced for the mariachi band. The restaurant was closed and now in it's place was a night club. My sneaky father found a back door in the glass shop that led to where the restaurant used to be! He quietly showed the way to sis and I. Boy did that bring back memories. I didn't take pics because the place was empty, and people were up on the balcony. I really didn't want us to get caught somewhere we shouldn't be! We also went to the marketplace. I think we all shopped till we dropped!

Well, I really need to get back to unpacking. I need to get our trip bags unpacked. I'll try to catch up on posts as I can!

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Deb in AR
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Linda C

Sounds like ya'll had a great trip!! The mission trip sounds awesome. I've never seen glassblowing before. On one of our vacations we saw a guy painting with spray paint and a blowtorch. That was pretty neat.


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Good to have ya back Deb! I'm glad to hear that you had a fun and safe trip.

Katrina in KS

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