please pray for my princess

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How much will it cost to get Princess looked at? I can spare a couple of dollars to lend you. I remember when my Westie, Ollie, was so sick with cancer that our Vet really let us pay on a payment plan.

e-mail me off board if I can help. It's not much but I'm willing to forgo a couple of stamps and stickers to help a friend in need.

Hugs, Kate

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Thanks but she seems to be doing better.. I just came on to post that she again is following me around (before she was moping and wouldn't move)... she left a few really bad.. um... presents for us... is now climbing stairs again and eating and drinking....

Hubby and I think from the combination of being scared of the girls (her daughters) and the stairs and being in pain that they were doing their rambuncious playing and hurt her and possibly on the stairs or near them... her back hurt bad after that and she just wanted to lay. The emergency vet told us a pumpkin trick incase she was blocked (thanks MC) that produced.. um... very loose presents... LOL... she wasn't blocked... so we called and they said baby asprin.. one half of a tablet... so we gave her that and she seems to have pepped up big time since then... she has her goofy happy face on again and is my shadow again... that tells me she will be okay. We are going to take her to the vet after next weekend (when we get paid)....

Thank you all so much for your prayers for my kiddo. I know its just a dog but I believe that God cares about all his creatures big or small.

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Wow you brought back memories of my childhood pet. I remember now that my mom gave him baby aspirin and had a heated vibrating massager. She left it plugged in in the living room. The poodle would go over every now and then and paw at it to let us know he wanted a heated massage. And one of us would rub it on his back and he would just lay there and enjoy it. Yes, he had back paid too. So, maybe one of those microwave heating pads might be nice for your baby if you have one. If don't let me know.


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King's Crown

Ronni -- I've been swamped the past week so I'm just now seeing these posts. I'm so very glad to hear Princess is feeling better. Just wanted to send some hugs your way...

-- Amy L.

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Amy in Springboro

thanks hon... she is back to her old spoiled self now.. :D

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