OT: It's been a rather stressful week!

I'd like to apologize if I've been a little less present lately. My health has been a little on the iffy side for a while and this was medical test week. During my annual exam 3 weeks ago the Dr felt a mass. So I had a rather invasive ultrasound test and thankfully it wasn't on an ovary but just a fibroid in the uterus. Not fun but at my venerable (lol) age, not as scary as the possibilities a mass on the ovary would present . Next, because my fingers have been numb every single day, non-stop since April on both hands, I had to go for EMGs first on one hand on Thursday and then on the other hand yesterday. If you've have an EMG, you know it isn't up there on the fun tests to have, though it isn't life threatning. To have two done in a rowis a little daunting. It really wasn't a big surprise after all these months to hear that I've got Carpal Tunnel in both hands, my left worse than right. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is a very mild case and 10 is the worst he's seen I'm a 7 and a 6. Thank goodness for having a high pain threshhold! 3 minutes into the first test the neurologist was talking surgery and what's scarrier, he's not even the one that gets to do it. Frankly, from what I've read, surgery for this is something that I'd like to avoid. You folks will understand how, to someone like me who loves to create things with my hands, not having working hands is right up there next in line to not being able to see.

So now you know why my postings, though not my caring for the group has been a little patchy lately.

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Yes, it sounds like you're having a stressful time, but I think you're keeping up with the group better than you think.

I'm glad at least they finally figured out what was wrong with your hands after all this time. It's so hard when the docs don't know what's wrong with a person.

Post when you can, but take care of yourself that's what's most important.


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King's Crown

MC- Not sure what is worse, going through the tests, or the waiting to know if its something serious. EMG's are downright painful, and if you had the sort of ultrasound I think you had, I'm sure that wasn't a joy either. I'm so glad you don't have anything wrong with your ovaries!

As for the carpal tunnel, I know a lot of people who have the surgery and have had really good outcomes. Maybe try the non-dominant hand first if you're thinking about it, so your not totally incapacitated? If not surgery, are you going to PT or wearing splints? or both?

Please keep us posted. And I hope next week is more relaxing for you. Kathy

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Have they tested your back & neck at all?

When I was having carpal tunnel symptoms they found that the source of much of mine is in my back. Now that I'm aware of that & what it feels like there when my hands are worse compared to when they don't bother me, I've learned to take a mental inventory to see if that's the source of the current flare up. If it is, I work on relaxing the knots in that area & it helps with my hands. I wear a brace at night on my right wrist (supposed to be both, but I can get away without the left one) & between the two things mine is much more under control than it was when I was diagnosed several years ago. Might not "cure" you, but if yours starts in the back line mine & you learn to loosen that area up, it might ease the symptoms in your wrists some.

Hope you're pain free soon!


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Can diffently understand why you are stressed, you have a lot going on. I think you have been keeping up on the group more then you may feel you have. Your fine MC don't worry about us, take care of yourself. Best of wishes to you.


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you take care of yourself anyway you can. yuck on the invasive ultrasound i know first hand they are not fun. but carpal tunnel no big deal, some ortho's still do the release the old fashion way tearing up your entire palm, some of the newer ones are less invasive and the hand surgeons here are very good with the smaller incisions. you can't even see my incision ..... for me good choice of dr, & A great outcome, had it done in thurs and was back to work on mon in a splint.

i th> I'd like to apologize if I've been a little less present lately. My health

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Praying for you, M-C. {{{{{{{{{Healing Hugs}}}}}}}}

Carolyne > I'd like to apologize if I've been a little less present lately. My health

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Hello M-C

I feel your pain...doing the same job for 23 years it was bound to happen. I also have Carpal tunnel in both hands my right one is worse. It goes numb whenever I grip anything for a short period of time whether it be the steering wheel, phone, or mouse. I wear the splint to bed on my right hand and it does seem to help. I don't want to have the surgery because although people say it seems to help some of them have to have it redone after a few years so I am trying to avoid it. The EMG wasn't too bad...I think the only bad part was the wrist where he started. He says "now don't move " and then jolts my wrist with a shock! Well I wasn't prerpared for that so naturally my hand flew up in the air...lol At least he could have warned me what was gonna happen.

As for the Fibroids I had numerous fibroids and they caused all sorts of problems heavy bleeding, passing clots, ect The Doc did a D&C which helped for six months and then I was back where I started and worse 30 day periods ect so I told him I couldn't do this anymore so fortunatly I had a good Doc that went along with me and I had a hysterectomy in

2001. I have been doing great since. There are other options now though so if your problem gets worse look into it...don't suffer

Well enough of my life story...lol Good luck to you, Michelle P.

M-C wrote:

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Sorry to hear that you've been through the ringer lately M-C... I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. luv Cec...xxx

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Sorry to hear that you have had such a rough week. I've had both type of test and neither one was much fun. I'm glad you finally got a diagnosis.

I understand your feelings about not being able to do things with your hands. When I was first diagnosed with RA, my hands and fingers were so swollen and sore that I couldn't do crafting of any type. I felt like I had lost part of myself.

Post when you can, and take care of yourself.

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MC -

Ugh - sounds like a tough time! I am glad you at least have answers as to what's been going on, I hate the not knowing, myself.

Good luck with all of it, and don't worry about us! Take care of yourself!

We love you -


M-C wrote:

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Oh M-C! Sounds like it has been really stressful, please take care of yourself and do what the dr.s say. I'll be saying prayers you get to feeling better and your hands get better.

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When it rains it pours, MC! But I'm glad they found out what's wrong with your hands, and that they found the fibroid now instead of later. Just take care of yourself, and do what the doctors say!

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Deb in AR

I'm sorry to read this and I know how scared you must be! hug and prayers go out to you! Barb:o)

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