Upholstery- or I recovered a chair!

Hi everyone After a 7 week stint in the US (where I aquired a few more sewing supplies) and a few weeks back home getting resettled, I am now back in business. I have been redecorating the playroom and the girls bedrooms for the last week. This entailed first repairing all the furniture that had fallen apart, then mending all the shades that weren't functioning. Next, I sewed new curtains for the younger 2 girls room. There I found a lovely piece of Barbie fabric, 3 yds that I bought at a remant sale (and didn't know I had). They were thrilled. Then I replaceds the torn room-darkening shade with a white one (claims to be room darkening as well) and stenciled flowers on it to match the curtains. The worst job so far has been re-upholstering an airchair that we got from an estate sale, the old fashioned kind with horsehair stuffing or something. I bought teddy-bear tapestry fabric 5 yrs. ago to recover it but haven't dared until now. I was afraid to remove the old cover to use for a pattern for fear of it falling apart. So I made a newspaper pattern. The cover had to be partially sewn on the machine and then hand sewn onto to chair because of the armrests. I gave it a new layer of padding underneath, no cover up possible mistakes. I now just had to find a way to attach buttons to keep the front part from sagging and finish off the raw edges with braid. The original cover had braid hand sewn all the way around the seams.

Well, off the work. I still have to sew curtains for the lower bunk of the bunk bed with the left over Barbie fabric and I may be done!

Kirsten Sollie Heimdal Norway -- Kirsten H. Sollie Heimdal, Norway

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Kirsten H. Sollie
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Upholstery- or I recovered a chair!

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